Application Forms for Financial Assistance from Banks


Application forms for assistance from banks have not been standardised except for priority sector advances. Banks have prescribed their own forms which are obtainable from any branch of a bank and the application for credit facilities from the bank is required to be made on the prescribed form of the concerned bank. Besides, application forms, all banks generally require additional information on the borrowing unit and its partners/directors etc. and this matter needs to be discussed with the branch manager of the bank where the application is proposed to be submitted for consideration. The following papers will generally be required by a bank for consideration of the request of a customer for credit facilities.


Copies of Documents Relating to the Constitution of the Applicant


These documents are required by the bank to determine the constitution of the applicant and its legal effect on the proposed loans. Whether the applicant has necessary borrowing powers for the purpose or which credit facilities have been requested for is also to be examined on the basis of these documents. The documents under this category may include:

§                                             Copy of partnership deed in case of a partnership firm.

§                                             Copies of Articles and Memorandum of Association and certificates of incorporation and             commencement of business in case of Ltd Companies.

§                                             Certified copies of bye‑laws and registration certificate etc. in case of Societies.

§                                             Certified copy of Trust Deed etc. in case of trusts.


Status of the Concern


Small scale and anciallary units, export oriented units etc. command a priority allocation of bank's lendable funds. The units with a proven track record may get a little preferential treatment. A concern which is establishing a new connection with some bank may be required to give full details of its past performance etc. The documents required to be submitted under this category may include:


§                                             Brief history of the concern which may cover the period since inception, the line of activity, past record                 and also throw some light on the future prospects. The details of other associate concerns m ay also be                 given.

§                                             Copies of certificates of registration as SSI unit etc.

§                                             Exporter/importer code number.


About the Promoter


It is the 'person' behind any project who is most important for the successful running of any venture. A great deal of emphasis is, therefore, placed by the banks to assess the credit worthiness of the promoter, his managerial and entrepreneurial capacities and his financial status. Confidential investigation from the market and/or existing bankers may also be carried by tile bank in this regard. The applicant may be required to give complete information on the promoter(s) and the documents to be submitted to the bank may include:


·                     A brief resume on the promoter(s) highlighting his technical qualification, business experience and enterprise.

·                     The details of other projects promoted by him and the status of those projects.

·                     The statement of assets and liabilities of the promoter.

·                     Copies of income‑tax, wealth‑tax assessment orders/returns for the last three years.


About the Borrowing Unit


·                     The financial position of the unit is another important factor which is critically analysed by the banks. The financial data submitted about the concern helps to determine the liquidity position of a firm and is also used to assets the working capital requirements. Financial data is generally required for a number of years with projections for future. The documents/information required to be submitted under this category may include:

·                     Balance‑sheet and P & L a/c of the concern for the last three years. The provisional figures for a current period may be necessary if the last financial statement is more than 6 months old. The balance sheet must include complete schedules of fixed assets, sundry debtors and creditors etc. along with audit report.

·                     Estimated figures for the current year and projected figures for next operating year. If the projections for the next year are significantly different than the current year figures, cogent reasons for its divergence must he simultaneously given. Higher projections need to be justified by giving necessary facts and figures to support these projections.

·                     Any additions proposed to be made in the capital structure of the concern need to be highlighted.

·                     Details of' any additional capital expenditure proposed to be made during the year should be given with elaboration of benefits that are likely to accrue with such investment on the working of the unit.


About the Credit Facilities


As has been stated earlier the present approach of banks is to grant need oriented credit facilities only. The concern may require different types of facilities including non‑fund based facilities for its smooth operations. A detailed study of these requirements should, therefore, be necessary before a formal application for sanctioning of credit limits is submitted for the consideration of the bank.


All the hanks almost have a set pattern for assessment of working capital needs and the applicant has to justify his request to fit in that pattern. A few documents/additional information may be required to be submitted to the bank depending upon the nature of facilities and quantum of assistance required.


·                     For Term Loans


(i)                 Complete Project Report. The assessment by the bank is carried almost in the same manner as it  done by other term lending institutions. The banks may be financing a very large number of smaller projects not only of industries but of other sectors as well. The basic appraisal approach will nevertheless be the same and the project has to stand scrutiny on its technical, commercial and financial viability. The project report should, therefore elaborate on these important aspects.

(ii)        Funds Flow Statement: The statement may be required to cover the entire period of repayment of the loan. The importance of a funds flow statement has already been discussed and repayment period is fixed on the basis of this statement.

