Confirmation of Minutes/Short term Loan/Cash Credit Facility/Application for grant of Subsidy/Issue of Share Certificates without production of Allotment Letters/Transfer of Shares/Amendment of Articles/ Next Board Meeting.



ABC Limited, Anand

Agenda for the ………Meeting of the Board of Directors of ABC

Ltd. to be held on the ……at…..hours at…..New Delhi.


Item No.                      Contents


1 .        Leave of absence.

2.         Confirmation of the minutes of the …..Board Meeting.

3.         Short term loan to the extent of Rs. 40 lakhs from Bank of Baroda.

4.         Cash credit facility from Bank of Baroda.

5.         Application for grant of subsidy from UPFC against purchase of DG sets.

6.         Issue of share certificates without production of allotment letters.

7.         Transfer of shares.

8.         Amendment of Articles of Association.

9.         Next Board Meeting.



            Minutes of …..Meeting of the Board of Directors held on the…….hours at……New Delhi.




            Shri      Chairman

            Shri      Director

            Shri      Director

            Shri      Director


In attendance:


            Shri      Secretary


Shri …….Chairman of the company took the Chair. The Chairman wel­comed  Shri……and Shri……who were attending the Board Meeting for the first time after their appointment.


Item No. 1: Leave of absence


            Leave of absence was granted to Sarvashri ……and……Directors of the com­pany.


Item No. 2: Confirmation of the minutes of the         Board Meeting


The minutes of the ……meeting of the Board held on ……..were taken as read as draft of the said minutes which were earlier circulated among the Board  Member and it was resolved that they be confirmed.


Item No. 3: Short-term loan to the extent of Rs. 50 lakhs from Bank of Baroda


The Chairman informed the Board that the company in the first year of production faced certain constraints in achieving a higher rate of production on account of poor and inadequate supply of raw materials. This has resulted in cash loss amounting to Rs. 50 lakhs approx. In order to tide over the difficulty arising out of the cash loss and to provide for additional funds the company approached Bank of Baroda which had since agreed in principle, to finance the company to the extent of Rs. 50 lakhs as a short term loan against hypothecation of plant and machinery. The matter was considered and the action of the company in this regard was approved, The following resolutions were passed:


"RESOLVED that the company do borrow funds from Bank of Baroda by way of short-term loan not exceeding to Rs. 40 lakhs against hypothecation of plant and machinery.


RESOLVED FURTHER that Shri …….Managing Director be and is hereby authorised to sign such documents and papers, and complete such formalities and agree to such terms and conditions of the loan as may be necessary in this connection.


RESOLVED FURTHER that Shri …..Managing Director and Shri…..Director and Shri …..Secretary of the company be and are hereby authorised to affix common seal on such documents and papers as may be required in their presence."


Item No. 4: Cash credit facility from Bank of Baroda


The Chairman stated that for achieving a higher level of production in coming months the company would be requiring additional working capital and it would be necessary to approach Bank of Baroda for the cash credit limit of Rs. 30 lakhs. The matter was considered by the Board and accordingly the suggested limit of Rs. 30 lakhs by way of cash credit from Bank of Baroda was approved. The following resolutions were passed:


"RESOLVED that the company do borrow by way of cash credit limit from Bank of Baroda to the extent of Rs. 30 lakhs.


RESOLVED FURTHER that the Managing Director of the company be and is hereby authorised to sign papers and documents and complete formalities as may be required in this connection."


Item No. 5 : Application for grant of subsidy from UPFC against purchase of diesel generating sets


The Board was informed by the chairman that the company had purchased two DG sets to serve as standby arrangements to meet power requirement for its plant at Kanpur. The M.D. stated that the U.P. Govt. through UPFC was granting subsidy on the purchase of DG sets up to a maximum limit of Rs. 10 lakhs. The matter was discussed. The following resolutions were passed:


"RESOLVED that the company do make an application to the UPFC, Kanpur for availing subsidy as may be available on the purchase of two DG sets for its plant at Kanpur.


RESOLVED FURTHER that Shri…….Managing Director or Shri……Secretary of the company be and are authorised, singly, to sign such documents and papers and complete such formalities as may be required in this connection."


Item No. 6: Issue of Share Certificates without production of Allotment Letters


The Managing Director informed the Board that requests have been received from three shareholders of the company namely …..and …..that they may be issued share certificates without production of relative letters of allotment which had been lost by them. He informed the Board that the indemnity bond from the said shareholders have been received and that the Bombay Stock Exchange, where the company's shares are enlisted, has been intimated about the loss of letters of allotment by aforesaid shareholders. The following resolution was passed:


" RESOLVED that the issue of share certificates Nos ................and by the company to Shri ….and……respectively, the shareholders without production of relative letters of allotment on the basis of indemnity bonds furnished by them be and are hereby ap­proved."


Item No. 7: Transfer of shares


The register of transfers of shares placed before the Board was perused by the Board. The transfers as per particulars contained in the register were approved and the following resolution was passed:


"RESOLVED that transfer of shares as per particulars mentioned against S. Nos ……in the register of transfer of shares be and is hereby approved."


Item No. 8: Amendment of Articles of Association


The Board was informed that under the existing Articles of Association of the company the maximum number of Directors on the Board of the company could not exceed fourteen. However, the existing Articles of Association of the company did not contain any specific regulation enabling the Board to appoint additional Directors. It was stated that under the provisions of section 260 of the Companies Act, 1956, it was necessary that the power to co-opt persons on the Board as additional Directors must be specifically covered by the Articles of Association.


It would therefore be necessary to amend Articles of Association of the company to permit co-option of Directors for broad basing the Board. Accordingly, it is suggested that a new article 102A after article 102 in the existing Articles of Association be inserted. Secretary informed the Board that the amendment in the Articles of Association would require approval of the company in General Meeting by passing a Special Resolution before it can be given effect to. The matter was considered and the amendment in the Articles of Association was approved. The following resolutions were passed in this connection:


'RESOLVED that subject to the approval of the shareholders of the company by holding a General Meeting, Articles of Association of the company be altered and after article 102, the following be inserted as article 102A:


“102A. The Board shall have power at any time and from time to time to appoint any person as an Additional Director but that the total number of Directors shall not at any time exceed the maximum number fixed by the Articles. Any Director so appointed shall hold office only up to the date of the next Annual General Meeting of the company and shall then be eligible for re-election."


RESOLVED FURTHER that approval of the company in the next Annual General Meeting be obtained to the insertion of the said article in the Articles of Association of the company."


Item No. 9: Next Board Meeting


The next meeting of the Board of Directors will be held on …….at a place to be decided later on with the consent of all the Board Members.


Vote of Thanks


As there was no other business to be transacted the meeting terminated with a vote of thanks to the chair.


Date:    .................. CHIARMAN…………..



Confirmation of Minutes/Issue of Share Certificates/Appointment of Committee for Transfer/Transmission of Shares/Amendment of Articles/Borrowing in excess of Capital/Approval of loan from Bank/Next


Board Meeting.


Agenda for the ……Meeting of the Board of Directors of ABC

Limited held on          at ……hours at ……..the Registered Office of the company.


Item No.                      Contents


1 .        Leave of absence.

            2.         Confirmation of the minutes of the …….Board Meeting.

            3.         Issue of share certificates in respect of   equity shares.

4.         Appointment of a committee of the Board for transfer/transmission of shares.

5.         Amendment of Articles of Association.

6.         Borrowing in excess of paid-up-capital.

7.         Approval of loan from Bank of Baroda.

8.         Next Board Meeting.




Minutes of the ……..Meeting of the Board of Directors of ABC Limited, Kanpur held on … …..hours. at the Registered Office of the Company.




