There are two important development agencies constituted at which provide financial assistance for setting up of industrial project small and medium‑scale sector. These institutions also part modernisation, expansion and diversification programmes of existing units. The area of operation of these state level institutions is limited respective state.




State Financial Corporations have been established under the Financial Corporation Act, 1951. At present there are 18 SFCs operating states as per list given in Appendix 9.I State Financial Corporation,, provide long‑term finance for setting up of the smaller projects within their region.


The State Financial Corporations (SFCs), operating as development are state‑level financial institutions, playing a crucial role in the level small and medium enterprises in the states in tandem with the national


The SFCs provide financial assistance by way of term loan, subscription to equity/debentures, guarantees, discounting of bills of and seed/special capital. The SFCs operate a number of schemes of and equity type assistance on behalf of IDBI/SIDBI, in addition to the schemes for artisans, and special target groups such as SC/ST, women, ex-servicemen and physically handicapped.


The SFCs (Amendment) Act, 2000 which became effective in 2000, provide greater flexibility to the SFCs to cope with the challenges by the deregulated financial system.




The State Industrial Development Corporations (SIDCs) were c under the Companies Act, 1956 as wholly owned undertakings of the governments with the specific objectives of promoting and developing and large industries in their respective states/union territories. These cc extend financial assistance in the form of rupee loans, underwriting subscriptions to shares/debentures, guarantees, inter‑corporate de also opens letters of credit on behalf of its borrowers. SIDCs undertake of promotional activities including preparation of feasibility reports, conducting industrial potential, surveys entrepreneurship training & development programmes and developing industrial areas/estates. Some SIDCs also offer a package of developmental services that include technical guidance, assistance in plant location and co‑ordination with other agencies. With a view to providing  infrastructural facilities for the establishment of industrial units, SIDCs are involved in the setting up of industrial growth centres. To keep pace with the hanging economic environment, SIDCs have initiated various measures to expand the scope of their activities and have entered into various fee‑based activities.


Of the various SIDCs in the country, those in Andaman & Nicobar, Arunachal Pradesh, Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Goa, Manipur, Meglalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Tripura, Pondicherry and Sikkim also act as SFCs to provide assistance to small and medium enterprises and act as promotional agencies for this sector.


State Industrial Development Corporation operate at slightly higher level than SFCs though these institutions are also primarily working as development banks promoting industrial projects in small and medium scale. A list of SIDCs  given in Appendix 9.II.




SFCs/SIDCs do not generally have large resources to meet the growing demand of industry within their regions. They raise resources by issue of share capital, issue of bonds and debenture guaranteed by State Governments. Additional resource are raised by accepting deposits from public and by borrowings from State Governments


Other main resource available to these state level institutions is refinance from Industrial Development Bank of India/Small Industries Development Bank of India.


Liberal refinance facilities ranging from 75% to 100% of the loans granted by these institutions to various borrowers under different schemes are available. The funds thus available from IDBI/SIDBI help these institutions to play an effective development role in promoting industries within their regions.


Small Industrial Development Bank of India provides refinance under two different schemes knowing as normal scheme and automatic refinance scheme. Automatic refinance scheme is applicable to loans granted for smaller projects and for composite loans to SC/ST and physically handicapped entrepreneurs etc. Individual approval of each project under the automatic scheme is not required. Under the normal scheme, each project is required to he approved from SIDBI for availing refinance.


IDBI/SIDBI have set out guidelines for these institutions under different schemes and SFCs/SIDCs have to disburse the facilities to the borrowers of the terms and conditions as stipulated in these guidelines. These guideline are, however, quite flexible and allow almost a free hand to these state level institutions to deal with their customers.


An important point, however, be noted here that the intending borrower have to deal only with primary lending institutions who will be completing the detailed appraisal of the project and sanctioning financial assistance for the project. These institutions will be then taking up the matter of refinance from IDBI/SIDBI on their own. It, therefore, does not make any difference, a least operationally, to the borrowers whether refinance against a particular project is obtained by the lending institution(s) or not.


SFCs and SIDCs confine their activities in promoting the industrial projects in small‑scale and medium‑scale sectors and projects costing up to Rs. 10 crore can normally be financed by these institutions. Projects where cost exceeds Rs. 10 crore are required to approach all India institutions for financial assistance.


