Export of
Goods and Services from India is allowed in terms of clause (a) of sub‑section
(1) and sub‑section (3) of section 7 of the Foreign Exchange Management
Act, 1999 (42 of 1999), read with Notification No. GSR 381 (E) dated May 3,
2000 and FEMA Notification 23 /RB‑2000 dated May 3, 2000 as amended from
time to time.
2. This Master Circular
consolidates the existing instructions on the subject of "Export of Goods
and Services' at one place. The list of underlying circulars is set out at
Annex 1.
3. As recommended by the
Committee on Procedures and Performance Audit on Public Services (CPPAPS)
(Chairman: Shri S.S. Tarapore) set up by the Reserve Bank, this Master Circular
is being issued with a sunset clause of one year. This circular will stand
withdrawn on July 1, 2003 and be replaced by an updated Master Circular on the
Sr. No. |
Circular No. |
Date |
1. |
A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 4 |
August 27,2001 |
A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 5 |
August 27, 2001 |
3. |
A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 6 |
September 24, 2001 |
4. |
A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 9 |
October 25, 2001 |
5. |
A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.
10 |
November 1, 2001 |
6. |
A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.
20 |
January 28, 2002 |
7. |
A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.
30 |
March 26 2002 |
8. |
A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.
34 |
April 1, 2002 |
9. |
A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.
35 |
April 1, 2002 |
10. |
A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.
38 |
April 12, 2002 |
11. |
A.R (DIR Series) Circular No. 53 |
June 27, 2002 |
12. |
A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.
54 |
June 29, 2002 |
13. |
A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 2 |
July 4, 2002 |
14. |
A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.
10 |
August 14, 2662 |
15. |
A.P. (DIR cries) Circular No. 11 |
August 14, 2002 |
16. |
A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.
12 |
August 28, 2002 |
17. |
A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.
21 |
September 16, 2002 |
18. |
A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.
28 |
October 3, 2002 |
Sr. No. |
Circular No. |
Date |
19. |
A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.
33 |
October 23, 2002 |
20. |
A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.
34 |
October 31, 2002 |
21. |
A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.
41 |
November 8, 2002 |
22. |
A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.
61 |
December 14, 2002 |
23. |
A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.
62 |
December 17, 2002 |
24. |
AT, (DIR Series) Circular No. 78 |
February 14, 2003 |
25. |
A.P. (DIR Set test Circular No.
91 |
April 1, 2003 |
26. |
A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.
94 |
April 26, 2003 |
27. |
AT, (DIR Series) Circular No.
100 |
May 2, 2003 |
28. |
A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 104 |
May 31, 2003 |
29. |
A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.
105 |
June 16,2003 |
30. |
A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 8 |
August 16, 2003 |
31. |
A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.
12 |
August 20, 2003 |
32. |
A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No 20 |
September 23,2003 |
33. |
A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.
22 |
September 24, 2003 |
34. |
A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.
26 |
October 3, 2003 |
35 |
A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.
30 |
October 21, 2003 |
36 |
A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.
32 |
October 28, 2003 |
37. |
A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.
40 |
December 5, 2003 |
38. |
A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.
61 |
January 31, 2004 |
39 |
A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.
68 |
February 11, 2004 |
40. |
A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.
73 |
February 20, 2004 |
41. |
A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.
94 |
June 7, 2004 |
42. |
A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.
96 |
June 15, 2004 |
uade is regulated by the Directorate General
of Foreign Trade (DGFT) and its regional offices,
under the Ministry of Commerce and Industi ics, Department of Commei ce,
Government of India.
and procedures t equired tube followed for expon Is from India ate announced by
the DGFT. Authoi ised
may conduct export transactions in conformitv with the Export‑Import
Policy in vogue and the Rules
framed by
the Government of India and the Fit ectionsissued by ReNerve Bank ft om time to
time under the Act.
Attention of authonsed dealers is invited to the Government of India
Notification No. G.S.R.38 I (E) dated Mav
notifying the Foreign Exchange Management (Current Account Transactions) Rules,
2000, in terms of
drawal of exchange for certain current account transactions has been prohibited
and restrictions have
placed on certain other transactions. In terms of Rule 4 ibid, the transactions specified in Schcciule II to
tile said
Notification requite prior approval of the Gowrnment of India and in terms of
tile Rule 5, the
ansactions specified in Schedule III to the Notification require pi ior approval of the Reserx a Bank. Authoribed
may follow directions contained in Part III while dealing with applications j
elating to export of goods
and scri
ices from India. It is toy ther clarified that tire directions contained in
this Circular should be lead with
the Rules
notified by the Govet nment of India, Ministr v of Finance, vide Notif ication
dated May 3 200n, and
annexed as
Part II of this circular as also Regulations notified by Reserve Bank vide its Notification No.FEMA
dated 3rd May, 2000 as amended from time
to time.
3. The
Reserve Bank has made the Foreign Exchange Management (Export and ftnpbrt of
Currency) Regulations, 2000 vide its
Notification NoTEMA 6/RB‑2000 doted 3rd May, 2000 and subsequently
modified vide Notification NoTEMA
38/2001 ‑ RB dated 27th February, 2001. Anv export of Indian currency of value exceeding Rs. 5000 except to the extent
permitted under any general permission granted under the Regulations, will
require prior permission of Reserve Bank.
4. In
terms of regulation 4 of the Foreign Exchange Management (Guarantees)
Regulations, 2000, notified vide Reserve
Bank Notification NoTEMA 8/RB dated 3rd MaN, 2000, authorised dealers have
been permitted to issue guarantees on behalf of exporter clients on account of
exports out of India.
5. Export
of goods and scrvices against repayment of state credits grapted by erstwhile
Soviet Union will continue to be governed by the extant directions issued by
Reserve Bahk, as amended from time to time. Further, Reserve Bank will continue
to consider as hitherto, counter trade proposals from Indian exporters with
Romania involving adjustment of value of exports from India against value of
iinports made into India in terms of a voluntarily entered arrangement between
the concerned parties, subject to thL'condition, among others that the Indian
exporter should utilise the funds for import of goods from Romania into judia
within six months from the date of credit to Esci ow Accounts allowed to be
A. 1 Trade and Exchange Control
(i) In exercise of the powers conferred by
clause (a) of sub‑section (1), sub‑section (3) of section 7 and
scbsection (2) of section 47 of the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 (42
of 1999), the Reserve Bank has made the Foreign Exchange Management (Export of
Goods and Services) Regulations, 2000 relating to export of goods and services
from India, hereinafter referred to as the 'Export Regulations'. These
Regulations have been notified videNotification No. TEMA 23"2000‑RB,
dated 3rdMay,2000, as amended fi orn nine to time.
(it) Any reference to Reserve Bank should be
made to the office of Foreign Exchange Department within whosejurisdiction the
applicant person, firm orcomparry resides orfunctions unless otherwise
indicated. If for any particular reason, a fit m or comparo, desires to deal
with a diffei Car office of the Foreign Exchange Department, it may approach
the office within whose jurisdiction it functions for necessary approval.
