Ø      Abid Hussain Committee and Kapoor Committee

Ø      Accounting Standard (AS‑7) on Accounting for Construction Contracts     

Ø      Ad hoc or Temporary Limits          

Ø      Advance Against Goods Sent on Consign­ment Basis          

Ø      Advance Against Retention Money

Ø      Advance Against Undrawn Balance           

Ø      Advance Payment Received           

Ø      Advance, Classification of  

Ø      Advances against Banks own Deposits       

Ø      Advances Against Claims of Duty Drawback

Ø      Advances against Export Bills Sent on Collection

Ø      Advances Against Government Securities, National Savings Certificates, Post-Office Term Deposits,  etc.

Ø      Advances against Life Insurance Policies

Ø      Advances Against Relief Bonds      

Ø      Advances Against Shares/Debentures etc., Revised Guidelines for  

Ø      Advising and Confirming Export Letters of Credit   

Ø      Agriculture, Advances for  

Ø      All India Financial Institutions, Other          


Ø      Annual Operating Statement for Construction Companies   


Ø      Application Forms for Financial Assistance from Banks      

Ø      Arbitration Scheme to Speed up Recovery Process

Ø      Artisans, Village and Cottage Industries, Facilities to           

Ø      Association of Commercial Banks with the Project Appraisal Undertaken by all India Financial  Institution

Ø      ATM Cards          

Ø      Audit Report for Non‑Corporate Borrowers

Ø      Audit Report, Specimen of an Unqualified

Ø      Balance Sheet and P & L A/c        

Ø      Balance Sheet for Non‑Corporate Manufacturing Entities   

Ø      Balance Sheet for Non‑Corporate Trading Entities 

Ø      Balance Sheet, RBI Guidelines for Classification of Various Items of           

Ø      Bank Advance for Construction Companies           

Ø      Bank Advance for Film Industry     

Ø      Bank Advances Against Miscellaneous Securities

Ø      Bank Advances Against Shares, Debentures, Units and Bonds       

Ø      Bank Charges                    

Ø      Bank Finance & Lending Norms for Leasing & Hire Purchase Concerns

Ø      Bank Loans for Financing Promoters Contribution

Ø      Banks, Facilities Available from

Ø      Borrowal Accounts, Review of

Ø      Break‑even Analysis

Ø      Bridge Loans, Granting of

Ø      Caps and Collars

Ø      Cash Budget, Draft

Ø      Cash Credit Limit, Bifurcation of

Ø      Cash Credit Limits against Book Debts

Ø      Cash Credit, Loan and Bills Facilities, Continuation of

Ø      Cash Flow

Ø      Charge, Registration of

Ø      Charges, Types of

Ø      Charging of Securities and Documentation

Ø      Charging of Securities and Documentation

Ø      Chore Committee

Ø      CMA Data Base Forms

Ø      Co‑acceptance of Bills

Ø      Commercial Bank vis‑a‑vis Granting of Term Loans

Ø      Commercial Banks, Role of

Ø      Commercial Paper, Issue of

Ø      Commercial Viability

Ø      Concession to Trade & Industry in State of Jammu & Kashmir

Ø      Consignment export to CIS and East European Countries

Ø      Consortium Advances

Ø      Consortium of Banks and Financial Institutions

Ø      Convertibility Clause

Ø      Credit Available on Purchases

Ø      Credit Cards

Ø      Credit Exposure to Industry or Certain Sectors                  

Ø      Credit Limits by Banks, Sanctioning of                   

Ø      Creditors Ratio                  

Ø      Currency Futures               

Ø      Currency Option                

Ø      Currency Options and FEDAI Guidelines

Ø      Current Assets, Level of 

Ø      Current Ratio                     

Ø      Debit Cards/Smart Cards

Ø      Debt Equity Ratio

Ø      Debt Equity Ratio

Ø      Debt Service Coverage Ratio

Ø      Debtors Ratio

Ø      Debts, Recovery of

Ø      Default Control Measures

Ø      Deferred Payment Guarantees (DPGs) by Banks Exclusively for Financing of Project, Issue of        