The term loans sanctioned by SFCs were restricted to Rs. 90 lacs previously but now the assistance has been enhanced. In the case of Limited Companies, either Private or Public, SFCs can assist in the form of Term Loans upto Rs 240 lacs while in the case of proprietary concerns o partnership concerns, the limit is Rs. 120 lacs.


SIDCs can expose themselves to a bigger limit and accordingly can grant term loans upto Rs. 250 lacs. The assistance may be for a new project and also for diversification, modernisation and expansion of existing units, which are doing well. On a selective basis, SIDCs can provide assistance upto Rs 400 facs also.


SFCs and SIDCs avail refinance from IDBI and the limits are as under:

SFCs ‑ Rs. 90 lakh

SIDCs ‑ Rs. 150 lakh


The cost of project of the assisted unit should not exceed Rs. 5 crore and it should be medium scale industrial unit.


The facility of line of credit (LOC) is also available to SFCs/SIDCs from IDBI and the limits are as under

SFCs ‑ Rs. 150 lakh

SIDCs ‑ Rs. 250 lakh


(65% of above mentioned amount)


If the units, under medium scale industry is assisted by SFCs, the COP should not exceed Rs. 500 lakh and if the assistance is through SIDCs, the COP should not exceed 10 crore.




As stated earlier the promoter has to submit the loan application along with project report and other relevant papers directly to concerned SFC/SIDC. The application form has not been standardised and must be obtained from the concerned SFC/SIDC. The application form will, however, not be materially different than the common loan application form adopted by all India financial institutions and promoter can visualise with confidence the type of information that would normally be required to complete the application form.


The detailed appraisal of the project with also likewise be carried by the concerned institutions almost in the same manner and the viability of the project will be critically examined from all aspects. The norms of debt equity ratio, promoter's contribution etc. is equally applicable in these cases as well. Processing of application would, therefore, not be in a different manner and the promoter must ensure that relevant information must be provided in the first instance itself so that the project stands scrutiny and is approved. After the project has been approved, a letter of sanction will be issued by the lending institution and documentation will have to be completed as per its requirement.


Besides financial assistance by way of loans, SFCs/SIDCs also grant the following types of facilities to the project financed by them


(i)         Underwriting of shares/debentures.

(ii)        Guarantees including deferred payment guarantees.


Application for sanctioning of the above facilities may also be made simultaneously along with the loan application so that a package approval may granted by the financial institutions.


Salient features of important lending schemes which are common to both SFCs and SIDCs are given in the following paragraphs.




The primary objective of State level financial institution is to help setting p of small‑scale industrial units in their respective regions. Preferential treatment would be given by these institutions to grant assistance to small‑scale units on liberal terms. The general terms and conditions of financial assistance under the above schemes are as under :


Quantum of assistance : No minimum or maximum quantum of assistance has been stipulated except the upper ceilings as already discussed which are not relevant in case of small‑scale units.


Debt‑Equity ratio: A debt‑equity ratio of upto 2: 1 may be approved under he scheme.


Promoter's contribution : A minimum promoter's contribution ranging from 10% to 25% depending upon the location of project and category of entrepreneur has been prescribed under the scheme.


Repayment period : The repayment period is fixed after taking into consideration the profitability and debt service capacity of the project. No repayment period is normally fixed beyond 10 years.


Rates of Interest : The rates are subject to revision from time to time and correct information in this regard must be obtained from respective SFCs/SIDCs.


Commitment charges

For loans up to Rs. 5.00 lacs                                                      Nil

For other projects                                                                      1% p.a.


The commitment charges are payable only after 12 months from the date sanction has expired. It may be added that rates of interest and other terms conditions of sanction including rates of commitment charges may vary from state to state and exact‑position should be ascertained from respective SFC/SIDC.




The terms and conditions of term loans sanctioned to medium‑scale units are as under:


Quantum of assistance:

No minimum or maximum amount of assistance has been stipulated except the upper ceiling of the term loan that can be grant by concerned state level institution.


Debt Equity ratio: The debt equity ratio is generally permitted in the region of 1.5 : 1 but not normally allowed to exceed 2 : 1.


Promoter's contribution: A minimum promoter's contribution rang from 10% to 25% depending upon the location of the project and category entrepreneur has been prescribed under the scheme.