            1. ………….    Chairman

            2. ………….    Director

            3. ………….    Director

            4. ………….    Director

            5. ………….    Director


In attendance              Secretary


            Shri XYZ, Chairman took the chair.


Item No. 1: Leave of absence


Leave of absence was granted to Sarvashri …..and…..Directors of the Company.


Item No. 2: Confirmation of the minutes of the ……Board Meeting


The minutes of the ……meeting of the Board of Directors held on……were read out by the secretary and thereafter were considered and confirmed.


Item No. 3: Issue of share certificates in respect of. ……equity shares


Secretary informed the Board that in the Board Meeting held on allotment  of……equity shares of Rs. 10/- each was approved. He stated that under the Companies (Issue of Share Certificates) Rules, 1960, it was necessary to pass a Board Resolution for issue of share certificates by the company. It was stated that as per the aforesaid rules, the printing of share certificates could only be done on the authority of the Board and that every share certificate has to be issued under the common seal of the company. The matter was discussed and the following resolutions were passed:


"RESOLVED that the company do issue share certificates in respect of…….Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- each bearing distinctive numbers from ……..under the common seal of the company.


RESOLVED FURTHER that the format of the share certificate placed before the Board, duly initialled by the Chairman for the purposes of identification be and is hereby approved and the same be got printed at New Delhi.


RESOLVED FURTHER that the blocks, engravings, facsimiles and hues relating to the printing of share certificates along with blank un­  used forms of share certificates be kept in the custody of the Secretary of the company


RESOLVED FURTHER that in addition to Secretary, the following officers were authorised to sign the share certificates:


1. PQR                              General Manager (Finance)

2. SRL                              General Manager (Commercial)


Item No. 4: Appointment of a committee of the Board for transfer/ transmission of shares


The Board was informed that it was one of the listing requirement as per the listing Agreement of Bombay Stock Exchange where the shares of the company are listed that the company should ensure transfer of shares within a period of one month from the date they are lodged with the company. It was stated that in order to ensure compliance of this requirement, it was necessary to form a committee of the Board consisting of two Directors who are stationed at the place where the registered office of the company is situated for the purpose. The proposal was considered and it was unanimously approved. The following resolution was thereafter passed in this connection:


"RESOLVED that a committee of the Board consisting of Sarvashri LMN and KMS, Directors be and is hereby appointed for the purpose of approving transfer of shares including transmission, splitting of shares into marketable lots, changing joint  holding into single holding and vice versa and also for issuing duplicate share certificates in lieu of those torn, destroyed, lost or defaced or where the cases in the reverse for recording transfers have been duly utilized."


Item No. 5: Amendment of Articles of Association


The Managing Director informed the Board that the banks/financial institutions were insisting that the documents to be executed by the company under its common seal. should be signed by one Director including Managing Director and Secretary or some other person appointed by the Board for the purpose. He mentioned that this would require amendment of article 200 of the Articles of Association of the company. The matter was discussed at length and the following resolution was passed thereafter in this connection:


"RESOLVED that the existing article 200 of the Articles of Association be substituted by the following article:


"Every deed or every instrument to which the seal of the company, is required to be affixed, be signed by one Director, including Managing Director and the Secretary or some other person appointed by the Board for the purpose."


Item No. 6 : Borrowing in excess of paid-up capital


T lie Managing Director informed the Board that the company would be requiring a sum of Rs. 650 lakhs to meet the expenditure of the plant being erected by the company at Ghaziabad. The company did not have free reserves. Since the money borrowed and to be borrowed in future would exceed the aggregate of the paid-up capital of the company, the consent of the shareholders would be necessary under section 293(l)(d) of the Companies Act, 1956, for borrowing funds in excess of the paid-up capital. The proposal was approved and the following resolution was passed:


"RESOLVED that the consent of the shareholders of the company be obtained pursuant to the provisions of section 293(l)(d) of the Companies Act, 1956, for the Board of Directors of the company to borrow from time to time all such sum(s) of money as the Directors may deem requisite for the purposes of the business of the company notwithstanding that the money(s) to be borrowed together with the money(s) already borrowed by the company (Apart from temporary loans obtained from the company's bankers in the ordinary course of business) will exceed the aggregate of the paid-up capital of the company and its free reserves provided that the total amount to be borrowed by the Board of Directors shall not exceed the sum of Rs. 10 crores at any one time."


Item No. 7: Approval of loan from Bank of Baroda


The Board was informed that the Managing Director has approached Bank of Baroda, Kanpur for grant of bridging loan of Rs. 80 lakhs to finance the import of two D.G. sets. The matter was discussed. The following resolution was passed in this connection:


"RESOLVED that the bridging loan of Rs. 80 lakhs from Bank of Baroda, Kanpur for import of DG sets be and is hereby approved.


RESOLVED FURTHER that the Managing Director of the company be and is hereby authorised to finalise the arrangements with the Bank and to sign and execute all documents and papers as may be required by the bank on behalf of the company."


Item No. 8: Next Board Meeting


The next meeting of the Board of Directors will be held on the date, time and place to be decided in consultation with the Chairman and will be informed to all the Board Members well in advance.


Vote of Thanks


The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the chair, as there were no other business to be transacted.


Date: ..............CHAIRMAN …………..



Confirmation of Minutes/Final Call on Equity Shares/Adoption of Official Seal/Return of Allotment/Agreement with Employees Union/Purchase Committee/Technical Committee/Next Board Meeting




Agenda for the ……Meeting of the Board of Directors of ABC Limited held on ……..hours at  the Registered Office of the company.


Item No.           Contents


1 .                    Confirmation of the minutes of   meeting.

2.                     Final call on 60,00,000 equity shares of Rs. 10/- each.

3.                     Adoption of official seal for branch office in Kuala Lampur, Malayasia.

4.                     Return of allotment.

5.                     Agreement with the employees' union.

6.                     Purchase Committee.

7.                     Technical Committee.

8.                     Finance Committee

9.                     Next Board Meeting.



Minutes of …..meeting of the Board of Directors of. ….held on ……at New Delhi




            1          Chairman

            2          Director

            3          Director

            4          Managing Director


In attendance  Secretary


Item No. 1: Confirmation of the minutes of. …..meeting


            The minutes of meeting of the Board of Directors held on ……were read out by the secretary and thereafter were considered and confirmed.Item No. 2: Final call on 60,00,000 equity shares of Rs. 10/- each


The Managing Director informed that the company would be needing funds in the month of September, 2002, for completion of its project at Kanpur. He stated that to meet the fund requirement, the company may call from the shareholders the balance amount of Rs. 5/- per share. This was approved by the Board. The following resolution was passed in this connection:


"RESOLVED that the final call on 60,00,000 Equity shares on which Rs. 5/- per share has been paid-up be and is hereby made on all the holders of equity shares thereof at Rs. 51- per share payable on or before the 20th July, 2002.


RESOLVED FURTHER that the aforesaid amount of call would be receivable from the date hereof at any branch of the company's banker, namely Bank of Baroda and that the Secretary of the company be and is hereby authorised to issue the necessary letters in regard to this call to the equity shareholders concerned and make necessary arrangement to collect the call money from the said bankers and that in the case of non-payment of call money on or before the said date, interest at the rate of 6% per annum be charged from such members."