·                     For Working Capital Facilities


For all requests of working capital in excess of Rs. 10 lacs additional data in CMA Data forms as prescribed by Reserve Bank of India is also required to be submitted.


Even at the cost of repetition it may be added here that a complete application, after carefully assessing all types of credit limits required by the applicant, must be submitted in the first instance. The assessment shall require a great deal of farsightedness and the limits requested for should meet the requirements of the business during the ensuing year under normal circumstances. Any request for adhoc enhancements in limits is not viewed favourably by the banks and there may be a considerable delay in its sanction which may sometimes create financial difficulties for the unit.


Working capital limits are subject to review and renewal by the banks every year. A detailed renewal proposal would, therefore, be necessary and fresh limits will be fixed by the bank depending upon the past performance and future projections. All the financial papers as discussed earlier will have to be submitted every year to the bank for renewal of facilities already sanctioned. Any enhancement in credit limits, if required, must be sought at this juncture.,


Certification of Accounts of Non‑Corporate borrowers by Chartered Accountants


All non‑corporate borrowers enjoying aggregate working capital (fund based) limits of Rs. 10.00 lacs or more from the entire banking system are required to submit their statement of accounts prepared and audited on the formats prescribed by Reserve Bank. Such borrowers should, therefore, ensure that their application for credit facilities from banks is accompanied with audited balance sheet and other statements in the prescribed formats. Such statements are also required to be submitted to the bank even by the existing non‑corporate borrowers within 6 months from the date of balance sheet. A brief description of the prescribed formats is given below:


1.         Proforma  of Audit Report (Appendix 13.I). This form is similar to form No. 3 CB prescribed under the Income‑Tax Rules, 1962 for audit of accounts of assessees carrying on business with turnover of over Rs. 40 lacs and of professionals with income‑receipts of over Rs. 10 lacs.

2.         Proforma of Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss A/c for Trading Entities. (Appendix 13.II & III)

3.         Proforma of Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss A/c for Manufacturing Entities (Appendix 13.IV & V)

4.         Proforma of funds flow statement (Appendix 13.VI).


In the case of some borrowers, the concerned bank may require regular and close monitoring. Such borrowers have to submit a special audit report as given in Appendix 13.VII.


The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India has suggested that certain matters should be included in the audit reports of all entities. An illustration of unqualified report is given in the Annexure 13.VIII.



Audit Report for Non‑Corporate Borrowers


1.       I/We have examined the Balance Sheet of…………………as at……..and the Profit and Loss Account and the funds flow statement for die year ended on that date which are in agreement with the books of account maintained at the head office at …………………………...and Branches at …………………………………………..

i)    I/We have obtained all the information and explanations which to the best of my/our knowledge and belief were necessary for the purpose of my/our audit.

ii)   In my/our opinion, proper books of account have been kept by the head office and the branches of the entity so far as appears from my/our examination of such books, subject to the comments given below: ,

iii)   In my/our opinion and to the best of my/our information and according to the explanations given to me/us, the said accounts and the funds flow statement give a true and fair view:


a)   in the case of the balance sheet, of the state of affairs of the entity as at ……………………………………….


b)   in the case of the Profit and Loss Account of the profit or loss of the entity for the account year ending on                  .........................………….

c)   In so far as it relates to the funds flow statement of the movement of funds during the year ending on that date.


2.       The Auditor's Report on the accounts of the entities shall be accompanied by a statement in respect of the following matters viz.


A.  In the case of Manufacturing, Mining or Processing entity:

1.   Whether the entity is maintaining proper records to, show full particulars, including quantitative details and situation of fixed assets, whether these fixed assets have been physically verified by the management and if any serious discrepancies were noticed on such verification, whether the same have been properly dealt with in the books of account.

2.   In a case where the fixed assets have been revalued during the year the basis of revaluation should be indicated.

 3.   Has physical verification been conducted by the management at reasonable periods in respect of finished goods, stores, spare parts and raw materials, and if any significant discrepancies have been noticed on such verification as compared to book records, whether or not the same have been properly dealt with in the books of account; whether the auditor is satisfied that the valuation of these stocks is fair and proper in accordance with the normally accepted accounting principles and is on the same basis as in the earlier years; if there is any deviation in the basis of valuation, the effect of such deviation, if material, is to be reported.