Repayment period: The maximum repayment period is permitted upto years. The repayment period is, however, fixed on case to case basis depending upon the profitability and debt service capacity of the project.


Rates of Interest: To be ascertained from respective SFCs/SIDCs


Commitment Charges: Commitment charges at the rate of 1 % p.a. payable. However, the commitment charges are levied after allowing initial grace period of 6 months from the date of sanction.


It may be added here that rates of interest and other terms and condition including rates of commitment charges may vary from State to State and exact position has to be ascertained from respective SFC/SIDC.




Andaman & Nicobar Islands Industrial Development Corporation (ANIIDCO)


ANIIDCO is a state financial corporation providing financial assistance under following schemes :


(1) Loan to tiny and cottage industrial projects.

(2) General Scheme

(3) Credit Guarantee Scheme




Andhra Pradesh Industrial Development Corporation


The corporation provides Term Loan Assistance under the following schemes:

1)      Term Loan

2)      Medium Term Loan

3)      Short Term Loan

4)      Loans Acquiring Pre‑existing Productive (LAPPA)

5)      Equity Participation

6)      Bill Discounting Scheme

o        Assistance to the companies for meeting gaps in working capital

o        Discounting of LC bills

o        Discounting of capital goods bills

o        Rediscounting of bills discounted by NBFCs.




Assam Financial Corporation


Schemes of assistance are as under:


1)   Long term loan

2)   Foreign currency loan under World Bank Credit (not in operation for the time being)

3)   Loan in collaboration with other financial institutions

4)   Soft loan on equity participation under special capital scheme

5)   Underwriting of issue of stock, shares by industrial concerns

6)   Deferred payment guarantee

7)   Technical and medical graduate scheme

8)   Loan for schedule caste/schedule tribe entrepreneurs

9)   Modernisation Scheme.


Special Schemes of Assistance of the Corporation are as under:


1)   Scheme for technical entrepreneurs and medical graduates

2)   Composite Loan Scheme

3)   Seed Capital Scheme

4)   Special Capital Scheme

5)   Small Loan Scheme

6)   Equipment Finance Scheme

7)   Modernisation Scheme

8)   Scheme for SCIST entrepreneurs

9)   Single Window scheme for fixed and working capital




Bihar State Financial Corporation


The Corporation provides assistance in the form of term loan, deferred payment guarantee and underwriting of public issue of shares. The purpose of given by the corporation is for acquisition of fixed assets only in the form of land, building, machinery etc. for setting up of new industrial units or for expansion modernisation, diversification or rehabilitation of existing units.



Delhi Financial Corporation


The corporation advances loans to small and medium scale industries which are technically feasible and financially viable. The projects may be set up  Delhi or Chandigarh and promoted as public limited company, private limited company, co‑operative society, partnership units or proprietorship units. For financing medium scale industry in Delhi, a clearance is required from Delhi Administration. The Project for loan assistance should be in accordance with the Industrial Policy of Delhi/Chandigarh as the case may be.


Loan assistance is provided for creation of fixed assets such as purchase land, construction of building thereon and purchase of plant & machinery, World Bank loans are also provided for the import of machinery. Loans are provided for:

           Setting up a new industrial project,

           Renovation of existing plant & machinery,

           Expansion or diversification,

           Shifting of existing unit from non‑conforming to conforming areas


Criteria for Loan


Loans are granted to the industries which are generally engaged or propose to be engaged in any of the following industrial activities:


(1)        Manufacture, preservation or processing of goods.

(2)        Hotel Industries

(3)        Maintenance, repair, testing or servicing of machinery of any description

(4)        Assembling, repairing or packing any article with the aid of machine & power.

(5)        Providing special or technical knowledge or other services for the promotion of industrial growth






EDC Ltd. operates following schemes of financial assistance:


(1)        General term loan

(2)        Equipment Finance Scheme

(3)        Acquisition of DG Set

(4)        Pollution Control Equipments

(5)        Acquisition of Computers

(6)        Quality Control facilities

(7)        Indigenisation or import substitution

(8)        Mfg. and installation of renewable energy/energy savings systems

(9)        Hotels/restaurant projects

(10)      Tourism related activities

(11)      Hospitals/Nursing Homes

(12)      Acquisition of electro medical and other equipments

(13)      Scheme for qualified professionals

(14)      National equity fund scheme

(15)      Mahila Udyam Nidhi Scheme

(16)      Single Window Scheme

(17)      Scheme for marketing organisation.