Item No. 3: Adoption of official seal for Branch Office in Kuala Lampur, Malayasia


The Board was informed by the chairman that for the transaction of business at company's Branch Office in Kuala Lampur, Malaysia, the company should have an official seal under section 50 of the Companies Act, 1956 so that the deed or other document to which the company is a party are executed by the Manager of that Branch Office. It was stated that the official seal has to be a facsimile of the common seal of the company with the addition on its face, name of the place


where it is to be used. It was also mentioned that article of the Articles of Association of the company also authorises the company to have an official seal. The Managing Director said that Shri JLP, the Manager of the Branch Of­fice be authorised to affix the official seal of the company to any deed or docu­ments to which the company is a party in Kuala Lampur, Malaysia. The official seal of the company placed before the Board was considered by the Board. After

discussion, the following resolutions were passed:


"RESOLVED that the official seal which is a facsimile of the common seal of the company with the addition on its face, the words Kuala Lampur, Malayasia, an impression whereof has been made on the minute book of the company be and is hereby approved.


RESOLVED FURTHER that Shri JLP, the Manager of the company for the office situated in Kuala Lampur, Malayasia, be and is hereby authorised to affix the official seal to any deed or other documents to which the company is a party in the abovementioned place and that common seal be affixed to the authorisation letter which is produced before the meeting in the presence of KLR, the Director of the company and Shri …..the Secretary of the company, who shall sign

the same."


Item No. 4: Return of allotment


The Managing Director informed the Board that the company is required to file return of allotment of shares to the shareholders of the company with the Registrar of Companies, Kanpur in prescribed Form No. 2 within 30 days from the date of allotment. The Board directed the Secretary to do the needful in the matter. In this connection the following resolution was passed:


"RESOLVED that Shri Secretary of the company be and is hereby authorised to file the return of allotment of shares with the Registrar of Companies, Kanpur in Form No. 2 within 30 days from the date of allotment."


Item No. 5: Agreement with the employees' union


The Managing Director informed the Board that settlement with the employees' union has since been arrived at with respect to procedure for promotion, office hours and discipline and procedure and other related matters. The draft of the agreement to be executed with the employees' union placed on the table was perused by the Board. The matter was discussed. The draft of the agreement was thereafter approved by the Board. In this connection the following resolutions were passed:


"RESOLVED that approval be and is hereby accorded to the company for execution of the agreement between the company and the employees' union for a period of five years from the date of execution thereof, as per the draft of the agreement placed before the meeting and initialled by the Chairman for purposes of identification, codifying the conducts of employer­employee relationship, the procedure for promotion, office hours and discipline and procedure and other related matters.


RESOLVED FURTHER that Shri …..Secretary and Shri ….Chief Personnel Manager of the company be and are hereby jointly authorised to sign the agreement with the employees union with authority to vary, modify, correct or rectify the portions necessary in such agreement at their absolute discretion."


Item No. 6: Purchase Committee


The Managing Director informed the Board that on the strength of the General Power of Attorney given to him by the Board he has constituted a Purchase Committee consisting of Shri ……General Manager (Production) and


Shri ….General Manager (Finance), for procu-ement of raw-materials,components, etc. from the reputed suppliers as per requirement of the company from time to time. The action of the Managing Director in constituting the above committee was approved and ratified by the Board. In this connection the fol­lowing resolution was passed:


"RESOLVED that appointment of a Purchase Committee with


Shri,…….. General Manager (Production) and Shri ……..General Manager (Finance) by the Managing Director of the Company, be and is hereby approved with power to make any long term contract with any reputed suppliers of raw materials, chemicals, or components etc. provided that such Purchase Committee shall refer to the Technical Committee of the Board in respect of purchase of any equipment, ma­chinery or any replacement thereof."


Item No. 7: Technical Committee


The Board constituted a Technical Committee consisting of Sarvashri .......and……..Directors of the company to deal with all technical problems involved in ,the production and maintenance of the plant as also to guide the Purchase Com­mittee in respect of purchases made by the said committee of any equipment machinery or any replacements thereof. In this connection the following resolution was passed:


"RESOLVED that Shri ….I and Shri……..the Directors of the company be and are hereby appointed to constitute a Technical Committee of the Board to deal with all technical problems involved in the production and maintenance of the plant and to guide the Purchase Committee in respect of the purchases made by it of any equipment, machinery or any replacements thereof."


Item No. 8: Finance Committee


The Board constituted a Finance Committee consisting of Sarvashri .............And …..Directors of the company to deal with all financial problems re­garding maintenance of the offices staff and the plants of the company and also to guide the Purchase and Technical Committees in respect of purchases made and production and maintenance of the plants made by the said two Committees of any instrument, equipment, machinery, materials or any replacements or change of source of supply thereof. In this connection the following resolution was passed :


"RESOLVED that Shri …..and Shri …….Directors of the Company be and are hereby appointed to constitute a Finance Committee of the Board to deal with all financial problems regarding maintenance of the office, staff and the plants of the company and to guide the Purchase and Technical Committees in respect of purchases made and production and maintenance of the plants made by the said two committees of any instrument, equipment, machinery, materials or any re­

placements or change of source of supply thereof."


Item No. 9: Next Board Meeting


The next meeting of the Board will be held on a date, time and place to be decided in consultation with the Chairman.


Vote of Thanks


The meeting terminated with a vote of thanks to the Chair, as the Chairman informed the board that all the items as per the agenda were taken up considered and approved.


Date:    ..................... CHAIRMAN…………….



Confirmation of Minutes/Allotment of Shares to Renouncees/Authorisation to Secretary/Managing Director to present petition to CLB/Appointment of Legal Adviser/Refusal to register transmission of Shares/Reduction of Capital by cancelling Uncalled Capital/Authority to Secretary to represent the Company in Court matters etc./Next Board Meeting




Agenda for the            Meeting of the Board of Directors of ABC Limited held on………hours at ……the Registered Office of the company.


Item No.                                   Contents


1.         Confirmation of the minutes of the Board Meeting held on 10th September, 2002.

            2.         Allotment of shares to renouncees.

3.         Authorisation to Secretary and Managing Director to sign and pres­ent petition to Company Law Board and authorising Counsel to ap­pear before the Company Law Board.

            4.         Appointment of M/s. X & Company as Legal Advisers.

            5.         Refusal to register transmission of shares.

            6.         Reduction of capital by cancelling the uncalled capital.

            7.         Authority to Secretary to represent the company in Court matter and

                        to sign all papers/documents on behalf of the company.

            8.         Next Board Meeting.




Minutes of …….meeting of the Board of Directors of ABC Limited held on……..hours at ……the Registered Office of the Company




            1. Shri XYZ      ...         Chairman

            2. Shri LMN     ...         Director

            3. Shri SPM      ...         Director

            4. Shri VKG      ...         Director

            5. Shri MLB                  Director


In attendance


            Shri RKM         ...         Secretary


Shri XYZ took the chair and the meeting was called to order, as there was requisite quorum. Item No. 1: Confirmation of the minutes of the Board Meeting held on


The minutes of the Board Meeting held on ...........a draft of which was circulated to all the Directors were confirmed and signed by the Chairman.


Item No. 2: Allotment of shares to renouncees


The Board approved the proposal contained in the agenda note, allotment of shares renounced by the shareholder and passed the following resolution:


"RESOLVED that 10,000 equity shares of Rs. 10/- each in the capital of the company be and are hereby allotted to the renouncees named in the letters of renunciation placed before the Board and duly initialled by Chairman for the purpose of identification so that each renouncee receives the number of shares specified against his name in the allotment list placed before the meeting and initialled by the Chairman for identification thereof.


RESOLVED FURTHER that the Secretary of the company be and is hereby directed to take necessary further action in the matter and to inform the allottees accordingly".


Item No. 3: Authorisation to Secretary and Managing Director to sign and present petition to Company Law Board and authorising Counsel to appear before the Company Law Board.