 4.   If the entity has taken any loan whether secured or unsecured from firms, companies or other parties, whether the rate of interest and the terms and conditions of such loans are prima facie prejudicial to the interest of the entity.

 5.   Whether the parties to whom the loans or advances in the nature of loans have been given by the entity are repaying the principal amounts as stipulated and are also regular in payment of the interest and if not, whether reasonable steps have been taken by the entity for recovery of the principal and interest.

6.   Is there an adequate internal control procedure commensurate with the size of the entity and the nature of its business, for the purchase of stores, raw materials including components, plant and machinery, equipment and other

7.    Where in stores, raw materials or components exceeding Rs. 10000/‑ in value for each types thereof are purchased during the year from the associate firms or other parties in which the partners/proprietors are/is interested whether the prices paid for such items are reasonable as compared to the prices of similar items supplied by other parties.

8.    Whether any unserviceable or damaged stores and raw ‑materials are determined and whether provision for the loss, if any has been made in the accounts.

9.    Is the entity maintaining reasonable records for the sale and disposal of realisable by‑products and scraps where applicable and significant.

10.   In relation to entities the capital of which at the commencement of the financial year concerned exceeds Rs. 25.00 lacs whether the entity has an internal audit system commensurate with its size and nature of its business.

11.   Is the entity regular in depositing provident fund dues with the appropriate authorities and if not, the extent of arrears of provident fund dues shall be indicated by the auditor.


B. In the case of service entity:

      1.   All the matters specified in clause (A) to the extent to which they are applicable.

      2.   Whether the entity has a reasonable system of recording receipts, issues and consumption of materials and stores commensurate with its size and nature of its business and whether such system provides for a reasonable allocation of the materials  and  man hours consumed to the relative jobs.

      3.   Whether there is a reasonable system of authorisation at proper levels with necessary control on the issue of stores and allocation of stores and labour to jobs and whether there is any system of internal control commensurate with the size, of the entity and the nature of its business.


C. In the case of a Trading Entity

      1.   All the matters specified in clause (4) to the extent to which they are applicable.  

      2.   Have damaged‑goods been determined and if the value of such goods is significant  has provision been made for the loss.


D. In the case of Finance, Investment, Chit Fund, Nidhi or Mutual Benefit Entity

1.   All the matters specified in clause (A) to the extent to which they are applicable.

2     Whether adequate document and records are maintained in a case where the entity has granted loans and advances on the basis of security by way of pledge of shares, debentures and other similar securities.

3.    Whether the provisions of any special statute applicable to chit fund, nidhi or mutual benefit society have been duly complied with.

4.    If the entity is dealing or trading in shares securities, debentures and other investment whether proper records have been maintained of die transactions and contracts and whether timely entries have been made therein; also whether the shares, securities, debentures and other investments have been held by the entity in its own name.


3.       Reasons to be stated for an unfavourable or qualified answer


Where in the auditor’s report the answer to any of the questions referred to as in 2 above is unfavourable or qualified. The auditor's Report shall also state the reasons for such unfavourable or qualified answer, as the case may be. Where the auditor is unable to express any opinion in answer to a particular question, his report shall indicate such fact together with the reasons why it is not possible for him to give an answer to such question.



Form of Balance Sheet for Non-Corporate Trading Entities


Name of Entity …………………………………………………………………………….

Balance Sheet As At ………………………………………………………………………..









Figures for Previous Year


Capital and Liabilities

Figures for Current year

Figures for Previous year

Properties and assets

Figures for Current Year


1.   CAPITAL (in case of partnership, these particulars to be give, separately for each partner and if possible the fixed capital accounts may be segregated from the current accounts) as at the beginning of the year.

   Add/Deduct net  profit/net loss during the year.

    Interest on capital



    Any other items (give details)


II.RESERVES (Give details under each head)

1. Capital Reserves (if any).

2.  Other Reserves (Including retained profits to the extent not already added to the capital give details.

3. Sinking funds (if any).



1.  Interest accrued, and due on each category to be shown separately.

2.   In case of secured loans the nature security to be specified.

3.  Amounts due for repayments within one year from the balance sheet date to be shown separately.

4.  Loan from partners, relatives of the proprietors or partners to be shown separately.

    a) Loans from financial               Institutions.

    b)Loans and borrowings   from banks (specify  the name of the Bank, the relavent amount and nature of the borrowings e.g. cash credit ,term loans, overdraft,    packing credit etc.(separately) c)   Fixed deposits (from public and others)

      d)   Others (Give details)



    (Amounts due for payment beyond one year from the date of the Balance sheet to be shown separately)


1. Sundry Creditors for goods supplied.

2. Sundry creditors (others)

3.  Advances/Progress payments      from customers/deposits from dealers selling agents etc.

4. Interest and other charges accrued but not due for payment.

5. Bills payable.

6.  Statutory liabilities (Overdue amounts to be shown separately)

7. Other current liabilities and provisions (Major items to be shown separately).



1. For taxation.

    Less: Advance tax paid.