A.2 Exemptions from Declarations
(i) The requirement of declaration of
export of goods and software in the prescribed form will not apply to the cases
indicated in Regulation No. 4, ibid The
requirement of declaration also shall
not apply to goods sent for testing abroad, subject to re‑import.
Exporters have been exempted from submission of declaration in prescribed
format for exports of value not exceeding US $ 25,000 or its equivalent. The
exporters shall however, be liable to realize and repatriate export proceeds as
per FEMA Regulations.
(it) Gift of goods exceeding rupees five
Jakhs; in value require approval of the Reserve Bank,
(iii) Authorised Dealers mav consider requests
for grant of GR waiver from exporters for export of goods free of cost, for
export promotion upto 2 per cent of average annual exports of the applicant
during the preceding thi ce years subject to a ceiling of Rs. 5 lakhs.
fir) Export of goods not involving any
foreign exchange transaction directly or indirectly, requires the waiver of
GR/PP procedure from Reserve Bank.
A.3 Numbering of forms
GR, PP and
SO FTEX forms will bear specific identification numbers. In all
applications/correspondence with the Reserve Bank, this identification
numbershould invariablv be cited. In the case of declarations made on SDF form,
the port code number and shipping bill number should be cited.
AA Manner of Payment
(d The amount representing the full export
N aluc of tire goods exported shall he received through an authurised dealer in
the manner specified in the Foreign Exchange Management (Manner of Receipt
& Payment) Regulations, 2000 notified vide Notification No. FEMA 14/2000‑RB,
dated 3h d May 2000.
(n) Payment for export mav also be received
by the exporter in the following mannet
a in the form of bank draft, pay order,
banker's or personal cbeques.
b. Foreign currency notes/funeign currency
travellers' cbeques from the buyer
during his visit to India.
c. Payment out of funds held in the
FCNR/NRE account maintained by the Buyer
d. Through International Credit Cards.
When payment, in respect of goods
sold to overseas buyers during their visits is received in this manner &
GR/SDF (duplicate) should be released by the authorised dealers only on
receipt of funds in their Nosti o account or on production of a certificate by
the exporter from the Credit Card servicing bank in India to the effect that it
has i eceived the equivalent amount in foreign exchange, if the authorised
dealer concerned is not the Credit Card servicing bank, ADs mro also i eccive
payment for experts made out of India by debit to the credit card of an
importer where the reimbursement from the card issuing bank/oiganisation pill
be received in foreign exchange
e. All ti ansactions; between a person
resident in India and a per‑son resident in Nepal may be settled in
Rupees. However, in case of export of goods to Nepal, where an impoi tct resident
in Nepal has been permitted by the Nepal Rashtra Bank to make payment in free
foreign exchange, such priNments shall be jouted through the ACU mechanism.
export may also be received by the Gem & Jewellery units in SEZs and EOUs
in the form of precious metals ~e. Gold /Silver/Platinum equixalent to value of
jewellerv exported on the condition that the sale contract piovidesfoi the same
and the approximate iairic of theprecious
metals is indicated in the relevant GR/SJDF/PP Forms.
A.5 Guarantees against Exports
approval of Reserve Bank should be
obtained by authorised dealers for issue of guarantees in respect of caution‑listed
exporter s.
A.6 (I) Foreign Currency Accounts
Bank may consider applications in Form EFC h om exporter s having good track
occur d for opening foreign currency accounts with banks subject to cei tain
tet nis and conditions. Applicatioris let opening such an account With a branch
of an authm, ised dealer in India may be submitted through the branch at which
the f('Feigll cur rencN account is to be maintained If the foreign curi enev
account is to be maintained abroad the application should be made bv
theexporter giving details of the bank with which the accourit will be
maintained. An Indian cruity has also been permitted to open, hold and maintain
in the name of its office/branch set up outside India, a foreign cur renev
account with a bank outside by making remittance for the purpose of normal
business operations of the said office/branch or repi eentative subject to
certain conditions.
corporates who have set up overseas offices abroad have beenpermitted to
acquire immovable property outside India for their business as also staff
residential purposes with prior permission of RBI, until further notice.
A unit
located in a Special Economic Zone (SEZ) may be allowed to open, hold and
maintain a Inteigir Cut relarv Account with an authonsed dealer in India subject to certain specified conditions.
A person
resident in India being a project/service exporter may open, hold and maintain
Foreign Currencv Account "oh a bank outside or in India, subject to cei
tain ter ms and conditions.
(it) Diamond Dollar Account
Under the
scheme of Government of India, firms and companies dealing in purchase/sale of rough or cut and
polished diamonds/diamond studded jewellerv, with track record of at least
three years in import or export of diamonds and havingo air averigeannual tu‑nover
of Rs. 5 croi es or above during preceding three licensing veat s (licensing
year is from April to March) are permitted to transact their business through
Diamond Dollar Accounts and may be allowed to open not more than five Diamond
Dollar Accounts with their banks.
eligible firms and companies may apply for permission to the Chief General
Manager, Foreign Exchange Department, Trade Dbisioll, Reserve Bank of India,
Ceirt al Office, Mumbal 400 001, through then authutised dealer,
(!it) Exchange Earners' Foreign Currency (EEFC)
A person
resident in India may open, hold arid maintain with an authorised dealcl ill
India, a foreign currency accouritto be known as Exchange Earners'Foreign
Currency (EEFQ Account. This account will be maintained only in the form of rion‑irucrest
bearing current account and no credit facilities either fund‑based or
nun4 und based, should be permitted against tire security of balances held in
EEFC accounts, by the authorised dealers. The limits of eligible ci edits tothe
EEFC accounts are I 00tc forStaux Holder Exporter (as defined in Exim Policy in
force), a resident in India fin ptofesionalseivicus rendered in his personal
capacity and 100()6 Export Oriented Unit/&, Unit/s in Export Processing
Zones (EPZs), Software Technology Park (STP) and Electronic Hardware Technology
Pat k (EHTPs) and 50% for other pin sons resident in India in respect of in%vat
d remitt once T eccived through normal banking channel, other than the
remittance received pursuant to any under taking given to the Rcserx c Bank or
which represents foreign currency loan raised or investment received from
outside India or those received for meeting specific obligations by the account
received in foreign exchange by a unit in Domestic Tariff Area (DTA) for supply
of goods to a unit in Special Economic Zones out of its foreign currency A/c.
are to be ti cored as eligible foreign exchange earnings for the purpose of
credit to the EEFC A /c. Authorised Dealers may credit such payments receii ed
in foreign exchange by a unit in DTA to its EEFC A/c.
Dealers may till furthei notice, permit their exporter constituents to extend
trade related loans/ tel,ances to overseas importers out of their EEFC balances
without any ceiling subject to compliance of provisions of Notification No.FEMA
3/2000‑RB dated 31d May, 2000 as amended It in time to time.
Dealers may permit exporters to repay packing credit advances whether availed
in Rupee or in foreign currency from balances in their EEFC A/c. and/or rupee
resources to the extent exports have actually taken place.
IN) Supply of goods from units in Special
Economic Zones (SEZs) to units In Domestic Tariff Area
Dealers may permit units in DTAs to put chase foreign exchange for making payment
for goods supplied to them by units in SFZs.