"RESOLVED that Shri SPM ……Secretary of the company and Shri XYZ, Managing Director and Shri ABC, Director be and are hereby jointly and severally authorised to verify, sign, affirm and/or present the petition, affidavits and other statements forming part of the petition on behalf of the company to the Company Law Board ............Bench for confirmation of the alterations of the Memorandum of As­sociation of the company as required under section 17 of the Compa­nies Act, 1956, for change of situation clause.


RESOLVED FURTHER that Shri SPM …….Secretary of the company and Shri XYZ ……Advocate failing which such other persons eligible to appear before the Company Law Board Bench be and are hereby authorlsed to appear on behalf of the company before the Company Law Board   Bench. Shri …..Managing Direc­tor be and is hereby authorised to appear before the Bench and/or the  Bench Officer, Company Law Board, along with the Secre­tary/Advocate as aforesaid and to take part in the hearing of the said petition under section 17 and other applicable provisions of the Com­

panies Act, 1956."


Item No. 4: Appointment of M/s. X & Company as legal advisers


The Board was informed that M/s. X & Co. Advocate and Solicitors have consented to be the legal advisers of the company as per their letter dated I Oth September, 2002. The Board approved the proposal and passed the following resolution:


“RESOLVED that M/s X & Company, Advocates and Solicitors be and are hereby appointed legal advisers to the company on an annual retainership of Rs. 85,000/- plus actual out-of-pocket expenses, for a period of one year."


Item No. 5: Refusal to register transmission of shares


The Board considered the proposal contained in the note about refusing transmission of certain shares and passed the following resolution:


"RESOLVED that the transmission of 200 equity shares bearing distinctive Nos. 4001 to 4200 to Mr. A.B., as the Executor of the estate of late Mr. C.D., be and is hereby rejected in the absence of an order of the appropriate Court granting probate of the will of the deceased in favour of the said Mr. A.B. and the Secretary is directed to inform him accordingly."


(Note: The shares in the company are not listed on any Stock Exchange).


Item No. 6: Reduction of capital by cancelling the uncalled capital


The Board considered the note about reduction of capital of the company and recommended that the following resolutions be placed before the shareholders of the company at the ensuing Annual General Meeting:


"RESOLVED that pursuant to Section 100 of the Companies Act, 1956, and subject to the confirmation of High Court, consent be and is hereby accorded to the reduction of the capital of the company from Rs. 1,00,000/- consisting of 10,000/- equity shares of Rs. 10/­each to Rs. 75,000/- consisting of 10,000/- equity shares of Rs. 7.50 each by extinguishing liability in respect of Rs. 2.50 per share by the uncalled amount thereon.


RESOLVED FURTHER that Shri XYZ, the Secretary be and is hereby authorised to take all necessary action with a view to give effect to this resolution including appointment of Advocate, filing and verifying the petition, affirming affidavits, appearing in Courts and to do all acts, deeds and things on behalf of the company as may be necessary in connection thereto and ancillary and incidental thereto.


Item No. 7: Authority to Secretary to represent the company in Court matter and to sign all papers/documents on behalf of the company.


The proposal to represent the company in court matter by the secretary was approved by the Board. The following resolution was passed in this connection:


“RESOLVED that Mr. RPS, the Secretary of the company be and is hereby authorised to sign all papers, applications, plaints, petitions and all other documents etc. as well as affidavits as may be required to be filed in the Small Causes Court/High Court/Supreme Court or before any other Government authority, Tribunal and/or local authorities in connection with any legal proceedings by or against the company and to represent the company in all other matters incidental thereto as may be considered necessary and expedient."


Item No. 8: Next Board Meeting


The next meeting of the Board will be held on a date, time and place to be decided in consultation with the Chairman, and after giving due notice to all the directors of the company.


Vote of Thanks


The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the Chair, as there was no other business left for considering.


Date: .....................CHAIRMAN ………………


Signing of Minutes/Marketing Policy/Revision of Rules regarding reimbursement of Conveyance Expenses/Placement of Order/Inspection of Register of Members/Debenture­ holders/Quorum at General Meeting/Signing of Minutes of General Meeting/Next Board Meeting.




Agenda for the ……Meeting of the Board of Directors of ABC Limited held on ….at…..hours at  the Registered Office of the company.


Item No.                       Contents


1 .        Leave of absence.

2.         Signing of the minutes of the Board Meeting held on……by the Chairman.

3.         Marketing policy.

4.         Remuneration to statutory auditors for the year 2001-2002.

5.         Revision of rules regarding reimbursement of conveyance expenses.

6.         Placement of order of M/s WBD & Co. for their part of supply of Turnkey Project.

7.         Inspection of Register of Members/Debenture- holders.

8.         Quorum at the General Meetings.

9.         Signing of the minutes of the General Meeting by a Director.

10.        Next Board Meeting.




Minutes of the ……Meeting of the Board of Directors of ABC Limited held on ….2002 at …hours at ….the Registered Office of the company.




            1. Shri XYZ      ...         Chairman

            2. Shri LMN     ...         Director

            3. Shri SPM      ...         Director

            4. Shri VKG      ...         Director

            5. Shri MLS      ...         Director

            In attendance

            Shri RKM         ...         Secretary


Item No. 1: Leave of absence


Leave of absence was granted to Sarvashri RKK and KMS, Directors.


Shri XYZ took the Chair and the meeting was called to order.


Item No. 2: Signing of the minutes of the Board Meeting held on   by the Chairman.


The minutes of the Board Meeting held on …….a draft of which was circulated to all the Directors, were confirmed and signed by the Chairman.


Item No. 3: Marketing policy


The Board discussed the draft marketing policy of company submitted along with the agenda and approved the same.


Item No. 4: Remuneration to Statutory Auditors for the year 2001-2002


The Directors considered the agenda note and accorded sanction for payment of a sum of Rs. 1,20,000/- as remuneration to Statutory Auditors who may be appointed by the Department of Company Affairs in consultation with the Comptroller & Auditor General of India for the year 2001-2002.


The Board also considered the out-of-pocket expenses payable to the Auditors and, being of the view that the out-of-pocket expenses should have some relation to the preceding year's ceiling fixed in this regard, decided that the out-of-pocket expenses for the year 2001-2002 should not exceed Rs. 6,000/- as in last year 2000-2001.


Item No. 5: Revision of rules regarding reimbursement of conveyance expenses


The Board considered the agenda note and suggested that a more comprehensive note be submitted to the next Board Meeting including therein the norms that were applied for sanction of conveyance allowance as also the conveyance allowance that is being paid by other sister concerns, so that the Board might consider the proposal properly.


Item No. 6: Placement of order of M/s WBD & Co. for their part of supply for Turnkey Project


The Board noted the agenda item in the matter of placement of order of M/s WBD & Co. Ltd. and accorded approval for such placement of the order on M/s WBD & Company Limited at a total price of Rs. Five lakhs based on the pre-bid tie up entered earlier for design and detailed engineering, supply of other miscellaneous equipment and supply of erection and maintenance manuals and spares for the above project.


The Board desired that there should be a complete back to back arrangement with the above party and escalation clauses should also be provided in the original agreement with the project authorities.


Item No. 7: Inspection of Register of Members/Debenture-holders


The Board considered the agenda note about the inspection of Register of Members/Debenture-holders and passed the following resolutions:


"RESOLVED that the Managing Director of the company be and is hereby empowered to keep open for inspection the Register of Members/Debentures-holders, the index of members, the index of debenture holders, copies of annual returns as also the copies of certificates and documents annexed to the returns by members or debenture holders entitled to inspect in pursuance of section 163(2) of the Companies Act, 1956, on all working days between 2.00 P.M. to 4.00 P.M. on every day effective from 1st March, 2002.


RESOLVED FURTHER that Managing Director of the company be and is hereby also empowered to allow such members to make extracts from any register, index etc. by using only pencil without charging any fee and if copies of any such document is required by them furnish the same on payment of fifty paise for every hundred words or fractional part thereof."