Gujarat Industrial Investment Corporation Ltd.


            Various schemes of assistance provided by the Corporation are as under:


            (1)        Mini/Computer loan Scheme

            (2)        New Entrepreneurs Scheme

            (3)        Scheme for Doctors

            (4)        Scheme for Hospital/Nursing Homes

            (5)        Scheme of SC/ST Entrepreneurs

            (6)        Single Window Scheme

            (7)        Scheme of quality control facilities

            (8)        Scheme of Ex‑servicemen

            (9)        Scheme of Women Entrepreneurs

            (10)      Scheme for Hotels

            (11)      Integrated finance/Advance Scheme

            (12)      General Scheme

            (13)      Captive Power Units Scheme

            (14)      Special Captive Scheme

            (15)      Seed Capital Scheme

            (16)      Equipment Finance Scheme

            (17)      Concessional Assistance in Backward districts

(18)      Assistance to a group of entrepreneurs in unbanked rural areas

(19)      Modernisation Scheme

(20)      Foreign Exchange Loan Scheme




Haryana Finance Corporation


The Haryana Financial Corporation provides financial assistance to industrial concerns and others through its following Schemes.


(1)        Term Loans

(2)        Equipment Refinance Scheme

(3)        National Equity Fund Scheme

(4)        Technology Development and Modernisation Scheme

(5)        Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme for Textile Industry

(5)                Scheme for Financing Vocational Training Institute

(6)                Scheme for Commercial‑Complexes, Sales Outlets, Departmental, & Shopping Malls

(7)                Scheme for Financing Projects for Computer Software Development E‑Commerce


Haryana State Industrial Development Corporation


The scope of financial services provided by HSIDC has been enlarge the year keeping in view the ever‑growing needs of industrial sector. The services now being provided include

(1)        Term Loan

(2)        Equipment Finance

(3)        Equipment Leasing

(4)        Working Capital Term Loan

(5)        Line of Credit

(6)        Loan for Commercial Complexes




Himachal Pradesh Financial Corporation


The following schemes of HPFC provide financial assistance.


(1)        National Equity Fund Scheme

(2)        Technology Development & Modernisation Fund Scheme

(3)        Technology Upgradation for Textile Industries

(4)        Working Capital Term Loan

(5)        Transport Loan Schemes

(6)        Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme


Himachal Pradesh State Industrial Development Corporation Ltd.


HPSIDC is the major State Level Financial Institution and provide term loans for industrial projects. The important schemes are


1)         Long‑term loans

2)         Bridge Loans

3)         Equipment Finance



J & K State Industrial Corporation


J&K State Industrial Development Corporation offers following financial services in the State.


(1)        Enters into joint ventures with private companies with an arrangement to sell off its shares to the partner over an agreed period.

(2)        Equity Assistance

(3)        Seed Capital Assistance

(4)        Underwriting a public issue



Karnataka State Financial Corporation


The following schemes of the Karnataka State Financial Corporation operation at present

(1)        Technicians Scheme

(2)        Seed Capital Scheme

(3)        Special Capital Scheme

(4)        Composite Loan Scheme

(5)        Scheme for educated unemployed

(6)        Finance to Tourism related facilities



Kerala Financial Corporation


A. Normal Term Loan Scheme


·         General Scheme for SSI Units

·         General Scheme for MSI Units

·         Single Window Scheme

·         National Equity Fund (NEF) Scheme

·         Finance to Hospitals and Nursing Homes

·         Scheme for Assistance for Veterinary Clinics

·         Scheme for Financing Activities relating to Marketing of SSI Products.

·         Scheme for Assistance to Information Technology and Software development Sector.

·         Scheme for Assistance for Pharmacies.

·         Scheme for Assistance for Mobile Catering.

·         Scheme for Assistance to Tourism Related Activities.

·         Finance to Hotels, Motels and Tourism

·         Scheme for Acquisition of Computers

·         Scheme for Acquisition of Generator Sets

·         Transport Loan Scheme

·         Scheme for Qualified Professionals

·         Working Capital Finance

·         Short Term Loans

·         ISI 9002 Service Certification Assistance Scheme for SSI Units.