A.7 Counter‑trade Arrangement
(i) Countertrade proposals involving
adjustment of value of goods imported into India against valueof goods exported
from India in ternis, of an arrangement voluntarily entered into between the
Indian party and the oN ersects party thi oulph an Escrow Account opened in
India in U.S. dollar will be considered by the Reserve Bank. All imports and
exports under the to i angernerit should be at international prices in conformity
xvith the Exim Policy and Foreign Exchange Manalocluent Act, 1999 and the Rules
arid Regulations made thereundet, No interest willbe pay able on balances
standing to the credit of the Escrow Account but the funds temporarily rendered
surplus may be held in a short‑term deposit up to a total period of three
months in a year (i.e., in a block of 12 months) and the banks may pay interest
at the applicable late. No fund hased/or non‑fund based facilities would
be permitted against the balances in the Fserow Account.
(a) Application for permission for opening
an Esciow Account may be made by the oyciscas exporter/ orgarlisation through
the authorised dealerwithwhom theaQcount is proposed tobcopened, to theoffice
of Reserve Bank under "nose jurisdiction the authorised dealer is
A.8 Export of goods on lease, hire, etc.
Export of
machinery, equipment, etc., cry lease,hire, etc., basis underagreement with the
overseas lessee against collection af lease rentals/hire charges and ultimate i
e‑import require In ior approval of the Reserve Bank. Exporters should
apply for necessary permission, through an authonsed dealer, to the concerned
Regional office of the Reserve Bank, gining full particulars of the goods to be
A.9 Participation in Trade Fairs abroad
(i) Participants in international
exhibition /trade fair have been granted general permission vide Regulation
7(7) of
the Foreign Exchan ' ge Management (Foreign Currency Account by a Person
Resident in India)
Regulations, 2000 notilied under
Notification No. FEMA 10/2000‑RB, dated 3rd May, 2000 for opening
foreign currency account abroad. Exporters may deposit tile foreign exchange
obtained, by sale of goods, at the international exhibition/ trade fair and
operate the account during their staN outside India pro% ided that the balance
in the account is i epitriated to India within a period of one month it out the
date of closure of the exhibition/tracte fair and full details at c submitted
to the concerned authorised dealer.
(it) Firms/Crunpanies and other orgamsations
participating in Trade Fair/ Exhibition abroad are now permitted to take/expoit
goods for exhibition and sale outside India without the prior approval of the
Reserve Bank of India. Unsold exhibit items may be sold outside the
exhibition/trade fair in the sarne country or in another third country. Such
sales at discounted value are also permissible. It would also be permissible
to'gift'unsold goods upto the value of US $ 5000 per exporter, per exhibition/
trade fair.
Dealers may approve GR Form of export items for display or display‑cu"r‑sale
in trade fairs/ exhibitions outside India subject to the following :
i The exporter shall produce relative
Bill of Entry within one month of re‑import into India of the unsold
L The sale proceeds of the items sold
are repatriated to India in accordance with Foreign Exchange Management
(Realisation, Repatriation, and Surrender of Foreign Exchange) Regulations, 2000.
iii. The exporter shall report to the
Authorised Dealer the method of disposal of all items exported, as well as the
repatriation of proceeds to India.
transactions approved by the Author ised Dealers will be subject to 10006 audit
by the internal inspectors/ auditors of the Authorised Dealer concerned.
A. 10 Project Exports and Service Exports
Export of
engineering goods on deferred payment terms and execution of turnkey projects
and civil construc. tion contracts abroad are collectively referred to as
'Project Exports'. Indian exporters offering deferred payment terms to overseas
buyers and those participating in global tenders for undertaking turnkey/civil
construction contracts abroad are required to obtain approval of Authorised
Dealer/Exiin Bank/Working Group at post‑award stage before undertaking
execution of such contracts. Regulations i elating to 'Project Expurts'and
'Service Exports'are laid down in the revised Memorandum on Project
A. 11 Export on Elongated Credit Terms
intending to export goods on elongated credit terms mav submit their proposals
giving full particulars through their banks to the concerned Regional Office of
Reserve Bank for consideration,
In the
case of expel t of books on consignment basis, ADs mav approve such proposals
allowing for readisation
of export
proceeds upto 360davs from the date of shipment. The exportersmaybe allowed
toallainclonthe books
which i
emain unsold at the expirv of the period of (he sale contract. Accordingly, the
value of the unsold books
may be
shown b ' v the exporters as deduction from the export proceeds in the Account
A. 12 Export of goods by Special Economic Zone . Job
work abroad
Units in
SEZs are permitted to undertake job work abroad and export goods from that
country itself subject to the conditions that
L Processing/ manufacturing charges are
suitably loaded in the export price and are borne by the ultimate bu ver.
E The exporter has made satisfactory
arrangements for realisation of full export proceeds subject to the usual GR
A. 13 Forfeiting
Bank of India (Exim Bank) and authorised dealers have been permitted to
undertake forfeiting, for financing of export receivables. It would be in order
for iuthorised dealers to allow remittance of commitment fee/service charges,
etc., pavable be the exporter as approved by the Exint Bank/the concerned
authorised dealer. Such remittance may be permitted in advance in one lump sum
or at monfliIN intervals as approved bv the concerned agency.
1.1 Disposal of Copies of Export Declaration Forms
(i) Copies
of export declaration forms should be disposed of as under:
(a) GR forms should be completed by the
exporter in duplicate and both the copies submitted to the Customs at the port
of shipment along with (fie shipping bill. Customs will give their 1 unning
serial number on both the copies after admitting the corresponding shipping
bill. The Customs serial nuorbei will have ton numerals dcnoting the code
number of the port of shipment, the calendar year and a six digit running
serial number. Customs wilt certify the value declared bN the exporter on both
the copies of the GR format the space earmarked and will also record the
assessed value. They will then return the duplicate copy of the form to the
exporter and retain the original for transmission to Reserve Bank, Exporters
should submit the duplicate copy of the GR form again to Customs along with the
cargo to be shipped. After examination of the goods and certifying the quantitx
passed fua shipment on the duplicate copy, Customs will return it to the
exporter for submission to the authorised dealer for negotiation or collection
of export bills.
(b) Within twenty‑one days from the
date of expoi t, exporter should lodge the duplicate copy together with
relative shipping documents and an extracopv of theinvoice with the authorised
dealernamed inthe GRfia rn. After the documents have been negotiated /sent
forcollection, the authonsed dealer should report the transaction to Reserve
Bank in ~tatement ENC under cover of appropriate RSuplatementarv Return,
However, the duplicate copy of the form together with a copy of invoice
etc.will hencefoi th be Yetainedby the authorised dealerand maynot be submitted
to Reserve Bank.
0) In the case of exports made under defer
red ci edit arrangement or to joint ventures abroad against equity
participation or under rupee credit agreement, the number and clate of Reserve
Bank approval and/or number and date of the relative RBI circular should be i
ecrit den at the appropi iate place on the GR form.
(ii) Where Duplicate copy of GR form is
misplaced or lost, authorised dealer may accept another copy of duplicate GR
form duly certified by Customs.