Item No. 8: Quorum at the General Meetings


The Board considered the agenda note and passed the following resolution:


"RESOLVED that subject to the approval of the shareholders by passing a Special Resolution in the immediately next general meeting of the company, article 55 of the Articles of Association of the company be deleted and substituted by the following:


"No business at the General Meeting shall be transacted unless a quorum of ten persons present in person is there when the meeting proceeds to transact the business".


Item No. 9: Signing of the minutes of. …..the General Meeting by a Di­rector.


The Board after perusal of the agenda note passed the following resolution:


"RESOLVED that XYZ, Director of the company be and is hereby authorised to sign the minutes of the General Meeting of the com­pany held on……in place of Shri ABC, Chairman of the meeting  who has since expired."


Item No. 10: Next Board Meeting


The next meeting of the Board will be held on a…….date time …..and …


Vote of Thanks


As all the business had to be taken up by the Board, the meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the Chair.


Dated: .................... CHAIRMAN…………….



Signing of Minutes/Authorisation to Secretary to furnish certified copies of Board's Resolution/Donation/Placement of Order/Collaboration Agreement/Appointment of Consultant/Introduction of Family Planning Scheme/Execution of Con­tract/Adoption of Official Seal/Application for extension of

time for Repayment of Deposits/Transfer to Share Premium Account/Next Board Meeting.




Agenda for the            Meeting of the Board of Directors of ABC Limited held on ……..hours at …..the

Registered Office of the company.


Item No.           Contents


1.         Signing of the minutes of the Board Meeting held on … the Chairman of the meeting.

2.         Authorisation of Shri PQR, Secretary to furnish certified copies of Board's Resolutions etc.

3.         Donation for the establishment of Lal Bahadur Shastri Memorial Centre to Delhi University,

4.         Placement of order on Messrs "WDO" & Company for their part of supply for coal handling equipment.

5.         Collaboration agreement between the company and M/s Western India.

6.         Appointment of consultants for supply of technical know-how for Haldia Project.

7.         Introduction of Family Planning Scheme in the company.

8.         Execution of contract with Doordarshan.

9.         Application for extension of time for repayment of deposits.

10.        Transfer to share premium account.

11.        Next Board Meeting




Minutes of the …..Meeting of the Board of Directors of ABC Limited, held on……..hours at…..the Registered Office of the company.




            1. Shri XYZ      ...         Chairman

            2. Shri LMN     ...         Director

            3. Shri SPM      ...         Director

            4. Shri VKG      ...         Director

            5. Shri MLB      ...         Director


In attendance


            Shri RKM         ...         Secretary


Shri XYZ took the chair and the meeting was called to order.


Item No. 1: Signing of the minutes of the Board Meeting held on   by the Chairman of the meeting


The minutes of the Board Meeting held on August 25, 2002, a copy of which was circulated to all the Directors earlier, were confirmed and signed by the Chairman.


Item No. 2: Authorisation of Shri PQR, Secretary to furnish certified copies of Board's Resolutions etc.


"RESOLVED that Shri PQR, Secretary be and is hereby authorised to act as per Board's instructions and also to furnish the copies of the Board Resolutions to various authorities, institutions like banks in India and abroad etc., and it shall constitute necessary authority for the said authorities, institutions, etc. to rely upon and act according to the decisions as communicated in the said resolutions."


Item No. 3: Donation for the establishment of Lal Bahadur Shastri Memorial Centre to Delhi University


The Directors authorised the donation of a sum of Rs. 50,000/- to the University of Delhi, for the establishment of Lal Bahadur Shastri Memorial Centre to Delhi University.


Item No. 4: Placement of order on Messrs "WDO" & Company for their part of supply for coal handling equipment


The Board noted the placement of order on M/s "WDO" & Company for supply of coal handling equipment to the company.


Item No. 5: Collaboration agreement between the company and M/s Western India


The Directors noted the collaboration agreement which was signed between the company and M/s Western India on 20th September 2002.


Item No. 6: Appointment of consultants for supply of technical know-how for Haldia Project


Consideration of the item was deferred to the next Board Meeting when the particulars of the total job content, extent of service to be undertaken by the company and the nature and quantity of work off-loaded to the consultants would be furnished.


Item No. 7: Introduction of Family Planning Scheme in the company


The Board. approved the proposal for the introduction of the family planning scheme in the company. The Board, however, enhanced the cash incentive proposed from Rs. 750/- to Rs. 1000/- in connection with the said scheme.


Item No. 8: Execution of contract with Doordarshan


The agenda note in the matter of execution of contract with Doordarshan was perused by the Board and after some discussions, the following resolution was passed:


" RESOLVED that Shri XYM, be and is hereby authorised to negotiate, sign and execute contract on behalf of the company with Dooidarshan for the construction of TV Centre at Jorhat on such terms and conditions as the Attorney may consider beneficial in the interest of the company.


RESOLVED FURTHER that the draft of the Power of Attorney to be issued in favour of the said Shri XYM placed before the meeting and initialled by the Chairman for the purposes of identification be and is hereby approved and the same be executed under the common seal of the company in terms of article 65 of the Articles of Association of the company."


Item No. 9: Application for extension of time for repayment of deposits


The agenda note on extension of time for repayment of deposits was perused and approved by the Board. In this connection the following resolutions were passed:


"RESOLVED that consent of the Board of Directors be and is hereby given to the company making an application to the Central Government pursuant to sub-section (8) of section 58A of the Companies Act, 1956, requesting for an extension of time for the repayment of deposits maturing/matured for repayment during the period ...............


RESOLVED FURTHER that Mr. XYZ, the Secretary be and is hereby authorised to sign and verify the application and take all such steps and to do all such acts or things as may be necessary for getting an order on the application from the Central Government."


Item No. 10: Transfer to Share Premium Account


The Board approved the proposal of transferring a sum to the Share Premium Account of the company and passed the following resolution:


"RESOLVED that pursuant to the provisions of section 78 of the Companies Act, 1956, the sum of Rs. 10 lakhs being the aggregate amount of the premium received on the issue and allotment of 100,000 equity shares of Rs. 10/- each be and is hereby transferred to "the Share Premium Account of the company maintained with State Bank of India".


Item No. 11: Next Board Meeting


The next meeting of the Board will be held on a date, time and place to be decided in consultation with the Chairman.


Vote of Thanks


The meeting terminated with a vote of thanks to the Chair, as there was no other business to be transacted.


Dated: ......................... CHAIRMAN..........................


Signing of Minutes/Sub -delegation of powers by CMD toMarketing Manager etc., Procurement of Machinery/Approval of Annual Accounts/Fixing date of Annual General Meeting/Approval of Notice of AGM/

Marketing Policy/Cash Management System/Internal Audit/Next Board Meeting.




Agenda for the …..Meeting of the Board of Directors of ABC Limited held on ……..hours at…..the Registered Office of the company.


            Item                 Contents


            1 .        Leave of absence.

            2.         Signing of the minutes of the Board Meeting held on… the Chairman.

3.         Sub-delegation of powers by Chairman & Managing Director to Marketing Managers and Project Manager.

4.         Procurement of machinery for implementation of plants at Ghazia­bad.

5.         Approval of annual accounts of ABC Limited for the year ended March 31, 2002.

6.         Approval of Directors' Report- 2001-2002.

7.         Fixing date of Annual General Meeting of ABC Limited.

8.         Approval of notice for the Annual General Meeting.

9.         Marketing policy of ABC Limited.

10.        Cash Management System.

11.        Internal audit.

12.        Next Board Meeting.



Minutes of the            Meeting of the Board of Directors of ABC Limited held on……..hours at…..the Registered Office of the company.