2. For Provident Fund

3. For Contingencies

4. Other provisions

   (A foot note to the balance   sheet may be   added to show separately).

1.Claims against the entity not acknowledged as debts.

2.Uncalled liability on shares partly paid

3.Estimated amount of contracts remaining to be executed to capital account and not Provide for.

4.Contingent liability for bills discounted.

5.Other moneys for which the entity is contingently liable (give details)

6.Aggregate amount of arrears of depreciation, if any.




i) In case of partnership firms, state whether it is registered with the Registrar of Firms, registration, number, date of registration and the State in which it is registered.

ii)Unless otherwise indicated the terms used herein have the same meaning as they have in Schedule‑IV to the Companies Act, 1956.

        TOTAL RS.







1   Under each head the original cost the additions thereto the deduction there from during the year and the total depreciation return off or provided up to the end of the year to be stated.

2   Where the assets have been

    revalued,  the revalued figures to be shown. Each balance sheet for the first five year subsequent to the date of revaluation to state the amount of revaluation

3    Distinguishing as far as possible between expenditure upon

a)      Goodwill

b)      Land

c)      Buildins

d)      Leaseholds

e)      Railway sidings

f)       Plant and Machinery

g)      Furniture and Fittings

h)      Development of property

i)        Patents trademarks and designs

j)        Livestock.

k)      Vehicles etc.

            1.         Cost.

            2.         Less: Depreciation




(attach details of investments showing in each case nature of investment and mode of valuation e.g. cost or market value).

1.                Investment in shares,  debentures or bonds. (Note: Investments in concerns wherein proprietor, partner or their relatives are interested to be shown separately)

2.                 Immovable properties

 3. Investments in the capital of partnership firms.

 4. Other investments.


IV.       LOANS

1. The nature, security (if any) and amount of each type of loan to be specified

2. Amounts due within one year to be shown separately.

3. Loans to proprietors,  partners or associated  concerns (to be shown  separately)

    Less: Provision for bad and doubtful loans

4.  Loans considered bad or doubtful to be shown separately.




A.    INVENTORIES (The mode of valuation to be shown separately)

1.  Stock in Trade.

2.  Supplies and Sundaries. (If the trading organisation is also involved in any processing activity/es; other categories of inventories e.g. raw‑material and working progress should be separately disclosed.



1.Debts due and outstanding for a period exceeding six months (to be shown separately)

2. Instalments of deferred receivables due within one year to be shown separately.

3. Debts considered bad or doubtful to be shown separately.

4. Amounts due from proprietors, partners or associated concerns (to be shown separately)


i) On account of sales on deferred payment basis.

ii) On account of exports.

iii) Others

iv) Total receivables

v) Less: Provision for bad and doubtful debts.



(Same information to be given as for 'Receivables’)



(Same information to be given as for loans).

1.Advances to suppliers of raw‑material and stores/spares/consumables.

2.Advance payment of taxes (in excess of tax payable)

3. Pre‑paid expenses.

4. Others.




1.Fixed deposit account.

2.Current and savings account.

3.Cash on hand.



To the extent not written off or adjusted (specify the nature and amount of each­ item)




i) Before depreciation

ii) Depreciation,






Proforma of Profit and Loss Account for Non-Corporate Trading Entities


Name of Entity ……………………………………………………………………………………………….

Profit and Loss Account for the Year Ending …………………………………………………………………..




This Year


Last Year



1.         Sales (net of Sales tax)

            (Income from services may be shown separately)

2.         Cost of goods sold:

(a)        Opening stock

                        Add: Purchases (less returns)

            Less: Closing Stock

            (b)        Other direct expenses (if any)

3.         Gross Profit (1‑2)

4.         Sales and administrative expenses

5.         Other income/expenses [M1] Net

6.         Interest

7.         Profit before depreciation and tax

            (Item 3 minus item 4+5+6)

8.         Depreciation

9.         Taxation ((for example for registered firms)[M2] 

10.        Profit after depreciation and taxation

            (Item 7 minus item (8+9)



























Form of Balance Sheet for Non-Corporate Manufacturing Entities


Name of Entity …………………………………………………………………………….