(c) On account of introduction of Electronic
Data Interchange (EDDSystem at certainCustoms offices where shipping bills ai c
la ocessed clecti onically, the existing declaration in GR form is i eplaced by
a declai ation in Form SDF (Statutory Declaration Form). The SDF form should be
submitted in duplicate (to be annexed to the i clative shipping bill) to the
concet tied Commissioner of Customs. After venfNing and autbenticatinlo the
declaration in Form SDF, the Commissioner of Customs will hand over to the
exporter, one copy of the shipping bill marked'Exchange Control Copy'in which
Form SDF has been appended for being submitted to tire authorised dealer within
21 days from the date of export. The authorised dcilez should accept the
Exchange Control (EC) copy of the shipping bill and Form SDF appended thereto,
submitted by the exporter for collection/negotiation of shipping documents. The
manner of disposal of EC copy of shipping Bin (and Form SDF appended thereto)
is same as that fut GR forms.
(d) in cases where ECGC initially settles
the claims of exporters in respect of exports insured with them and
subsequently receives theexpon proceeds from the buyei /buyer's country tbi
ough the efforts made by them, the share of expot ters in the animint so
received isdisbursed through the bank which had handled the shipping documents.
In such cases, ECGC will issue a certificate (o the bank which hadhandled the i
elevant shipping der uments afterfull proceeds havebeen received. The certificate
will indicate the number of declaration form, name of the exportei, name of the
authorised dealer, date of negotiation, bill number, invoice value and the
amount actually received by ECGC.
(e) The authorised dealer should ensure by
random check of the relevant duplicate forms by their internal /concurrent
auditors to confirm that non‑realisation or short realization allowed, if
any, is w ithm the powers delegated to them ot has been duly appi oved by
Reserve Bank, wherever necessary,
(fl Where a part of exism t proceeds are
credited to EEFC account, the export declaration (dvplicate~l form maN be cet
tified asunder:
'Proceeds amounting to representing 0o
of the export realisation credited to EEFC account
maintained bv the expornei with .
(h) The manocr of disposal of PP forms is
same as that for GR for ms. Postal authorities will allow export of goods by
post only if the original cop) oi the fin in has been countei signed bv an
authorised dealer Therefore, PP furmsshould be first m esentedbythe
exportertoart author ised dealer forcountersignalure. Authorised dealer will
countei sign the forms in accordance with directions in paragraph B.2 and i
etum the onginal cop~ to the exporter, who should submit the form to the post
office with the parcel. The duplicate copy of the PP form will be retained bN
the authorised dealer to whom the exporter should submit relevant documents
together with anextracopyof invoice for negotiation/collection, "ithin the
prescribed period of t"entv‑one days.
B. 2 Countersignature on PP Forms
PP forms
will be presented by the exporter to an authorised dealer for countersignature.
Authorised dealet s should countersign the PP forms after ensuring that the
parcel is being addressed to their branch or coti,,spondent bank in the courtiv
of import, The concerned overseas branch or correspondent should be
tudeliverthe parcelto consignee againsrpawrient oracceptance of relative
bii].Authorised dealeis
however, countersign PP forms covering parcels addressed direct to the
consignees, provide,] :‑ I
a an irrevocable letter of credit for
the full value of the export has been opened in favow of exporter and has been
advised thn ough authonsed dealer concerned;
the full
value of the shipmenthas beenreceivedin advariceby the exporter through an
authorised dealer; or
b. the authorised dealer is satisfied, on
the basis of the standing and track record of the exporter and the arrangements
made for realisation of the export proceeds, that he could do so.
cases, particulars of advance payment/letter of credit/aulliorised dealer's
ceitificationof standing, etc., of the exporter should be furnished on the form
under propei authentication. Any alteration in the name and addressof
consigneeon the PPmr1n should also be authenticated by theauthorised dealer
under his stamp and signature.
B.3.A. Terms of payment ‑ Invoicing ‑
(i) In respect of long duration contracts
involving series of transmissions, the exporters should bill then overseas
clients periodically, i.e., at least once a month or on reaching
the'milestone'as provided in the corn act entered into with the overseas client
and the last inx oice/bill hould be raised not later than IS days from the date
of completion of the contract. It would be in order for the exporters to submit
a combined SOFTEX form for all the invoices raised on a particular over‑seas
client, including advance remittances i eceived in a month.
(it) In respect of contracts involving
ooly'one shot operation', the invoice/bill should be raised within 15 days from
the date of transmission.
(in) The exporter should submit declaration
in Form SOFTEX in triplicate in respect of expoi I of computer software and
audio/video/television software to the concerned designated official of
Government of India at S"I*PI/EPZ/F7Z/SEZ for valuation/certitication not
latertbap 30daysfrorn thedatcof invoi~c!
list in% nice raised in a month, as indicated above. The designated officials may
also certify the SOFTEX Forms in respect of EOUs which are registered with
(iv) The invoices raised on overseas clients
as at(i) to (in) above will be subject to valuation of export declared on
SOFTEX form by the concerned designated official of Government of India and
consequent amendment made in the invoice value, if ncc~ssary.
13.3,B. Disposal of SOFTEX forms
As for
disposal of SOFTEX forms the procedure indicated in Regulation 6 of Export
Regulations is to be observed. However the duplicate copy of the form together
with a copy of invoice etc. will henceforth be retained by the authorised
dealer and may not be submitted to Reserve Bank.
B.4 Shut out shipments and Short Shipments
(i) When part of a shipment covered bN a GR
form alread) filed with Customs is short‑shipped, exporter must give
notice of short‑shipment to Customs in form and manner prescribed. In
case of delay in obtaining certified short‑shipincirt notice front
Customs, exporter should give air undertaking to the authorised dealer to the
effect that he has filed the short‑shipment notice with the Customs and
that he will furnish it as soon as it is obtained.
(u) Where a shipment has been entirely shut
out and there is dela ‑ v in making arrangements to re‑ship,
exporter will give notice in
duplicate to Customs in the manner and in form prescribed for the purpose,
attaching thereto the unused
duplicate copy of GR for in and the shipping bill. Customs will verify that the
shipment was actually shut out,
certify copy of the notice as correct and forward it to Reserve Bank
together with unused duplicate copy
of the GR for in. In this casc, the original GR form received eat bet
from Customs will be cancelled. If
the shipment is made subsequently, a fresh set of GR form should be
B.5 Consolidation of Air Cargo
Where air
cargo is shipped under consolidation, the air line company's Master Airway Bill
will be issued to the Consolidating Cargo Agent who will in turn issue his own
House Airwav Bills (HAWBs) to individual shippers. Author ised dealers may
negotiate HAWBsonIv if the relative Ictterof credit specifically provides
fornegotiation of these documents in lieu of Air way Bills issued by the air
line company. Authorised dealers may also accept Forwarder's Cargo Receipts
(FCR) issued by steamship companies or then, agents (instead of'IAiA'approved
agents), in lieu of bills of lading, for negoTiation/collection of shipping
documents, in respect of export transactions backed by letters of credit, only
if the j clative letter of ci edit specifically pi o\ ides for negotitnion of
this document, in lieu of bill of lading. For ther, i clative sale contract
with the overseas buyer should also provide that FCR may be accepted in lieu of
bill of lading as a shipping document.