·         Technology Development and Modernisation

·         Transport Loan Scheme

·         Shopping Complex/Commercial Complex

·         Community Hall/Kalyanamandaparn

·         Tourism Scheme for Modernisation and Upgradation

·         Scheme for Funding for Acquisition of existing assets

·         Short Term loan for TV Serial Production

·         Financial Assistance for Infrastructure Projects

·         Scheme for Modernisation and Upgradation of Hospitals, Clinics, Diagnostic Centres and Health Clubs

·         Financial Assistance for Marketing of SSI Products.

·         Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme for Technology Upgradation of Small Scale Industries.


B. Special Schemes


·         Technology Development and Modernization

·         Guidelines for Special Share Capital

·         Scheme for ISO 9000 Series Certification


C. Schemes for Existing Well Run Profit Making Enterprises


·         Equipment Leasing Scheme

·         Hire Purchase Scheme

·         Working Capital Term Loan Scheme

·         Scheme for Assistance for Market Research Advertisement, Product Launching, participation in Trade / Fairs Exhibition etc.

·         Bill Discounting Scheme

·         Access (Short Loan Scheme).



Madhya Pradesh State Financial Corporation


MPSFC provides assistance under its following schemes


(1)        Term loan for the purpose of creation of fixed assets (such as land, factory building, plant and machinery, electrical, etc.), modernisation diversification, expansion and/or replacement of equipments in existing units.

(2)        Equipment finance for acquiring identifiable and new items of plant and machinery, equipments etc.

(3)        Asset credit for purchase of equipments; for the purpose of expansion modernisation, diversification, and/or for the replacement of the equipments.

(4)        Short term loan to meet short-term requirement of funds for work capital purposes.

(5)        Working capital loan to put finance long term/medium. term work capital requirements of the industrial units.

(6)        Electro‑medical equipments finance scheme.

(7)        Hospital finance for establishment of new hospital/nursing home

(8)        Finance for professionals.

(9)        H.P. Portfolio management for providing hire purchase loans against motor vehicles.

(10)      Loan replenishment for purchase of further machineries and extension of  factory building for the existing line of activity.

(11)      DG Set Finance.

(12)      Finance for Marketing activities.

(13)      Equity participation.

(14)      Soft loan

(15)      Composite Loan for procurement of equipments, or working capital, or both.

(16)      Closed Units purchase.

(17)      Commercial complex

(18)      Fast track scheme in the form of small loans to service units or Small Industrial Establishments.

(19)      IT Venture Capital Scheme.

(20)      Credit Linked Capital Subsidy for SSI.



Maharashtra State Financial Corporation


The following schemes are operated by the Maharashtra State Financial Corporation


(1)        General Loan Scheme

(2)        Equipment Finance Scheme

(3)        Scheme for Assistance to Medical Practitioners

(4)        Development Finance Scheme

(5)        Scheme for Modernisation

(6)        Term Loan in lieu of Central Subsidy/State Subsidy

(7)        Bridge Loan



Orissa State Financial Corporation


Orissa State Financial Corporation (OSFC) provides loan assistance to the tiny, small and medium scale industrial concerns under following schemes:


1.                   Professional Scheme for qualified professionals in Management, Accountancy, Engineering, Architecture, Medicine, etc.

2.                   New Scheme for

-           commercial complexes, show rooms and sales outlets independent of Hotel business.

-           establishment of departmental stores, shopping malls and tourist homes.

3.         Special schemes for ‑

-           Employment

-                      Hotel

-                      Hire Purchase

-                      Poultry

-                      Medical

-                      Ex‑servicemen

-                      Quality Control

-                      Lease Finance

-                      Equity Fund

-                      Tourism

-                      Women

-                      Single Window Scheme for Tiny and Small units

-                      Equipment Finance.




Punjab Financial Corporation


The Punjab Financial Corporation provides loan on easy terms and condition to new as well as existing concerns for acquisition of capital assets in the form of land, building, plant and machinery through its following schemes.


(1)        General Loan Scheme

(2)        Scheme for Technololgy Development Modernisation

(3)        Loans to transport industries

(4)        Composite Loan Scheme

(5)        Assistance to Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes entrepreneurs

(6)        Single window scheme for financing of fixed assets and working capital to tiny and SSI Units.