Balance Sheet As At ………………………………………………………………………..









Figures for Previous Year


Capital and Liabilities

Figures for Current year

Figures for Previous year

Properties and assets

Figures for Current Year


I.    CAPITAL (in case of partnership, these particulars to be give, separately for each partner and if possible the fixed capital accounts may be segregated from the current accounts) as at the beginning of the year.

   Add/Deduct net profit/net loss during the year.

    Interest on capital


    Any other items (give details)

II.RESERVES (Give details under each head)

1. Capital Reserves         (if any).

2.  Other Reserves (Including retained profits to the extent not already added to the capital give details.

3. Sinking funds (if any).




1. Under each head the original cost the additions thereto the deduction there from during the year and the total depreciation return off or provided up to the end of the year to be stated.

2.  Where the assets have been

    revalued,  the revalued figures to be shown. Each balance sheet for the first five year subsequent to the date of revaluation to state the amount of revaluation

  3. Distinguishing as far as possible between expenditure upon

    1. Goodwill
    2. Land
    3. Buildings
    4. Leaseholds
    5. Railway sidings
    6. Plant and Machinery
    7. Furniture and Fittings
    8. Development of property
    9. Patents trademarks and designs
    10. Livestock.
    11. Vehicles etc.

            1. Cost.

Less: Depreciation





Proforma of Profit & Loss Account of Non‑Corporate Manufacturing Entities


            Name of Entity …………………………………………………………………………………….

            Profit And Loss Account for The Year Ending …………………………………….(000's Omitted)




Current Year

Previous Year


1.         Sales (Income from services may be shown separately)

2.         Less: Excise Duty.

3.         Net Sales (Item No.1 minus Item 2)

4.         Add/Deduct/Increase/Decrease in Finished goods:.

            i) Closing Stock

            ii) Less: Opening Stock

5.         Cost of Production

a)      Raw Materials consumption:

i)                       Opening Stock

Add  :     Purchases

Less :   closing stock

b)      Stores & Spare consumption

c)      Salaries & Wages,

d)   Other manufacturing expenses excluding depreciation

                        Add: Opening Stocks‑in‑process & finishing goods

            Deduct: Closing stocks‑in‑process & finished goods

            Cost of Production

            GROSS PROFIT/LOSS (Item 3 minus item 4)

6.         Sales & administration Expenses

7.         Interest & other overheads

8.         Other income/expenses net (+)

9.         Profit/Loss before depreciation & tax (Item 5 minus             Item     (6+7)

10.        Depreciation on other assets

11.        Profit after depreciation

12.        Taxation

13.        Profit after tax


                                                            GRAND TOTAL





NOTE : 1. Any item of expenditure which forms a significant proportion, say 5% or more, of the total cost of production or has special significance otherwise should be shown separately under appropriate heads for example (i) Salary (ii) Commission (iii) Perquisites and money value thereof.

 2. If audited accounts for the previous year are not available, the fact should be stated.




Form of Funds Flow Statement for Non‑Corporate Borrowers


            Name of the Entity ……................................................................…………………….

            Funds Flow Statement For The Year Ending …………………………………………….

(000's omitted)




Particulars                                                                    Current Year                            Previous Year






Profit before tax.                                                                                        ------------                            ---------------

Add : Depreciation                                                                                     ------------                            ---------------

Add:‑ Interest on capitals of partners/ proprietors                                         ------------                            ---------------

Add: Salaries, Commission etc. paid/payable to

        partners/proprietors                                                                             ------------                           ----------------

Gross funds generated                                                                                 ------------                           ----------------

                                                                                                            _______________                  __________


       -------------                         -----------------

Less: Taxes paid/payable on the profits of the firms (retailing to the year)        --------------                        -----------------

                                                                                                            _______________                  ___________

(Applicable only to partnership firms)


Less‑:   Withdrawals (including personal taxes paid/

payable on income of the partners/proprietor out of

the if income of the entity) by the partners/proprietors.