Exports by Barges/Country Craft/Road Transport
procedure should be adoptedbv exporters forfiling miginalcopies of GR/SDF forms
where exports are made to neighbouring countries by road, rail or river ti
a In case of exports by barges/countr '
v craft/road transport, the form should be presented lt~ expoiteror
his agent at the Customs station at
the hot der tin ough which tire N essel or N chicle has to pass before
crossing over to the foreign
territoi y. For this purpose, exporter may at i inge either to give the I orm
the person in charge of the vessel
or vehicle or fen ward it to his agent at the border for submission to
b. As regards exports by rail, Customs
staff have been posted at certain designated railway stations for
attending to Customs formalities.
The ‑ v will collect t he GR/SDF forms in respect of goods loaded at
station, so that the goods nmN move
sit aight on to the I ce eign country without further f,)rmaluics at the
border. The list of designated i
ailwav stations is obtainable froin the Ratilwa vs. In respect of goods)oaded
at stations other than the
designated stations, exporters must at range to pa esent GR/S DF forms to the
Customs Officer at the Border Land
Customs Station whet e Customs formalities are completed.
c. fit tcrms of an agreement on Bar dei
Trade between India and Mvimmar, exchange of cei tain specified locally prod
need commodities, by people living along the Incha‑kt, anmai border on
both sides a ncei barter trade arrangement as also trade in freely convertible
currency, has been permitted. Authorised dealer s should follow sit ictly I he
revised guidelines issued in terms of A.P.(DIR Series) Circular No. 17, dated
C. I Delay in submistoon of shipping documents by
In cases
where exact i ci s present documents pertaining it, expoi i s after the preset
ibed per rod of bventy‑one days fi on‑, date of expoi t, an(
hurised dealers may handle thern without prior approval of Reserve Ba us,
provided they ate satisfied with the i easons for the deW.
isi nar
wart tire i easons Yor me crew.
C. 2 Check‑list for Scrutiny of Forms
dealer/exporter should verify the following:
c Authorised dealer should ensure that
the number on the duplicate copy of a GR for m presented to them is the same as
that (if the original which is usually recorded on the Bill of Lading/Shipping
Bill and the duplicate has been duty verified and authenticated by appropriate
Customs authorities. In the case of SDF for an, the Shipping Bill No. should be
the same as that appearing on the Bill of Lading.
ii. Bill of Lading/Airwav Bill issued
on'freight prepaid'basis may be accepted where the sale contract is on f.o.b.,
f.a.s. etc. basis provided the amount of freight has been included in the
invoice and the bill, Conversely, in the case of c.i.f., c.& I. etc,
contracts whose freight is sought to be paid at destination, it should be
ensured that the deduction made is only to the extent of freight declared on GR
/SDF forin or the actual amount of freight indicated on the Bill off‑ading/Airway
Bill, whichever is less. Likewise, where the marine insurance is taken by the
exporters on buyer's account, authorised dealer should verify that the actual
amount paid is received from the buyer through invoice and the bill.
in. The documents submitted do not reveal
an~ material inter se discrepancies in regard to description of goods exported,
export value or country of destination.
A. The export realisable value may be more
than what was originally declared to/accepted by Customs on the GR/SDF form in
certain circumstances such as where in c.i.f. or c. & I. contracts, par I
(it whole of any freight merease taking place after the contract was concluded
is agreed to be borne by buyers or where as a result of subsequent devaluation
of the currency of the contract, buyer s have agreed to an increase in price.
B. In cases where the documents at c being
negotiated by a person other than the exporter who has signed GR/PP/SDF/SOFTEX
Form in respect of the concerned consignment of export, authorised dealers may
negotiate the documents after ensuring compliance w ith Regulation 12 of
"Export Regulations".
C~ In certainlines of exporttrade, final
settlement of price maybe dependent onthe resultsof quality analysis
of samples ch awn at the thme of
shipment; but the results of suchanalvsis will become available only after
the shipment has been made.
Sometimes, contracts may provide for payment of penalty forlate shipment
of goods in confoi mity witf, trade
practice concerning the commodity. In these cases, while expoi ter s
declare to Customs the full export
value based on the contract price, invoices submitted along with
shipping documents for
negotiation/collection may reflect a different value arrived at after taking
account the results of analysis of
samples or late shipment penalt ' v, as the case may be.
As such
variations stem from the terms of contract, authorised dealers may accept them
on production of documentary evidence after verifying the arithmetical accuracy
of the calculations and on conforming the terms of underlying contracts.
C.3 Trade Discount
Bills in
respect of exports by sea or air which fall short of the value declared on
GR/SDF forms on account of trade discount maN be accepted for negotiation or
collection only if the discount has been declared by exporter on relative GR/SDF
form at the time of shipment and accepted by Customs.
CA Advance Payments against Exports
may receive advance payments (whir or without interest) from their overseas
buyers. It should, however, be ensured that the shipments made against the
advance payments are monitored by the authorised dealer through whom the
advance payment is received. The appropriations made against every shipment
must be endorsed on the original copy of the inward remittance certificate
issued for ach once remittance.
Purchase of foreign exchangefrom the market for refunding advance payment
credited to FEFC account may be allowed only after milising the entire balances
held in the exporter's EEFC accounts maintained at
C.5 Part Drawings
In certain
lines of export trade, it is the practice to leave a small part of the invoice
value undrawn for payment after adjustment due to differences in weight,
quality, etc. to be ascertained after arrival and inspection, weighment or
analysis of the goods. In such cases, authorised dealers may negotiate bills,
a. the amount of undrawn balance is considered normal in the particular line of
export trade, subject to a maximum of 10 per cent of the full export value;
b. an
undertaking is obtained from exporter on the duplicate of GR/SDF/PP forms that
he will surrender/ account for the balance proceeds of the shipment within the
period prescribed fur realisation.
Note : In cases where exporter has not
been able to arrange for repatriation of the undrawa balance in spite of
bestefforts, authorised dealet son being satisfied with thebona lidesof
thecase,should ensure that the exporter has reati,ect at least the value for
which the bill was initially drawn (excluding undrawn balances) or90% of the
value declared on GR/PP/SDF form, whichever is more and a period of one yearhas
elapsed from the date of shipment.
C.6 Consignment Exports
(i) When goods have been exported on
consignment basis, authorised dealer, while forwarding shipping documents to
his overseas branch /correspondent, should instructthe latterto deliver them
onlv against trust receipt / undertaking to delixei safe proceeds by a
specified date within the period prescribed for realisationof proceedsof the
export. This procedure should be followed even if, according to the practice in
certain trades, a bill for part of the estimated value is drawn in advance
against the exports.
(n) The agents/consignees may deduct from
sale proceedsof thegoods expenses normally incurredtowards receipt, storage and
sale ofthe goods, such as landing charges, warehouse rent, handling charges,
etc. and remit the net proceeds to the exporter.
(fit) The account sales received from the
Agent/Consignee should be verified by the authorised dealer. Deductions
inAccount Salesshould be supported by bifls/reccipts in original except in
cascof pett% items like postage/cable charges, stamp duty etc.