Ø      Diamond Exporters, Banking Facilities to

Ø      Disbursement and Utilisation of Loan          

Ø      Documentation and Disbursement of Rupee Term Loans

Ø      Documentation

Ø      Domestic Resources Cost

Ø      Drawee Bill Scheme

Ø      ECB, Procedure for Raising

Ø      ECB Application for permission to raise External Commercial Borrowings under Short Term  Loan/Credit /USD 5/10 million Scheme 

Ø      ECB 2: Details of Actual Transactions of Foreign Currency Loans/Financial Lease (Other Than  Short‑term Foreign Currency Loans)          

Ø      ECB 5: Statement Showing Drawals, Utilisation, Repayment and Outstandings of Short‑term Foreign  Currency Loan/ Credit for the Month ended………           

Ø      ECB Approval, Format for Providing Information to Department of Economic Affairs.Ministry of  Finance for Seeking

Ø      ECB Guidelines ‑ Modifications Issued in February, 2000  

Ø      ECB Guidelines ‑ Modifications Issued in June, 2000         

Ø      ECB Guidelines ‑ Modifications Issued in September, 2000           

Ø      ECB Guidelines ‑ Modifications Issued in July, 2002          

Ø      ECB Guidelines ‑ Modifications Issued in September, 2002           

Ø      ECB Guidelines ‑ Modifications Issued in November, 2003

Ø      ECB, FEMA Regulations

Ø      ECB, Govt. Policy on

Ø      ECB, Modes of Raising

Ø      ECB, Procedure for Raising under Automatic

Ø      ECB, Sources of

Ø      ECBs, Types of

Ø      Education

Ø      Environmental & Economic Viability           

Ø      Equipment Leasing & Hire Purchase Companies, No Bridge Loan/Interim Finance to         

Ø      Equipment Leasing (EL) Companies, Bank Finance to        

Ø      Estimated Profitability Statement    

Ø      Exchange Risk       

Ø      Exchange Risk Management, RBI Guidelines on     

Ø      Exchange Risk Management, RBI Regula­tions on   

Ø      Exim Bank Finance

Ø      Exim,Bank, Addresses of Offices of

Ø      Exim Bank, Financing Programmes

Ø      Exim Bank, Goods Eligible for Finance under Commercial Export Credit

Ø      Exim Bank, Promotional Programmes

Ø      Exim Bank's Foreign Currency Pre­shipment Credit (FCPC Scheme)

Ø      Export Credit in Foreign Currency

Ø      Export Credit­

Ø      Export Finance for Storing and Sale through Warehouses Abroad              

Ø      Export Guarantees                         

Ø      Exports of Goods for Exhibition and Sale

Ø      Exports on consignment basis to Russian Federation against Repayments of State Credits   

Ø      Exposure to Unsecured Guarantees and Unsecured Advances                    

Ø      External Commercial Borrowings               

Ø      External Commercial Borrowings, Guidelines on Policies and Procedures for 1999‑2000                

Ø      Factoring by ECGC

Ø      Factoring by SIDBI

Ø      Factoring Services by Banks, RBI Guidelines on

Ø      Factoring

Ø      Finance to Hi‑Tech Agricultural Projects

Ø      Finance, Means of             

Ø      Finance, Raising of             

Ø      Finance, Sources of                       

Ø      Financial Appraisal by Commercial Banks Techniques of                

Ø      Financial Stake of the Promoters/Owners and Solvency of the Concern                  

Ø      Financial Structure             

Ø      Financial Viability               

Ø      Financing 'Infrastructure Projects', Guidelines on                 

Ø      Financing of Cost Overrun of Projects                    

Ø      Financing of Infrastructure Projects            

Ø      Financing the Sales Receivables                 

Ø      Fixed‑rate Borrowings                   

Ø      Food and Agro‑Based Processing Sector

Ø      Foreign Currency Loan from IDBI, Obtaining

Ø      Foreign Currency Loans from Financial Institutions and Banks                    

Ø      Foreign Currency Loans, Methods of Raising

Ø      Foreign Currency, Selection of                   

Ø      Foreign Currency‑Rupee Swaps    

Ø      Foreign Exchange Dealers Association of India (FEDAI)                