            1. Shri XYZ      ...         Chairman

            2. Shri LMN     ...         Director

            3. Shri SPM      ...         Director

            4. Shri VKG      ...         Director

            5. Shri MLS      ...         Director


In attendance


Shri RKM         ...         Secretary


Item No. 1: Leave of absence


Leave of absence was granted to Sarvashri RKK and KMS, Directors. Shri XYZ took the Chair and the meeting was called to order.


Item No. 2: Signing of the minutes of the Board Meeting held on March 30, 2002, by the Chairman


The minutes of the Board Meeting held on March 30, 2002, a draft of which was earlier circulated to all the Directors, were confirmed and signed by the Chairman.


Item No. 3: Sub-delegation of powers by Chairman & Managing Director to Marketing Managers and Project Manager


The Board noted the sub-delegation of powers by the Chairman and Managing Director to the Marketing Managers, in supersession of the powers already sub delegated to them as also the powers sub-delegated to the Project Manager.


Item No. 4: Procurement of machinery for implementation of plants at Ghaziabad


The Board noted tile details of the procurement of machinery for implementation of plants at Ghaziabad.


Item No. 5: Approval of annual accounts of ABC Limited for the year ended March 31, 2002.


The Board considered and approved the accounts of ABC Limited for the year ended March 31, 2002, and adopted the following resolutions:


“1. RESOLVED that the balance-sheet as at March 31, 2002, and profit and loss account ending on that date for the year 1999-2000 as also the schedules and notes appended thereto be and are hereby approved."


“2. RESOLVED that Shri XYZ, Chairman and Managing Director, Shri LMN and APO, Directors be and are hereby authorised to sign on behalf of the Board of Directors the balance-sheet as at March 31, 2002, and the profit and loss account for the year ending on that date and submit the same to the Auditors' of the company for their report."


"3. Certified


(a)        that the Current Assets and Loans and Advances have in the normal course of business a realisable value of the amount at which they are stated in the balance-sheet as at March 31, 2002.

(b)        that the provision of all known liabilities have been adequately made in the accounts.

(c)        that none of the Directors of the company holds any share of this company in his personal capacity."


Item No. 6: Approval of Director's Report 2002


The Board approved the Directors' Report for 2002 with the following modifications:


(i)         Delete the following portions as per details given:


(a) Fourth sentence, reading "The family welfare … the preceding year" in third para under heading Family Planning.

(b) Under the heading 'Conclusion' the second sub-para.


(ii)        Make additions pursuant to section 217(2A) of the Companies Act, 1956.



Shri XYZ, Chairman was authorised to sign the Directors' Report on behalf of the Board.


Item No. 7: Fixing date of Annual General Meeting of ABC Limited


The Board of Directors authorised Shri XYZ, Chairman to fix the date and time of the Tenth Annual General Meeting to be held at the registered office of the company at Delhi.


Item No- 8: Approval of notice for the Annual General Meeting


The Board approved the draft notice for the Tenth Annual General Meeting deleting all the four items under special business.


Item No. 9: Marketing policy of ABC Limited


Marketing policy of ABC Limited a wholly owned subsidiary of the company was postponed to the next Board Meeting.


Item No. 10: Cash management system


The Board decided that a scientific cash management system should be introduced and a quarterly report on the cash budget performance should be furnished along with quarterly accounts submitted to the Board for information.


Item No. 11: Internal audit


The Board of Directors decided that the internal audit in the company should be strengthened and it should be a continuous process. For this purpose, the assistance of an outside consultant be obtained in consultation with the company's Auditors. The Board also decided that a committee be formed for the purpose with Shri . …..Managing Director and Shri …..Director of the company and one of the partners of the auditor's firm which is the statutory auditor of the company.


Item No. 12: Next Board Meeting


The next meeting of the Board will be held on a date, time and place to be decided in consultation with the Chairman.


Vote of Thanks


The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the Chair.


Confirmation of Minutes/Recruitment of Staff/ Public Issue/Authority to sign Documents/Authority for signing Bills/Transfer of Banking Account/Appointment of Joint Auditors/Next Board Meeting




Agenda for the …..Meeting of the Board of Directors of ABC Limited held on ……..hours at the Registered Office of the company.



Item     Contents



1 .        Confirmation of the minutes of the …..Meeting.

2.         Recruitment of staff.

3.         Authority to sign documents on behalf of the company.

4.         Authority for signing bills etc. on behalf of the company.

5.         Transfer of banking account from Bank of Baroda, Mahatma Gandhi Marg, Kanpur to Bank of Baroda, Industrial Area, Kanpur.

6.         Appointment of Joint Auditors.

7.         Next Board Meeting.



Minutes of the …..Meeting of the Board of Directors of ABC Limited held on …..the ……..  hours at New Delhi.




            1. Shri. XYZ     ...         Chairman

            2. Shri. LMN    ...         Director

            3. Shri. SPM     ...         Director

            4. Shri. MLB     ...         Managing Director


In attendance


Shri. RKM        ...                                 Secretary


Item No. 1: Confirmation of the minutes of the …..meeting


The minutes of the …..meeting of the Board of Directors held at New Delhi on …..were read and it was resolved that they may considered and confirmed.


Item No. 2: Recruitment of staff


The statement showing the details of staff who had been recruited and who had joined the company during the period 1st April, 2001, to 30th June, 2002 was perused and noted by the Board.


Item No. 3: Authority to sign documents on behalf of the company


The Board was informed by the chairman that consequent on the increased activities of the company and consequential increase in the volume of quotations against enquiries, it would be advisable to confer the authority of signing documents and negotiations with the customers and carrying on all the necessary things in relation thereto to Sarvashri KLR and RSM, the Directors of the company. This was agreed to by the Board. The following resolution was passed in this connection:


"RESOLVED that Sarvashri KLR and RSM, Directors of the company be and are hereby severally authorised to sign all quotations and tenders in the name of the company and for and on behalf of the company to negotiate such quotations with the customers, to make necessary amendments either as to price or other terms and conditions attached or involving thereto and to finalize' otherwise any contract for the supply of any products of the company."


Item No. 4: Authority for signing bills etc. on behalf of the company


The Board was informed by the chairman that for day-to-day smooth functioning of the affairs of the company, it is proposed to authorise Sarvashri NRB and ADG, the officers of the company to sign bills of exchange, hundi, promissory note or bills on customers on behalf of the company. The proposal of the company was approved by the Board. In this connection the following resolution was passed:


"RESOLVED that Sarvashri NRB and ADG, the Accounts Officers of the company be and are hereby severally authorised to make, accept, draw or endorse on behalf of the company and in the name of the company any bill of exchange, hundi, promissory notes or bills on customers."


Item No. 5: Transfer of banking account from Bank of Baroda, Mahatma Gandhi Marg, Kanpur to Bank of Baroda, Industrial Area, Kanpur


The Managing Director suggested that the cash credit account maintained with Bank of Baroda, Mahatma Gandhi Marg, Kanpur be transferred to Bank of Baroda, Industrial Area, Kanpur as it will help in the smooth functioning of the day-to-day affairs of the company. In this connection the following resolution was passed:


"RESOLVED that the company's cash credit account with Bank of Baroda, Mahatma Gandhi Marg, Kanpur be and is hereby transferred to Bank of Baroda, Industrial Area, Kanpur and that the Managing Director of the company is authorised to take all necessary actions for transfer of the said banking account of the company."