A. Incaseof goods Qxporledorr consignment
basis, freight andmarine insurance must be arranged in India.
B. Reserve Bank will permit, on
application, exporters with satisfactorv track record a longer pet iod up to
twelve months for realisation of export proceeds for exports on consignment
hasis made to CIS countries and East Em opean countries financed in any
permitted currency.
C~ Authorised Dealers may consider the
applications received from exporters and grant permission fur opening/hiring
warehouses ahroad subject to the following conditions:
a Applicant's export outstanding does
not exceed 5 percent of export s made during the previous year.
b. Applicant
has a minimum export turnover of USD 1,00,000 during the last year.
c. Period of realisatiun should be as
applicable Le., 180 days for non‑status holder exporters and 365 days for
status holder exporters.
d. All transactions should be routed
through the designated branch of the authorized dealer,
The above
permissions may be granted to the exporters initially for a period of one year
and the renewal thereof may be considered subject to the applicant satisfying
the requirement at (a) above. Authorised Dealersgranting such permission/
approvals should maintain a proper record of the approvals granted,
C.7 Despatch of Shtpping Documents
(i) While Authorised dealers should
normally despatch shipping documents to their overseas branches/ correspondents
expeditiously, they may despatch shipping documents direct to the consignees or
their agents resident in the country of final destination of goods in cases
where advance payment or an irrevocable letter of credit has been received for
the full value of the export shipment and the underlying sale conti act/letter
of ci edit provides for despatch of documents dii cut to the consignee or his
agent resident in the country of final destination of goods.
(it) In cases not covered by (t) above also,
authorised dealers may accede to the request of the exporter; for despatch of
documents for whatever reason, direct to the cunsignee/agent provided the
exporter is a regular customer and the authorised dealer is satisfied, on the
basis of standing and track record of the exporter and the arrangements made
for realisation of export proceeds, that the i equest can be acceded
(in) Docurrientsin respectof goods
orsoftwarewhich areaccomparried with a declaration by the exporter that they
are lot more than rupees tw eniv live thousand in value and not declared on
GR/SDF/PP/SOFTEX form, in terms of paragraph A.2 may be dit ccrv sent by the
exporter to the consignee.
(iv) Documcritsm respect of goods exported
against 100% advance remittance, in terms of paragraph CA may be direeth, sent
by tbeerciantertiotbe consignee.
(v) Authorised Dealers mav permit'Status
Holder Expel teis'(a~ delined in the EXIM Policy), and units in Special
Economic Zones (SEZ) to despatch the export documents to the consigneesoutside
India subject to the terms and conditions that
a. the expoi t proceeds are i epatriated
throuidt the authorised dealta named in the GR Fomi and
b. the duplicate copy of the GR form is
submitted to the Authorised Dealer for monitoring purposes, by the exporters
within 21 days from the date of export.
Handing Over Negotiable Copy of Bill of Lading to Master of Vessel/Trade
dealer s mav deliver one negotiable copy of the Bill of Lading to the Master of
the carrying vessel or trade representative, in rcspect of cNpurts to certain
landlocked colon ics if the shipment is covered by an irrevocable lettei of
credit and the documents conform strictly to tire let ms of the Letter of
Credit which, truer alia, provides for such delivery.
C.9 Export Hills Register
i. Audionsed dealers should maintain
Export Bills Register, in physical or electronic form. Details of GR/ SDF/PP
form number, due date of payment, the for mightly period of R Supplementary
Return with which ENC statement covering the transaction %,as sent to Reserve
Bank, should 1yeavailable.
ii. Authorised dealers should ensure that
all types of export transactions are entered in the Export Bills Register and
are given bill numbers on calendar year basis (i.e. JarluarytoDecember). The
billnumbers should be recorded in ENC statement and other relevant returns
submitted to Reserve Bank.
C.10 Follow‑up of Overdue Bills
(i) Authorised dealers shouid closely watch
realisation of billsand in cases wherebills remain outstanding,
beyond the due date forpavirient
orsix monthsirom the date of export, the matter should bepromptly
taken upwith the concerned exporter.
If the extiorter fails to arrange fordelivervof the proceeds, within
six months orseek extensionof time
beyond sixtymnims thernaltershould be reported to Reserve Bank
stating, where possible, the reason
fur the delay in realising the proceeds. The duplicate copies of GR/
SDF/ PPFor‑nissh.Lild,hOWCVCI',COnttl~Lictobelielib
' vautlunieddealci until full or oceeds are realisord
except in caseof undrawn balances
covered byNote underparagraph C 5.Authmised dealersshould
follow up export outstanding with
exporters systematicalb and iigoroush, so that action against
defaulting exporter s does not get
delived. Any laxity in [fie follow up of i calisation of export proceeds by
authorised dealers will be viewed
seriously by Reserve Bank leading to the invocation ot the penal
provisurn under TEMA 1999.
(d) Exporters whodhave been certified
asStatus Holder'ni terms of EXIM Policy are permitted to realise and repatriate
the full value of export proceeds within a period of 12 months from tile date
of shipment.
(ih) The stipulation of twelve months
orextoreded period thereof forrealisation of export proceeds is no longer
applicable foi units located in Special Economic Zones (SEZs). The units in
SEZs will however continue to follow the GR/PP/Softex export fa ocedure utfined
in Section B ‑ Par'[ III of this circular.
(w) Acthoriseddeiters should furnish to
ReserveBank, on half‑yearly basis, aconsolidated statement in Form XOS
living details of all export hills outstanding beyond six months from the date
of export as at the end of June and December everv vcai. The statement should
be submitted in triplicate within fifteen days fi oin the close of the relative
C. I I
Reduction in invoice value on account of
prepayment of usance bills
exportei s our, appi each author ised dealers for reduction in invoice value on
account of cash discount tooverseas buyers forpreprovinem of the usance bills.
In such cases authorised dealers may allow cash discuunt to the extent of
amount of proportionate interest on the unexpii ed period of usance, calculated
at the rate of interest stipulated in the expui I conti act or at the prime
ratc/LIBOR of the cut rencv of invoice where rate of interest is not stipulated
in the contract.
C.12 Reduction in Value
If, after
a bill has been negotiated or sent for collection, the amount thereof is
desired to be reduced for any reason, author ised dea3er may approve such
reduction, if satisfied about genuineness of the request, provided:
a. the
reduction does not exceed 10% of invoice value,
b. it does
not relate to export of commodities subject to floor price stipulations,,
c. the
exporter is not on the exporters'ciulion list of Rescrv e Bank, and
d. the exporter
is advised to surrender proportionate export incentives availed of, if any.
In the
case of expoi ter s who hai e been in the export business for more than three
years, reduction in invoice
value may
be allowed, without anv, percentage ceiling, subject to the above conditions as
also subject to their
record being satisfactory, i.e., the export outstanding do not exceed 5iJo of
the average annual export
during pi eceding three calendar ' vest s. For tire purpose of i eckoning the percentage
of outstanding
hills to aver age export realisations din ing tire preceding three calendar
years, outstanding in i espect of
made to countries facing externalisation problems may be ignored provided the
pavinents have been
made bv the
hovers in the local , in i ericy.