Ø      Foreign Exchange Management (Borrowing or Lending in Foreign Exchange) Regulations, 2000, Text of

Ø      Foreign Exchange Management (Foreign Exchange Derivative Contracts) Regulations, 2000, Text  

Ø      Forfaiting as an Instrument of Export Finance         


Ø      Form A : Operating Statement for IT/ Software Companies

Ø      Form B : Analysis of Balance Sheet for­ IT/Software Companies     

Ø      Form C : Projected Cash Budget for a period of 12 months for IT/Software Companies     

Ø      Form D: Contract Economics Programming Services/Software Projects etc. for IT/ Software Companies


Ø      Form I : Particulars of the Existing Limits from the Banking System/Financial Institutions (for Leasing & Hire Purchase Concerns)   

Ø      Form I : Particulars of the Existing Limits from the Banking System (for Diamond Exporters)           


Ø      Form I: Particulars of the Existing/Proposed Limits from the Banking System (For Manufacturers)   


Ø      Form I : Particulars of the Existing/Proposed Limits from the Banking System (For Traders and  Merchant Exporters)


Ø      Form II : Assessment of Working Capital Requirements (for Diamond Exporters)

Ø      Form II: Operating Statement (for Leasing & Hire Purchase Concerns)

Ø      Form II : Operating Statement (For Manufacturers)            

Ø      Form II : Operating Statement (For Traders & Merchant Exporters)           

Ø      Form III: Analysis of Balance Sheet (for Diamond Exporters)         

Ø      Form III: Analysis of Balance Sheet (for Leasing & Hire Purchase Concerns)

Ø      Form III: Analysis of Balance Sheet (For Manufacturers)    

Ø      Form III: Analysis of Balance Sheet (For Traders & Merchant Exporters)  

Ø      Form IV : Assessment of Maximum Permissible Bank Finance for Working Capital (for Leasing &  Hire Purchase Concerns)           

Ø      Form IV : Comparative Statement of Current Assets & Current Liabilities (For Manufacturers)       

Ø      Form IV: Comparative Statement of Current Assets and Current Liabilities (For Traders & Merchant  Exporters)

Ø      Form V: Computation of Maximum Permissible Bank Finance for Working Capital (For Traders &  Merchant Exporters)

Ø      Form V : Computation of Maximum Permissible Bank Finance for Working Capital (For  Manufacturers)

Ø      Form V : Funds Flow Statement (for Leasing & Hire Purchase Concerns)              

Ø      Form V: Statement showing the Total Cost of the Project and Sources of Finance               

Ø      Form VI: Funds Flow Statement (For Manufactures)

Ø      Form VI : Funds Flow Statement (For Traders & Merchant Exporters)                  

Ø      Form of undertaking to be obtained by banks from the clients who have, been extended credit for  doing any business relating to diamonds


Ø      Forward Exchange Contracts

Ø      Forward Exchange Contracts                     

Ø      Fund Based Facilities                     

Ø      Funds Flow Statement for Non‑Corporate Borrowers                    

Ø      General Conditions Applicable for Assistance                     

Ø      General Insurance Corporation of India                  

Ø      Gross Profit Ratio

Ø      Guarantees

Ø      Guarantees

Ø      Half‑yearly Funds Flow Statement Form (B) For Traders& Merchant Exporters                 

Ø      Half‑yearly Funds Flow Statement Form III(B) For Manufacturers             

Ø      Half‑yearly Operating Statement Form III(A) For Manufacturers                

Ø      Half‑yearly Operating Statement‑Form III(A) For Traders and Merchant Exporters

Ø      Hedging of Loan Exposures                       

Ø      Hire Purchase Concerns                

Ø      Housing Advances to Institutions/Public Agencies etc.                    