Less     Salaries, commissions etc. paid to partners/ proprietors                _______________                  ___________


A. SUB – TOTAL                                                 …………                                …………

                                                                                                            ________________                ___________


Increase in capital (only the fresh) capital introduced by

the partners/proprietor during the year                                                               ……..                                …………


Increase in term loans/deferred payment liabilities                                              .……..                               …………

Increase in fixed deposits                                                                                   ..…….                               ………..

Increase in loans from partners                                                                          ..…….                               ………..

Increase in loans from relatives, friends etc.                                                        ..…….                               ………..

Decrease in fixed assets                                                                                    ..…….                               ………..

Decrease in investments in other partnerships/ business                                       ..…….                               ………..

Decrease in advances and deposits on capital accounts                                        ..…….                               ………..

                                                                                                            ______________                    ___________

B. SUB – TOTAL                                                       ..…….                               ……….

                                                                                                                        ______________                    ___________


Increase in short‑term bank borrowings                                                              ..…….                              …………

Increase in other current liabilities                                                                       .……..                               …………

Decrease in inventory                                                                                        .……..                              ………….

Decrease in receivables                                                                                     .……..                              ………….

Decrease in loans to partners/proprietors/ associated concerns etc                       ………                             ………….

Decrease in other loans                                                                                     ………                             …………..

Decrease in bills of exchange                                                                             ………                              ………….

Decrease in advance on current account                                                             ……….                              …………

Decrease in cash and bank balances                                                                   ……….                              …………

                                                                                                            _________________              ___________

C. SUB  ‑ TOTAL                                                      ……….                              …………

                                                                                                            _________________              ___________

                                                                                                            _________________              ___________



TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE (A+B+C)                                                      ………..                             …………

                                                                                                            _________________              ___________

                                                                                                            _________________              ___________


Decrease in term loans/deferred payments liabilities                                            ………..                           …………

Decrease in fixed deposits                                                                                 ……….                            ………….

Increase in fixed assets                                                                                      ………..                           ………….

Increase in investments of other partnerships/business etc.                                   ……….                            …………

Increase in advances and deposits on capital account                                           ………..                           ………….

                                                                                                            _________________              ___________

D. SUB – TOTAL                                                       ……….                             …………

                                                                                                                        _________________              ___________


Decrease in short‑term bank borrowings                                                             ……….                                    ……

Decrease in other current liabilities                                                                     ……….                                    ……

Increase in inventory                                                                                         ……….                                    ……

Increase in receivables                                                                                      ……….                                    …….

Increase in loans to partners/proprietors/associated concerns etc.                         ………..                                   ……

Increase in other loans                                                                                       ……….                                    …….

Increase in bills of exchange                                                                              ……….                                    …….

Increase in advances on current account                                                             ……….                                    …….

Increase in cash and bank balances                                                                    ……….                                    …….

                                                                                                            _________________              ___________


E. SUB – TOTAL                                                       ……….                                    …….

                                                                                                            _________________              ___________


Loss (See Note 3)                                                                                             ……….                                    .…..


Less: Depreciation                                                                                             ………..                                   .…..


Less: Interest on capitals of partners/ proprietors                                                 ………..                                   .…..

                                                                                                            _________________              __________

Less:    Salaries, commissions etc. paid/payable

to partners/proprietors                                                                            …….                                        …..

Balance i.e. Gross funds lost (-)

or Gross funds generated (+)                                                                  …….                                        …..

Add:     Taxes paid/payable on the profits of a

registered firm (relating to the year)

(applicable only to partnership firms)                                                       …….                                        …..

Add:     Withdrawals (including personal taxes paid/

payable on income of the partners/proprietors                                          ……..                                       …..

Add:     Salaries, Commissions etc. paid to partners/ proprietors                            ……..                                       …..

            __________________            ___________

F. SUB –TOTAL                                                          ………..                                   …….

                                                                                                                        __________________            ___________

                                                                                                                        __________________            ___________

TOTAL FUNDS USED (D+E+F)                                           …………                                 …….

                                                                                                _________________              ___________

                                                                                                                        _________________              ___________


Long term sources                                                                                             …………..                               ……..

Less: Long term uses                                                                                         …………..                               ……..

Changes in Net “Working Capital ( + )                                                                …………..                               ……..

Short term sources                                                                                            …………..                               ……..

                                                                                                            _________________              ___________

Less: Short term uses                                                                                        ………….                                ……..