C. 13 Export Claims
dealers may remit export claims on application, provided the relative expoi i
pi oceeds have already been realised and repatriatedto India and the exporteris
not on the caution list of Reserve Bank. In all such cases of remittances, the
exporter should be advised to sort order proportionate expon incentive, if any,
received by him.
CA Change of buyer/consignee
approval of Reserve Bank is nDt required if, after goods have been shipped,
they are to be transferred to abuyerotherthan the original buiverin the evernof
default by the latter, pi ovided thereduction invalue,if any, involved does not
exceed 10% and the i ealisatiQn of export proceeds is not delayed beyond the
period of six months from the date of export. Where the reduction in value
exceeds 10%, all other relevant conditions stipulated in paragraph C.12 should
also be satisfied.
C.15 Self wrae‑off and extension of time
exporters (including Status Holder) have been allowed, subject to certain
terov; and condition‑s, to
(a) write
off (including reduction in invoice value) outstanding export dues and,
(b) extend
the prescribed period of realization beyond 180 days or further period as
• for exports mado after I st July,
2003 and pi occeds are due an January 1, 2004 and in case of exports wber,
Reserve Bank has pi escribed longer period of realization the facility would be
available for expoi is made prior to Job, 2003 but pi oceeds of which are due
for realization within the presQ, ibed period of one year,
• provided aggregate value of such export bills written off
(including reduction in invoice value) and bills extended for realization does
not exceed 10 per cent of the expoi t proceeds due doting the calendar year and
such export bills are not a subject of investigation bN
FnfincerucritDirecturate/ Central Bureau of Investigation or any other
investigating agencies.
dealing with inure than one authorized dealer can avail of this facility
through each AD. Exporters operating under a consortium of banks or with
multiple banks can also compute the 10 per cent limit on aggregate basis with
all the banks provided the lead bank of the consortium or nodal bank in case of
multiple banking undertakes to yet fly the annual perfin mance of the expel ter
on behalf of all the banks.
C.16 Extension of time limit in other cases
1. in In
cases where an exporter has not been able to realise proceeds of a hipment made
within the period pi escribed, for reasons beyond his control, but expects to
be able to realise pi occeds if extension of the period is allowed to him,
necessary application (in duplicatc) shWd be made to the concerned Regional
Office of Rcsci N c Bank in Form ETX through his authurised dealer with appropriate
documentary evidence in respect
of cases
not failing under Para (it) below.
Reserve Bank of India have permitted authorised dealers to extend the period of
realization of export proceeds beyond 6 months from the date of export where
the invoice value does not exceed US $ 1,00,000 subject to following conditions
a The Authorised Dealer is satisfied
that the exporter hasnot been able to realisc export 6roceedsf6rreasons beyond
his coup of.
b. The exporter submits a declaration that
he will realise the export proceeds during the extended period.
c. The extension may be granted uptc, a
period of 3 months at a time and while considering the extension beyond one
year from the date of export the total export outstanding of the expof ter
should not be more than 10% of the average of export realisitions during the
preceding 3 financial years.
2. The
ceiling of US $ 1,00,000 would not apply where the exporter has filed suits
against the importer abroad. In such cases extension may be granted upto six
months at a time, irrespective of the amount involl ed.
3. Cases
which are not coveredby the above instructions and cases indicated bolowwould
require priorapproval from the Regional Office of the Reserve Bank:
1. Where the export invoices are under
investigation by Enforcement Directorate/Central Bureau of Investigation or
other investigating agencies.
H. Where invoice value exceeds US $
1,00,000 (except in cases covered under paragraph 2 above)
All the
export bills outstanding beyond six months from the date of export may be
reported in XOS statement as usual. However, where extension of time has been
granted bv authorized dealer, the date upto which extension has been granted
may be indicated in the Remarks'column.
4. As a
temporary measure for a period of one year w.c.f. September 1, 2001, exporters
were allowed a period of 360days h om the date of shipment, forrealismicat and
repatriation of full value of goods/software for exports to certain specified
countries. Ihis relaxation has been further extended upto August 3 1, 2004.
Manufacturers/exporters of certain specified products and having export
contracts of Rs.100 crores and above in value term in one year have been
allowed w.e.f. I st October, 200 1, for a period of 363 days from the date of
shipment for tealisation and repatriation of full xame of the exports of the
products specified. This relaxation has been further extended uptu September
30, 2004.
6. There
is no time limit fur realisation of export proceeds for export made by units in
Special Economic Zone (SEZ).
C.17 Shipments Lost in Transit
shipments from India for which payment has not already beenreceived either by
negotiation of bills under letters of ci edit or otherwise are lost in transit,
a uthorised dealer must ensure that insurance claim is made as soon as the loss
is known. The duplicate copy of GR/SDFIIPP form should be forwarded to Reserve
Bank with following particulars :
a Amount for which shipment was insured.
b. Name and address of insurance company.
c. Place where claim is payable.
In cases
where claim is pavable abroad, authorised dealer must arrange to collect the
full amount of claim due on the lost shipment, through the medium of his
overseas branch /correspondent and forward the duplicate copy of GR/SDF/PP form
to Reserve Bank only after the amount has been collected, A certificate fol the
amount of claim received should be furnished on the reverse of the duplicate
Note: Sometimes claims on shipments lost
in transit are also partially settled directly by shipping companies/ airlines
under carrier's liability. Authonsed dealers should ensure that amounts of such
claims if settled abroad are also repatriated to India by exporters.
C.18 Payment of Claims by ECGC
Dealers shall, on an application received from the exporter supported b\
documentary evidence from the ECGC confirming that the claim in respect of the
outstanding bills has been settled bN them, write off the relative expoi t
billsand deletethem fromtheXOS statement.Such write‑offNOII notbe
restricted to the limit of 10 per cent indicated in paragraph C.19 (A) below,
Surrender of incentives, if any, in such cases will be as provided in the Exim
It is
clarified that the claims settled in t upees bv ECGC should not be construed as
export realisation inforeign exchange.
C. 19 A "Write off" of Unreallsed Export
(i) An expin ter who has not been able to realise the outstanding
export dues despite best efforts, may approach the autlimised dealer, who had
handled the relevant shipping documents, with appropriate suppoi ling
docunientai v evidence with a request for write off of the wircatised portion.