Item No. 6: Appointment of Joint Auditors


The Managing Director informed the Board that for auditing the accounts of the company for the financial year ending 3 1st March, 2002, it was proposed to appoint M/s. CPB & Co., Chartered Accountants, Nagpur 440 012 and M/s. PQR & Company, Chartered Accountants, Nagpur as Joint Auditors of the company. The proposal of the company was approved and the following resolution was passed:


"RESOLVED that M/s. CPB & Company, Chartered Accountants, Nagpur 440 012 be and are hereby appointed as the Joint Auditors of the company together with M/s. PQR & Company, Chartered Accountants from the conclusion of this Annual General Meeting until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting, on a remuneration of Rs. 50,000/­plus actual out-of-pocket expenses that may be incurred by the said Auditors for discharging their duties as Joint Auditors of the company for auditing the account of the company for the financial year ending 31 st March, 2002."


Item No. 7: Next Board Meeting


            Next meeting of the Board of Directors will be held on    at New Delhi.


Vote of Thanks


As there was no other business to be transacted the meeting terminated with a vote of thanks to the Chair.


Dated : .......................... CHAIRMAN …..…..



Confirmation of Minutes/Increase in Authorised Share Capital/Enhancement in Credit Facilities/Availing of Bills/Re-discounting Scheme/Calling of Extraordinary General Meet­ing/Shifting of Registered Office/Next Board Meeting.




Agenda for the            Meeting of the Board of Directors of ABC Limited held on….at……hours at the Registered Office of the company.


            Item                 Contents


            1 .        Leave of absence.

            2.         Confirmation of the minutes of the…..meeting of the Board held on

3.         Increase in authorised share capital.

4.         Enhancement in credit facilities from Bank of Baroda.

5.         Availing of Bills/Re-discounting scheme of IDBI up to a limit of Rs.50 lakhs on co-acceptance of Usance Bills of Bank of Bar-oda.

6.         Calling of Extraordinary General Meeting of the company.

7.         Shifting of Registered Office of the company.

8.         Next Board Meeting.



Minutes of the            Meeting of the Board of Directors of ABC   Limited held on ……..A.M. at…..the Registered

Office of the Company.



                        Shri XYZ          ...         Chairman

                        Shri LMN         ...         Director

                        Shri KMS         ...         Director

                        Shri SPM          ...         Director


In attendance 


Shri RKP                                  Secretary


Shri XYZ, Chairman of the company took the Chair.


Item No. 1: Lease of Absence


Leave of absence was granted to Sarvashri…..Directors.


Item No. 2: Confirmation of minutes of the …..meeting of the Board held on …..2002


The minutes of the…..Meeting of the Board held on …..2002 were taken as read with the permission of all the Board Members and were considered and confirmed.


Item No. 3: Increase in authorised share capital


The Managing Director informed the Board that the company's existing althorised capital is Rs. 650 lak is consisting of Rs. 65 lakh equity shares of Rs. 10/- each and as against this capital the company had already issued equity shares worth Rs. 620 lakhs. Since the company would require a sum of Rs. 40 lakhs for meeting the expenditure towards setting up a new plant at Ghaziabad, it was necessary to raise the authorised capital of the company from Rs. 650 lakhs to Rs. 900 lakhs keeping in view the company's future requirement of funds. It was stated that it is proposed to issue further capital to the existing equity shareholders of the company. The matter was considered by the Board and the proposal of the company was approved. In this connection the following resolutions were passed:


"RESOLVED that the company do raise its authorised capital from Rs. 650 lakhs divided into 65,00,000 equity shares of Rs. 10/- each to Rs. 900 lakhs divided into 90,00,000 equity shares of Rs. 10/- each subject to the approval of the company in General Meeting, under Section 94 of the Companies Act, 1956.


RESOLVED FURTHER that consequential changes as may be necessary in the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the company be made Subject to the approval of the company in General Meeting."


Item No. 4: Enhancement in credit facilities from Bank of Baroda


The Board was informed by the Managing Director that Bank of Boarda, Kanpur was approached for enhancement in the limits as well as renewal of the ex]sting facilities. The Bank has agreed to the proposal of the company. The matter was considered and the proposal of the company was approved. In this connection the following resolutions were passed:


"RESOLVED that the company do avail of the following credit facilities from Bank of Baroda as per limit set out against each:


(i) Letter of Credit (foreign)       Rs.250 lakhs

(ii) Letter of Credit (Inland         Rs.300 lakhs

(iii) Letter of Guarantees            Rs.100 1akhs


RESOLVED FURTHER that the Managing Director of the company be and is hereby authorised to sign all documents and papers that may be required in this connection to avail of the above facilities.


Item No. 5: Availing of Bills/Re-discounting scheme of IDBI up to a limit of Rs. 50 lakhs on co-acceptance of Usance Bills of Bank of Baroda


The Managing Director informed the Board that the company proposes to avail of the Bills/Re-discounting scheme of IDBI for the purchase of machinery for its new plant at Ghaziabad. The matter was considered by the Board. In this connection the following resolutions were passed:


"RESOLVED that the company do avail of deferred payment scheme of Bills/Re-discounting of IDBI for purchase of machinery up to a limit of Rs. 50 lakhs on co-acceptance of usance bills by Bank of Baroda, Kanpur.


RESOLVED FURTHER that the Managing Director of the company be and is hereby authorised to finalise the terms and conditions in respect of the aforesaid facilities and to sign all such documents and papers that may be required by the IDBI in this connection."


Item No. 6: Calling of Extraordinary General Meeting of the company


The Managing Director explained that in connection with the alteration of Memorandum and Articles of Association of the company for increase in the authorised share capital, it was necessary to convene an Extraordinary General Meeting of the company. This was approved by the company and the following resolutions were passed in this connection:


"RESOLVED that Extraordinary General Meeting of the members of company be convened on Monday the…..2002 at 11.00 hrs. at No.35, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Kanpur, the registered office of the company to consider the resolution given in the notice as per draft placed before the meeting.


RESOLVED FURTHER that the Secretary of the company be and is hereby authorised to issue notice of the meeting and to comply with all requirements of the Companies Act, 1956, in this regard."


Item No. 7: Shifting of Registered Office of the company


The Board was informed by the Managing Director that since the company's project offices would be shifted to the factory site effective from 10th January, 2001, it was desirable to shift the Registered Office of the company to the factory at Kanpur Industrial Area, Kanpur. In this connection the following resolution was passed:


"RESOLVED that the Registered Office of the company be shifted from 35, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Kanpur to Industrial Area, Kanpur, effective from 10th September 2002.


RESOLVED FURTHER that the secretary be instructed to file necessary return with the Registrar of Companies, U.P. Kanpur."


Item No. 8: Next Board Meeting


The next meeting of the Board of Directors will be held on a date, time and place to be decided in consultation with the Chairman.


Vote of Thanks


The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the Chair.


Dated : .......................... CHAIRMAN …..…..…..



Leave of Absence/Appointment of Alternate Director/Confirmation of Minutes/Confirmation of Circular Resolution/Approval of Minutes of Meeting of Sub-Committee for Transfer of Shares/Amendment in Ob­ject Clause/Extension of Time for payment of Allotment/Call Money/Next Board Meeting.




Agenda for the Meeting of the Board of Directors of ABC Limited held on … …..hours at the Registered Office of the company.


Item                 Contents



1 .        Leave of absence.

2.         Appointment of alternate Director.

3.         Confirmation of minutes of the   meeting of the Board of Directors held on

4.         Confirmation of circular resolution passed on

5.         Approval of the minutes of the meeting of the sub-committee regard­ing transfer of shares.

6.         Amendment in object clause.

7.         Extension of time for payment of allotment and call money.

8.         Next Board Meeting.




ABC Limited, Kanpur


Minutes of the   Meeting of the Board of Directors of ABC Limited held at …..hours on……..the Registered Office of the company.