                                                                                                                        __________________            ___________

                                                                                                                        __________________            ___________



1.         The valuation of current assets or current liabilities and recording of income and expenses in these forms should be on the same basis as adopted for the balance sheet submitted to the bank and should be applied on a consistent basis.

2.         Under the items increase/decrease in term loan/deferred payments liabilities each of the term loans and deferred payment liabilities together with the names of the concerned lending/guaranteeing institutions should be indicated separately.

3.         Figures should be filled in here only when the total effect is net funds lost. In case of loss, if loss, taxes, withdrawals etc. are more than compensated by depreciation, interest on capital, etc, the‑ amount of loss should be shown under 'Sources' against the item 'Profit before tax' with a negative figure.



Special Audit Report


In the case of accounts perceived by the banks as important for regular and active monitoring the following audit report may be given.

I/We have examined the information given below relating to quarter ending at ……………………………...In my/our opinion and to the best of my/our information and according to the explanations given to me/us.


1.         The important operating data for the quarter is as below :

            Actual Production                                                                      ……………..

            Actual Production as a percentage of rated capacity.                   ……………..


            Cost of goods sold                                                                     ……………..

            Gross Margin                                                                            ……………..

            Interest on bank borrowings                                                       ……………..

            Interest on Others                                                                     ……………..

            (Actual fixed costs need not be worked out).

2.         The age wise classification of raw materials inventory and finished goods as at ........................... is as below :

                                                                                                            Raw Material                Finished Goods

            a) Above one year

            b) Between six months and one year.

            c) Between three months and six months.

d) Below three months.

3.         The work in process of Rs ……………………  as at…………………   represents ………..…days production.

4.         The raw materials are valued at ……………………The stock-in-trade is valued at ……………….  (give detailed basis for valuation including the manner of determination of cost e.g. first in first out etc.)

Accordingly the value of raw materials and the finished goods is as below:

The said valuation of stock is fair and proper in accordance with the normal accepted accounting principles, and is on the same basis as in the earlier quarter.

The discrepancies (if any) between the value given hem and that shown in the stock statements to the bank and the reasons thereof are given below :

5.         The age‑wise classification of total bill receivables and receivables outstanding as at ………….. is as below.

Domestic                      Exports

a)      Above one year.                                                                               

b)      Between six months and one year

c)      Between three months and six months

d)      Below three months

6.         The month and balances of the stocks, bills receivables and receivables are as below : (Give the balances as at the end of each month in the quarter for major categories of a stocks, receivables and bills receivables.)

7.         Tax assessments and payments made during the quarter were as below­:-

8.         Actual disbursements for capital expenditures during the quarter were as below:-

9.         Outstanding contracts on capital account as on ………………… are below:­-


Name of the party                                             Amount Rs




10.        Contingent liabilities which may or may not materialise, as on .................... during the financial year, immediately succeeding the quarter in relation to which the information pertains.

11.        i) Investments made during the quarter were as below

            ii) Income from investments including profit on sale thereof was as below:

12.        Loans given by the entity during the quarter were as below:

13.        Details of loans raised during the quarter are as below:

            a) from banks (give details)

            b) from others.

14.        The purchase and sale transactions of the entity exceeding Rs 10000/- per annum from to the companies, partnership firms or other entities in the same group appear to be in the normal course of business and the transacted prices of such items are/are not reasonable as compared to the prices of such items in the market (if not give details)

15.        The funds from the bank have been utilised for the purpose for which they were lent. Details of the funds diverted for purposes other than for those for which they were lent are given below: ‑

16.        The overdue statutory liabilities as at the end of the quarter are as below: (give details)

17.        As per the annual accounts the cash losses during the last two years are as below:(State whether the accounts were audited or not)

18.                 At the end of the quarter, the following were amounts due but not paid:

a)      Loans from Banks

b)      Other Loans,

c)      Public Deposits.

19.                 We give below some important ratios of the entity as per the last audited accounts:


a)         Current Ratio                                       Assets realisable within a year


                                                                        Liabilities due to be paid within a year.

                                    Cash + Bank balance + Marketable.