(7)        Mahila Udyam Nidhi Scheme

(8)        National Equity Fund Scheme

(9)        Scheme for Acquisition of ISO 9000 Series

(10)      Scheme for Textile Industry under Technology Upgradation

(11)      Quick Finance Scheme

(12)      Scheme for Short Term Assistance

(13)      Scheme for Financing Commercial Complexes

(14)      Scheme for Financing Workhouses/Plinths

(15)      Scheme for Assistance to Information Technology & Software Development Sector.

(16)      PFC ‑ Line of Credit Scheme.




Rajasthan Financial Corporation


The following schemes of financial assistance are available at the Rajasthan Financial Corporation.


(1)        Term Loan Scheme

(2)        Scheme for Medical Practitioners

(3)        Tourism Related Activities

(4)        Composite Loan Scheme

(5)        Single Window Scheme

(6)        National Equity Fund

(7)        Qualified Professionals

(8)        Transport Loan

(9)        Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme (TUF) for Textile Indus

(10)      Scheme for Technology Development & Modernisation (RTDM)

(11)      Scheme for Certification of ISO 9000

(12)      Construction of Commercial Complexes, Shopping Malls and Sales Outlets.

(13)      Information Technology Scheme

(14)      Scheme for Mining Activities

(15)      Working Capital Bridge Loan Scheme

(16)      Assets Financing Scheme

(17)            Fast Track Loan Scheme

(18)            Scheme for Financial Assistance to Industrial concerns involve Commercial Construction Activities for Development of Reside Houses/Flats/Housing Complex.

(19)            Scheme for working capital term loan with the facility of deposit and withdrawal through pass book.

(20)      Scheme for financing against assets.

(21)      Others

(a)                Scheme for Dhaba

(b)                Scheme for Financial Activities Relating to Marketing of Products

(c)                Assistance to Units intending to Switch‑over their Loan Accounts, from Banks and other financial institutions to RFC.



Tamil Nadu State Industrial Investment Corporation


TIIC provides long and medium term financial assistance under following schemes

(1)        Term Loan

(2)                Term Loan and Working Capital Assistance under the Single Window Scheme.

(3)                Lease Financing for Machinery/Equipments.

(4)                Hire Purchase Financing for Machinery/Equipments.

(5)                Merchant Banking & Other Financial Services.

(6)                Soft Loan.




Uttar Pradesh Financial Corporation


The UPFC provides financial assistance through its following scheme

(1)        Composite Loan Scheme

(2)        Handloom Weavers Loan Scheme.



List of State Financial Corporations



  1.       Andhra Pradesh State Financial


          5‑9194, Chirag Ali Lane

          P.B. No. 165.


9.  Karnataka State Financial



         Building (5th Floor)

         25, Mahatma Gandhi Road

         Bangalore‑560 001


2.      Assam Financial Corporation

           Vittiya Bhawan,

            Paltan Bazar,

            Guwahati-781 008

10.  Kerala Financial Corporation


      Thiruvananthapuram 695 033



3.      Bihar State Financial Corporation

          Frazer Road

          Patna-800 001

11.  Madhya Pradesh Financial


      Finance House

      Bombay‑Agra Road

      Indore‑452 001.


4.        Delhi Financial Corporation

          Saraswati Bhawan

          'E' Block

          Connaught Place

          New Delhi‑ 110001.


12.  Maharashtra State Financial


      New Exercelsior Building

      (7th, 8th & 9th Floor)

      Arnrit Keshav Nayak Marg

      Mumbai‑400 001


5.       Haryana Financial Corporation

          Bays Nos. 17, 18 and 19

          Sector 17A,

         (Opp. LIC Building)

         Chandigarh‑160 017.


13.  Orissa State Financial

      Corporation OMP Square

      Cuttack‑753 003.


6.      Gujarat State Financial Services Ltd.

        62, 6th Floor,

        City Centre,

        Near Swastik Char Rasta,




14.  Punjab Financial Corporation

      S.C.O. 95‑98,

      Bank Square, Sector 17‑B,

      Chandigarh‑160 017


7.    Hirnachal Pradesh Financial Corporation

       New Himrus Bldg.,

      Circular Road,

       Simla‑ 171 001


15.  Rajasthan Financial Corporation

      Udyog Bhavan,

      Tilak Marg, C‑Scheme,

      Jaipur‑302 005.