Ø      Housing Finance                

Ø      Housing Loan Scheme of Commercial Banks

Ø      Housing Loans from Other Agencies/ institutions

Ø      Housing

Ø      ICICI Limited

Ø      IDBI, Financial Services

Ø      IDBI, Lending Policies for Direct Assistance

Ø      IDBI, Lending Policies for Indirect Assistance

Ø      IDBI, Products and Services

Ø      IDBI, Schemes of Finance

Ø      IDFC, Exposure Norms

Ø      IFCI, Comprehensive Corporate Advisory Services

Ø      IFCI, Entrepreneurial Guidance

Ø      IFCI, Financial Services

Ø      IFCI, Project Financing

Ø      IFCI, Registered Office

Ø      IFCI, Restructuring of        

Ø      Import of Conflict Diamonds, Embargo on

Ø      Industrial Development Bank of India         

Ø      Industrial Development Bank of India, Addresses of Offices of       

Ø      Industrial Estates    

Ø      Industrial Investment Bank of India Ltd.


Ø      Information relating to Production   


Ø      Infrastructure Development Finance Co. Limited    

Ø      Infrastructure Lending, Definition of

Ø      Interest Rates on Advances

Ø      Internal Rate of Return       

Ø      Inventory Turnover Ratio   

Ø      IT Software/IT Service, Meaning of           

Ø      Kannan Committee Report on Working Capital Finance and withdrawal of Prescription Relating to  MPBF

Ø      Khadi and Village Industries, Sector

Ø      Kisan Credit Card Scheme (KCCS)

Ø      Lead Bank Charges

Ø      Lease Agreement, Parties to a

Ø      Lease Vis‑a‑Vis Hire Purchase

Ø      Leasing and Hire Purchase Activities Exposure Norms of Banks to 

Ø      Leasing, Advantages of

Ø      Leasing, Disadvantages of  

Ø      Leasing, Type of    

Ø      Lending by All India Financial Institutions

Ø      Lending Policies     

Ø      Letter of Credit      

Ø      Letter of Credit      

Ø      Licensing   

Ø      Life Insurance Corporation

Ø      Lines of Credit       

Ø      Liquid Surplus       

Ø      Loan System for Delivery of Bank Credit, Introduction of   

Ø      Loans to Self‑Help Groups (SHGs)/NGOs/ Micro Credit  

Ø      Lok Adalats for Small Loan Cases 

Ø      Managerial Competence    

Ø      Margin, Concept of           

Ø      Minority Communities, Credit Facilities to

Ø      MPBF, Withdrawal of Instructions relating to

Ø      NABARD, Other Refinance Facilities

Ø      NABARD, Production Credit

Ø      NABARD, Refinance for Rural Housing Activity    

Ø      NABARD, Types of Refinance Facilities

Ø      NABARD's Interest Rates on Schematic Refinance for Farm/Non‑Farm Sectors for all agencies

Ø      National Bank for Agricultural and Rural Development (NABARD)

Ø      National Minorities Development and Finance Corporation (NMDFC)

Ø      National Minorities Development and Finance Corporation (NMDFC)

Ø      National Scheduled Castes Finance and Development Corporation

Ø      National Small Industries Corporation Limited                    

Ø      National Wastelands Development Board

Ø      Net Present Value             

Ø      Nomination of Director                  

Ø      Non‑Banking Financial Companies Prudential Norms (Reserve Bank) Directions, 1998                  

Ø      Non‑Fund Based Facilities

Ø      Non‑Fund Based Facilities

Ø      Non‑Fund Based Facilities

Ø      Non‑fund Based facilities, RBI guidelines on

Ø      North‑Eastern Development Finance Corporation Ltd (NEDFI)

Ø      Operating Cycle Concept

Ø      Operating Profit Ratio

Ø      Operative Limits, Fixation of

Ø      Options Value, Determinants of

Ø      P.R. Nayak's Committee Report    

Ø      Personal Finance for Purchasing Cars                     

Ø      Personal Finance for Purchasing Consumer Durables Including Two Wheelers

Ø      Post Shipment Advances               

Ø      Post Shipment Credit on Deferred Payment Terms             

Ø      Post‑shipment Guarantee of ECGC                        

Ø      Pre‑shipment Credit in Foreign Currency (PCFC)

Ø      Preshipment Credit

Ø      Prime Minister's Rozgar Yojana(PMRY)

Ø      Priority Sector Advances

Ø      Priority Sector Advances, Common Guidelines for

Ø      Priority Sector Lending by Scheduled Commercial Banks (Excluding RRBs), Targets for                

