Reserve Bank of India had announced many concessions/relaxations to trade and industry operating in the States of Punjab and Jammu & Kashmir in respect of banking services from time to time. Details of concessions to trade & industry in J&K 1  are given below :


A. Relaxation of norms etc. for working capital


(i)         Increased working capital facilities may be sanctioned by banks by way of relaxation in prescribed/standardised norms for inventory and receivable upto a maximum of 50%, depending on the merits of each case. For small borrowers in unorganised sector, for whom no norms for inventory and receivables have been specified, relaxation upto a maximum of 50% of the norms accepted for last sanction may also be allowed depending on merits. Benefits of relaxed norms may be extended as realistically as possible to such borrowers. As regards changes in the level of credit on purchases, the banks may take a realistic approach for all borrowers. The incremental Permissible Bank Finance (PBF) due to application of relaxed norms only should be limited to 50%.


The application of relaxed inventory and receivable noi ms would, however, be subject to the condition that no slip back in current ratio takes place, except under circumstances as specified by RBI vide DBOD Circular CAS(COD)BC.90/27C-78 dated 17th July, 1978. These would be applicable for all borrowers, including those not covered under Credit Monitoring Arrangement (CMA). If the borrower is not in a position to augment net working capital to the desired extent at one go, the need based relaxed norms may be applied in more than one stage.

(ii)        All borrowal accounts, irrespective of whether ad hoe facilities were sanctioned in the past or not, would be subjected to review by the concerned banks within a period of three months and need based increased working capital limits be sanctioned wherever necessary.

(iii)               (a)        Finance against accepted hundies (Usance bills) should be encouraged,

(b)        while for CMA borrowers the existing ceiling of 75 per cent on finance against book-debts may continue, for other corporate borrowers, liberal finance against book-debts should be made available,

(c)        for non-corporate borrowers, where finance need against book-debts is modest, the mode currently in vogue in certain banks, whereby stocks as well as book-debts are financed under a single hypothecation agreement up to a maximum of Rs. 2.00 lakhs s(with share of credit against book-debts limited to 30 per cent) and for which DICGCI cover is also available regarding the book-debt portion, should be encouraged. For other borrowers, whose credit requirement against book-debts is higher, the banks should devise suitable selectivity criteria regarding the eligible borrowers, based, inter alia, on overall risk assessment and past performance in debt realisation. The banks may also evolve a system of risk differentiation, among the eligible debtors for a particular borrower and based on different criteria, variable margins, ranging from 25 per cent to 40 per cent, should be applied for purposes of arriving at drawing power.

(iv)       The existing ceiling of 15 per cent on margin for calculation of drawing power against commodities, not covered by Selective Credit Control directives, may continue. Similarly, margin for finance against bills should not exceed 10 per cent as hitherto.

(v)        The existing concession of 50 per cent reduction in service tariffs for remittances may continue. The same may also be extended to collection of outstation bills/cheques.

(vi)       The banks may honour small Fixed Deposit Receipts say upto Rs. 10,000/- of the Kashmiri migrants at the designated branches without verifying details from the branch of origin against some indemnity bonds.

(vii)      The following other existing concessions summarised below should continue :

(a)        For term credits, the banks may adopt a flexible and pragmatic approach as regards debt-equity ratio, especially for small projects. Reschedulement of the repayment programme may also be allowed in deserving cases.

(b)        The banks may review all irregular accounts within a time-frame of three months with a view to exploring the possibilities of regularising them through sanctioning additional working capital facilities.

(c)        Period of realisation of bills purchased and advance bills for collection may be extended upto one month by Branch Managers.

(d)        Liberal acceptance credit/L.C. facilities may be extended to facilitate purchases on credit. The margin for bank guarantees and inland letters of credit should not exceed 15 per cent, depending on merits of each case.

(e)        The facility for transfer of bank accounts/funds maintained with their branches in the valley to some other designated/specified branches outside the valley, at the request of their customers, may be continued with necessary safeguard so that unauthorised withdrawals or transfers are not encouraged. Similarly, banks may arrange to designate specific branches outside the valley to receive instruments drawn on their branches in the valley.

The power to reject any concession shall vest with an authority higher than the immediate controlling authority at the branch. The borrower customers should avail of these concessions. All banks are required to set up a grievance redressed cell at Regional/Zonal office level and the matter may be taken up at that level in case of any difficulty.


All the above relaxations have been extended upto 31st March, 20041  subject to further extension by Reserve Bank of India.                                       



 [R1]As  per DBOD.BP.BC.143/21.04.012‑92 dated 18.6.1992.


 [R2]DBOD.BP.BC/97/21.04.012/2002‑2003 dt. 24.4.2003.