8.    Jammu & Kashmir State Financial Corporation,


       SFC House,




      Augaf Building,

      VirmargJammu‑180 001.


16.  Tamil Nadu Industrial

      Investment Corporation

      Limited, Old No. 16C,

      New No. 37C, II Floor

      Whites Road,

      Chennai 600 014.


 18. West Bengal Financial Corpn.

      4 Kiran Sankar Roy Road

 Calcutta 700 100

17. Uttar Pradesh Financial Corpn.

      14/88 Civil Lines,

      Kanpur‑208 001





List of State Industrial Development Corporations


1.                   Andhra Pradesh Industrial Development Corporation Ltd. Parishrama Bhawan, 5‑9‑58/13, Fateh Maidan Road Hyderabad‑500 004.

2.                   Arunachal Pradesh Industrial Development and Financial Corporation Ltd. C‑Sector, Itanagar‑791 111.

3.                   Assam Industrial Development Corporation Ltd. RGB Ro, Guwahati‑781 024.

4.                   Bihar State Credit and Investment Corporation Ltd. Jeewan Jyoti Bhawan, S.P. Verma Road, Patna‑800 001.

5.                   EDC Ltd. Dr. Atmaram Borkar Road, Panaji, Goa 403 001.

6.                   Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation Ltd. Udyog Bhawan, 4th Floor, Block No. 3, Sector 11, Gandhinagar‑382 011.

7.                   Haryana State Industrial Development Corporation Ltd. Plot No. 13 -14, Sector 6, Panchkula‑ 134 109.

8.                   Himachal Pradesh State Industrial Development Corporation Ltd New Hirnrus Bldg., Circular Road, Simla‑ 171001.

9.                   Industrial Promotion and Investment Corporation of Orissa Ltd. 3A Satya Nagar, Bhubaneshwar‑751 007.

10.               Jammu and Kashmir State Industrial Development Corporation Ltd., Drabu House,  Rambagh, Srinagar, J&K-90 001, Shere Kashmir Bhavan, Vir Marg, Jammu, J&K‑ 180 00 1.

11.               Karnataka State Industrial Investment and Development Corporation Ltd. Hari Niwas, 36 Cunningham Road, Bangalor6560 052.

12.               Kerala State Industrial Development Corporation Ltd. TC 10/402­ Keston Road, Kawadiar, Trivandrum‑695 003

13.               Madhya Pradesh Audyogik Vikas Nigarn Ltd. 2nd Floor, Panchaman Bhawan, Malviya Nagar, Bhopal 402 003.

14.               Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation. Udyog Sarathi, Mahakali Sarathi, Mahakali Caves Road, Andheri (E), Mumbai 400 09

15.               Meghalaya Industrial Corporation Ltd. Meghalaya Additional Secretariat Building, Third Floor, Room No. 413, P.B. No. 9, Shillonj

16.               Mizoram Small Industrial Development Corporation Ltd. Aizawl.

17.               Nagaland Industrial Development Corporation Ltd. P.B. No. Dimapur‑797 119.

18.               Pondicherry Industrial Promotion Development and Investment Corporation Ltd. 38, Romain Rolland Street. Pondicherry‑605 001

19.               Punjab State Industrial Development Corporation Ltd. Udyog Bhavan 18, Himalaya Marg, Sector 17, Chandigarh‑160 017.

20.               Prodeshiya Industrial and Investment Corporation of Uttar Pradesh Ltd. Jawahar Bhawan, Ashok Marg, Lucknow 226 001.

21.               Rajasthan State Industrial and Mineral Development Corporation Ltd. Udyog Bbawan, Tilak Marg, C‑$cheme, Jaipur 302 005.

22.               Sikkim Industrial Development and Investment Corporation Ltd Gangtok, Sikkim.

23.               Tamil Nadu Industrial Development Corpn. Ltd. 19‑A, Rukman Lakshmipathy Salai, Egmore, Chennai‑600 008.

24.               Tripura Industrial Corporation Ltd. Agartala.

25.               West Bengal Industrial Development Corporation Ltd. 23A, Netaji  Subhash Marg, Calcutta‑700 001.