Authorised dealers mai, accede to such requests subject to the undeiroted
a. The relevant amount has remained
outstanding for one year or more;
b. The aggregate amount of write off
allowed bv the authorised dealer during a calendar year does not exceed 10% of
the total export proceeds realised by the concerned expoi ter through the
concerned authorised dealet during the previous calendar vear,
c. Satisfactory documentary evidence is
furnished in support of the exporterhaving made allefforts to realise the dues;
d. The case falls under any of the
undernoted categories:
i. The overseas buyer has been declared
insolvent and acertificate from the official liquidator indicating that there
is no po.~sibilitv of iecovery of export proceeds produced;
ii. The overseas buyer is not traceable
over a reasonably lung period of time;
in. The goods exported have been auctioned
ordestroved by the Port/Customs/Health authorities in the importing country;
iv. The unrealised amount represents the
balance due in a case settled through the intervention of the Indian EinhassN,
Foreign Chamber of Commerce or similar Organisation,
v, The unrealised amount i epresents the
unchawn balance of anexport bill (not exceeding 10% of the invoice value)
remained outstanding and turned out to be unicilisable despite all efforts made
by the expoi ter;
vL The cost (if resorting to legal action
would be disproportionate to the out cali~cd amount of the export bill or where
the cxportei even after winning the Court case against the overseas hover could
not execute the Court deci ee due to i easons beyond his control;
vii~ Bills were drawn mi the difference
between the lettei of credit value and actual export value or between the
pinvisional and the actual freight charges but the amount has remained
unrealised consequent on dishonour of the bills by the overseas buyer and thei
e are no prospects of realisation.
e. The case is not the subject matter of
any pending civil or criminal suit;
exportei has not come to the adverse notice of the Enforcement Directorate or
the Central Bureau of Investigation or any such other law enforcement agencv;
g. The exporter has surrendered
proportionate export incentives, if any, availed of in respect of the relative
shipments. The authorised dealer should obtain documents evidencing surrenderof
export incentives availed of before permitting the relevant bills to be written
off. Authorised dealers are input in place U SYSleol Under which their internal
inspectors or auditors carry out random sample check/percentage check of
outstanding export bills written off.
(ii) Where there is no further amount to be
realised against the GR/SDF/PP form covered by the write off, authorised dealer
should certify the duplicate form as under :
'Write off of (Amount in words and figures) permitted
in terms of paragraph C.18 of Directions to
Date .........
& Signature of Authorised Dealer
(it,) Status holders exporters (viz. Export
Houses, Trading Houses, Star Trading Houses, Superstar Trading Houses) and
manufacturer exporters exporting more than 50% of their production, and
recognised as such by DGFT, rmo be permitted to " write
off"outstanding export bills upto an annual limit of 5% of their average
annual realisations (not turnover) during the pf cceding three calendar years.
The limit of 506 will be cumulatively available in a year a:.d subject to the
following conditions:
1. The exporter should submit to the
concerned authorised dealer a Chartered Accountant's certificate indicating
a the export i ealisation in the
preceding three calendar years and also the amount of 'write off" already
availed of during the year, if anv.
b. the
relevant GR/SDF Nos. to be written off, Bill No.. invoice value, commodity
exported, country of export.
c. the export benefits, if am, ax ailed of
by the exporter have been surf endered.
2. It is
clarified that the following do not quality lot the "write off"
a Exports made to countries with cxternalisation
problem ie. where the overseas buyer has deposited the value of export in local
cur, ency hut the amount has not been allowed to be repatriated by the central
banking authorities of the country.
forms which are under investigation by agencies like, Enforcement Directorate,
Direcun ate of Re\ enue intelligence, Central Bureau of Investigation, etc. as
also the outstanding bills which are subject matter of civil/ criminal suft.
3. After the 'write off" has been
permitted authorised dealer may certify the duplicate form as
"Write off of (Amount in words and figures) per rutted
in terms of AP(DIR Series) Circular
No. 30
dated April 4, 2001."
& Signature of Authorised Dealer
4. Authorised dealers may note to take into
account the amount written off under this facility while arriving at the
cligible amount under paragraph C.18 of AP (DIR Series) Circular No.12 of
September 9, 2000.
5. Authorised dealers may forward a
statement in Form EBW to the Regional Office of Reserve Bank under whose
jurisdiction they are functioning, indicating details of writeoffs etc.
C.19B'Netting off'of export receivables against Import payments ‑ Units in Special Economic
Zones (SEZs) 'Authorised dealers ma% allow requests received front exporters
for'netting off'of export receivables against import payments for units located
in Special Economic Zones subject to the following:
i. The'netting off'of export receivables
against import payments is in respect of thesame Indian entire and the overseas
buyer/supplier (bilateral netting). The netting may be done as on date of
balance sheet of the unit in SEZ.
it The details of export of goods is
documented in GR(O) forms/DTR as the case may be while details of import of
goods/services is recorded through At /A2 form as the case may be.The
relative GR/SDFforms will be treated as complete by the designated authorized
dealer only after the entii e proceeds are adjusted/received.
im Both
the transactions of sale and purchase in 'R'Returns under FET‑ERS are
reported separately. iv. The export/import transactions with ACU countries are
kept outside the arrangement.
v. All the relevant documents no
submitted to the concerned authorised dealer who should comply with all the
regulatory requirements relating to the transactions.
C.20 Return of Documents to Exporters
duplicate copies of GR/SDF/PP forms and shipping documents, once submitted to
autherised dealers for negotiation, collection, etc., should not ordinarily be
returned to exporters, except for rectification of errors and resubmission.
C.21 Exporters' Caution List
dealers " ill also be advised whenever exporters are cautioned in terms of
provisions contained in Regulation 17 of"Export Regulations"ADs may
approve GR/SDF/PP forms of exporters whohave been placed on caution list if the
exporter concerned produce evidence of having received an advance pavment or a
irrevocable letter of credit in his favour co% cring the full value of the
proposed exports. Such appro~ at may be given ei en cases where usance bills
are to be drawn for the shipment provided the relative letteroi credit covers
the full
export value and also permits such drawings and the usance bill mature within
six months It orn the date of shipment.
D.1 Agency
Commission on Exports
(i) Authorised dealers mavallow payment
ofcommission, either be remittance orby deduction from invoice value, on
application submitted by the expoi m. The remittance on agency commi .
sston troy
bo allow ed subject to the following conditions:
a. Amount of commission has been declared
on GR/SDF/PP/SOFTFX form and accepted by Customs authorities or Minisarv oAnfol
rnationTechnologv, Gov,f nment of India/ EPZ authorities asthecasciino be. in
cases whet e the commission has not been declared on GR/SDF/PP,'SOFTEX foi on,
i emittance thei cufmavitic allowed aftersatisfvingabout the reasons adduccdby
the exporter for Dot declaring Commission on Export Declaration Form, provided
a valid avreement/wiitten understanding between the exporter aid/or bencticuoN
forpayment of cmrrnis~iou subsists.
b. The relative shipment has aheady been
(it) Authorised dealers ma, allow payment ol
commission by Indian exporters, in respect of their exports Covered undIct
counter it ade at rangeolent Through Esci use Accounts designated in
U.S.dollat, subject to the following conditions
a The
pqvmcnt of commission satisfies the conditions as at (a) and (h) stipulated in paragi
aph above.
IT. The
commission is not payable to Escrow Account holders themselves.
c. The
commission should not be allowed by deduction from the invoice value.
Payment of commission is pi olubited on exports made by Indian Partners towards
equity Pat ticipation in an overseas joint venture/ wholly owned subsidiarv is
also exports under Rupee Credit Route except for tea & tobacco.
D.2 Refund
of Export Proceeds
ofexpoit proceeds mav be allowed bv authorised dealers through whom the proceeds
were originally, received, provided such goods are ic‑Impoi ted into
India on account (if poor quali1% etc. and evidence of reimport has been
submitted. In all such cases, expojtQys should he advised to surrender the
proportionate incentives availed of, it an~, against the relevant export.
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