Ø      Priority Sector, Lending to             

Ø      Priority Sector, Other Activities/Borrowers in the   

Ø      Professional & Self Employed Persons                   

Ø      Profit & Loss Account of Non‑Corporate Manufacturing Entities                

Ø      Profit and Loss Account for Non Corporate Trading Entities                      

Ø      Profitability Analysis           

Ø      Project Appraisal for Term Loan    

Ø      Project Cost, Determination of                   

Ø      Project Financing               

Ø      Project Loan Application For of IDBI

Ø      Project Report                   

Ø      Project Report, Explanatory Notes on Certain Crucial Aspects of   

Ø      Project, Cost of                 

Ø      Projected Balance Sheet    

Ø      Promoter's Contribution

Ø      Proposal for Assistance

Ø      Prudential Exposure Norms for Banks

Ø      Prudential Exposure Norms for Financial Institutions

Ø      Prudential Norms for Exposure Limits w.e.f. April, 2002

Ø      QIS Statements, Non Submission of

Ø      Quarterly Information System ‑ Form II For Manufacturers

Ø      Quarterly Information System ‑ Form II for Traders & Merchant Exporters

Ø      Quarterly Information System‑Form I for Traders and Merchant Exporters

Ø      Quarterly Information System‑Form I for Manufacturers

Ø      Quick or Acid test ratio

Ø      R.V. Gupta Committee Recommendations

Ø      Recovery of Debts Due to Banks and Financial Institutions Act, 1993

Ø      Repayment Period of Loans           

Ø      Reporting of Quarterly Data in 'Form A'

Ø      Reporting, New System of 

Ø      Retail Trade           

Ø      Return on Investment Ratio

Ø      Schedule of Rates of Interest, Fees and Other Charges in relation to Project Finance

Ø      Scheme for Liberation and Rehabilitation of Scavengers (SLRS)

Ø      Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002

Ø      Selective Credit Control

Ø      Sensitivity Analysis

Ø      SFCs/SIDCs, Financial Assistance to Medium Scale Units 

Ø      SFCs/SIDCs, Financial Assistance to Small Scale Units     

Ø      SFCs/SIDCs, Procedure for Loan 

Ø      SFCs/SIDCs, Resources of & Refinance from IDBI/SIDBI

Ø      SIDBI Offices

Ø      SIDBI, Various Schemes of

Ø      Small Business

Ø      Small Industries Development Bank of India

Ø      Small Road and Water Transport Operators

Ø      Small Scale (Industry related) Service & Business Enterprise (SSSBE)       

Ø      Small Scale and Ancillary Industries                                   

Ø      Small Scale Industrial Units

Ø      Small Scale Industries, Advances for

Ø      Small Scale Service & Business Enterprises  (SSSBE's)     

Ø      Small Scale Units, Financial Assistance to

Ø      Small Scale Units, Registration of   

Ø      Software Industry              

Ø      Special Audit Report         

Ø      SSI Investment Limit                      

Ø      SSI Units and Factoring     

Ø      State Financial Corporations (SFCs)                      

Ø      State Financial Corporations, List of           

Ø      State Industrial Development Corporations (SIDCs)           

Ø      State Industrial Development Corporations, List of

Ø      State Level Institutions       

Ø      State Sponsored Organisations for Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes                  

Ø      Style of Credit                   

Ø      Swarana Jayanati Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY)

Ø      Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana (SJSRY)

Ø      Syndication of Credit

Ø      Tandon, Chore, Kannan and Certain Other Committees Recommendations

Ø      Technical Feasibility                       

Ø      Technology/Technical Process       

Ø      Term Lending Institutions               

Ø      Term Loans for Import of Second Hand Machinery, Grant of

Ø      Tiny Enterprises

Ø      Tiny Sector, Facilities to

Ø      Total Indebtness Ratio

Ø      Tourism Finance Corporation of India Limited

Ø      Unit Trust of India

Ø      Venture Capital

Ø      Working Capital Finance by Non­ -Consortium Financial Institution             

Ø      Working Capital Finance to Information Technology (IT) and Software Industry

Ø      Working Capital Term Loan                      

Ø      Working Capital, Assessment of    

Ø      Working Capital, Format for Assessment of