            Securities + debtors due within two months

b)         Acid Test Ratio                                    __________________________________               

            Liabilities due to be paid within next six months.


c)         Raw Materials Turnover Ratio               Raw materials consumed during the year


Average raw materials stock


d)         Finished goods turnover ratio                  Sales during the year


            Average finished goods in stock.


e)         Receivable turnover ratio                       Credit sales during the year

                                                                                    Average receivables.


f)          Return on investments                           Earnings before Interest and tax


            Net capital employed.


g)         Interest cover ratio                                Earnings before Interest and tax


            Interest charge payable


h)         Net margin ratio                                    Earning before Interest and tax




i)          Capital turnover ratio                             Sales


                                                                        Net capital employed


j)          Debt equity ratio                                    Liabilities to outsiders


            Capital + Reserves ‑Miscellaneous Expenditure


k)         Operating cash flow                              (Debit plus depredation)/Sales


                                                                        Net of excise




Specimen of an Unqualified Audit Report


            Auditor's Report to the Members of  ……………………… (Name of the Company)


We have audited the attached Balance Sheet of  …………………….     (name of the company), as at 31st March, 2XXX and also the Profit and Loss Account for the year ended on that date annexed thereto. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit.


We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in India. Those Standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of to material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made

by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.


As required by the Manufacturing and Other Companies (Auditor's Report) Order, 1988[M3]  issued by the Central Government of India in terms of sub‑section (4A) of section 227 of the Companies Act, 1956, we enclose in the Annexure[M4]  a statement on the matters specified in paragraphs 4 and 5 of the said Order.


Further to our comments in the Annexure referred to above, we report that :


(i)         We have obtained all the information and explanations, which to the best of our knowledge and belief were necessary for the purposes of our audit;

(ii)        In our opinion, proper books of account as required by law have been kept by the company so far as appears from our examination of those books (and proper returns adequate for the purposes of our audit have been received from the branches not visited by us. The Branch Auditor's Report(s) have been forwarded to us and have been appropriately dealt with)[D5] ;

 (iii)      The Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account dealt with by this report are in agreement with the books of account (and with the audited returns from, the branches)[M6] ;

(iv)       In our opinion, the Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account dealt with by this report comply with the accounting standards referred to in sub‑section (3C) of section 211 of the Companies Act, 1956;

(v)        On the basis of written representations received from the directors, as on 31st March, 2XXX, and taken on record by the Board of Directors, we report that none of the directors is disqualified as on 31st March 2XXX from being appointed as a director in terms of clause (g) of subsection (1) of section 274 of the Companies Act, 1956.[M7] 

(vi)              In our opinion and to the best of our information and according to the explanations given to us, the said accounts give the information required by the Companies Act, 1956, in the manner so required and give a true and fair view[M8]   in conformity with the accounting principles generally accepted in India:

(a)        in the case of the Balance Sheet, of the state of affairs of the Company as at 31st March, 2XXX; and

(b)        in the case of the Profit and Loss Account, of the profit /loss[M9]  for the year ended on that date;


      For ABC and Co.

         Chartered Accountants


Name of the Member Signing the Audit Report



Address :









 [M1]Any item of expenditure which forms a significant proportion, say 5% or more of the total sales or has special significance otherwise should be shown separately under appropriate heads e.g. (i) Salary (ii) Commission (iii) Perquisites and money value thereof.

 [M2]Registered firms are subject to tax, before the profit is apportioned amongst partners.

 [M3]Since superceded by Companies (Auditor's Report) Order, 2003, w.e.f. 1.7.2003.

 [M4]Alternatively, instead of giving the comments on Manufacturing and Other Companies (Auditor's Report) Order, 1988 in an Annexure, the comments may be contained in the body of the main report, Member's attention in this regard is invited to the Statement on Manufacturing and Other Companies (Auditor's Report) Order, 1988 [issued under Section 227(4A) of the Companies Act, 1956], issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. It may also be noted that requirements of the Manufacturing and Other Companies (Auditor's Report) Order, 1988 have not been reproduced in this announcement.

 [D5]Wherever applicable.

 [M6]Wherever applicable.

 [M7]Member's attention is invited to the Guidance Note on Section 227(30) and (f) of the Companies Act, 1956 issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.

 [M8]In case the auditor's report contains qualification, disclaimer or adverse opinion, members should follow the principles as laid down in the Statement on Qualifications in Auditor's Report issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. Further, members attention is also invited to Guidance Note on Section 227(3)(e) and (f) of the Companies Act, 1956 issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountant of India in order to comply with the provisions contained in clause (e) of sub‑section (3) of Section.227 of the Companies Act, 1956,

 [M9]Whichever applicable.

 [R10]Partner or Proprietor, as the case may be.