            1          Chairman

            2          Director

            3          Director

            4          Director

            5          Director


In attendance    Secretary


Shri …..Chairman took the Chair.


Item No. 1: Leave of Absence


Leave of absence was granted to Sarvashri …..and …..Directors of the Company. The Chairman called the meeting to order, as there was the requisite quorum.


Item No. 2: Appointment of Alternate Director


The Board was informed by the Managing Director that Shri …..will not be attending the Board Meeting as he had gone to U.K. It was stated that Shri …..will be away to U.K. for a period of four months that is, from   to …..and that during his absence Shri … appointed as an alternate Director in his place under article ….. of the Articles of Associa­tion. The matter was considered. The Board granted leave of absence to Shri …..Director and in his place appointed Shri … Alternate Director by passing the following resolutions:


"RESOLVED that under section 313 of the Companies Act 1956 read with article …..of the Articles of Association of the company. Shri… and is hereby appointed as an Alternate Director in place of Shri …..and allowed to attend the Board Meetings in his absence.


RESOLVED FURTHER that the Secretary of the company be and is hereby directed to file the necessary return with the Registrar of Compames, Kanpur."


Item No. 3: Confirmation of minutes of the …..meeting of the Board of Directors held on


The minutes of the …..meeting of the Board held on …..were read out and it was resolved that it be confirmed.


Item No. 4: Confirmation of circular resolution passed on .......


The circular resolutions passed by the Directors by circulation on … re­produced below be and are hereby confirmed:


"RESOLVED that the company do approach Bank of Baroda, Kanpur for issue of Bank Guarantee in the sum of Rs. 3,50,000 in favour of the Commissioner of Sales Tax, Lucknow towards tax and penalty levied on the Sales Depot of the company at Lucknow for the assessment year 2001-2002.


RESOLVED FURTHER that Shri …..General Manager of the company be and is hereby authorised to sign all such documents and papers as may be required in connection with the said guarantee."


Item No. 5: Approval of the minutes of the meeting of the sub-committee of the regarding transfer of shares


The minutes of the meeting of the sub-committee of the Board held on 10th May, 2002, for approving transfer of shares as placed before the Board were read by the Secretary of the company and were considered and confirmed.


Item No. 6: Amendment in Object Clause


The Board was informed by the chairman that the company has set up a fair price shop in its premises to meet the day-to-day essential requirements of the employees as well as the rural population around the factory. It was stated that since the carrying out of aforesaid activity was not specifically covered by the existing clause, it was considered necessary to amend the object clause. The amendment in object clause was required to be approved by the company in General Meeting by a Special Resolution pursuant to the provisions of section 17 of the Companies Act, 1956. The matter was considered by the Board. In this connection the following resolutions were passed:


"RESOLVED that pursuant to the provisions of section 17 of the Companies Act, 1956, and subject to approval of shareholders at a General Meeting by passing a Special Resolution, the object clause of the company's Memorandum be altered by addition to clause III of the Memorandum of Association of the company, the following new sub clause (2A) after sub-clause (2):


(2A)To carry on the business as dealers, agents of kerosene oil, fertilisers, drugs, seeds, cloth, all kinds of insecticides and pesticides, and generally to deal in all kinds of merchandise, goods.


RESOLVED FURTHER that the approval of the company in the next Annual General Meeting to the amendment of the 'object' clause, as above be obtained and the Secretary of the company be and is hereby authorised to take such further action in the matter as may be necessary.


RESOLVED FURTHER that the said Special Resolution be passed through postal ballot pursuant to Rule 4(a) of the Companies (Passing of Resolutions through the Postal Ballot) Rules, 2001.


Item No. 7: Extension of time for payment of allotment and call money


It was informed that some of the shareholders had requested for extension of time for payment of allotment and call money on equity shares allotted to them in December, 2002. It was suggested that extension of time till 3 1 st March, 2002, be allowed to the shareholders before issuing final notices of forfeiture of shares to them. The proposal was approved unanimously and the following resolution was passed:


"RESOLVED that time till 31st March, 2002, be and is hereby granted to shareholders for payment of allotment and call money on …..equity shares of Rs. 10/- each subject to payment of interest @ of 12% p.a."


Item No. 8: Next Board Meeting


The next meeting of the Board will be held on the date, time and place to be decided in consultation with Chairman.


Vote of Thanks


As there was no other business to be transacted the meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the Chair.


Dated : .......................... CHAIRMAN …..…..…..


Signing of Minutes/Enrolment as Patron Member/Overdraft/Loan facilities/Appointment of Cost Auditor/Contribution to National  Defense Fund/Exemption from incorporation of subsidiary's account/Redemption of Debentures/Next Board Meeting




Agenda for the …..Meeting of the Board of Directors of ABC Limited held on … …..hours at…..the Registered Office of the company.


Item                 Contents



1          Signing of the minutes of the Board Meeting held on … the Chairman of the meeting.

2.         Enrolment of ABC Limited as Patron Member of All India Manage­ment Association.

3.         Over-draft/loan facilities from Indian Overseas Bank, Calcutta.

4.         Appointment of Cost Auditor.

5.         Contribution to National Defense Fund.

6.         Exemption from incorporation of subsidiary's account.

7.         Redemption of debentures.

8.         Next Board Meeting.



Minutes of the …..Meeting of the Board of Directors of ABC Limited held on……..hours at…..the Registered

Office of the company.




            1. Shri XYZ      Chairman

            2. Shri LMN     Director

            3. Shri SPM      Director

            4. Shri VKG      Director

            5. Shri MLB      Director


In attendance


Shri RKM         Secretary


Shri XYZ took the Chair and the meeting was called to order.


Item No. 1: Signing of the minutes of the Board Meeting held on the Chairman of the meeting


The minutes of the Board Meeting held on 8th May, 2002, a draft of which was circulated to all the Directors were confirmed and signed by the Chairman.


Item No. 2: Enrolment of ABC Limited as Patron Member of All India Management Association


Secretary informed in Board that ABC Ltd. has been enrolled as a Patron, Member of All India Management Association. The Board noted the said enrollment of the Company.


Item No. 3: Over-draft/loan facilities from Indian Overseas Bank, Calcutta


The Directors were informed by the Managing Director that consequent upon the delay in the finalisation of work relating to the execution of Haldia Project, the advance payment to the extent of 20 per cent of the value of works under reference could not be released to the company. To meet the fund requirement, loan or overdraft facility to the extent of Rs. 50 lakhs will be required during October November 2001. Draft resolutions as finally presented before the Board of Directors were slightly modified and the Board approved the modified resolutions as recorded below:


"RESOLVED that subject to the approval of the General Meeting, pursuant to Section 293 (i) (d) and other relevant provisions, if any, of the Companies Act, 1956, the company be and is hereby authorised to arrange temporary bank over-draft/cash credit facilities, up to a limit of Rs. 50 lakhs, for the period ending November, 2001.


RESOLVED FURTHER that Shri XYZ, Managing Director be and is hereby authorised to draw/operate the above temporary bank overdraft/cash from the Indian Overseas Bank, Brabourne Road, Calcutta by hypothecation of the plant and machinery or other receivables.


RESOLVED FURTHER that Shri XYZ, Managing Director is also hereby authorised to sign the necessary documents for obtaining loan for and on behalf of the company and to draw, accept or endorse cheques, bill of exchange, promissory notes and other negotiable instruments made on behalf of the company.


RESOLVED FURTHER that Shri XYZ be and is hereby authorised to sub-delegate the powers of operating the bank account for and on behalf of the company, for the purpose of availing these credit facilities to any two or more officers to operate the account jointly.


RESOLVED FURTHER that a certified copy of the above resolution be forwarded by the Secretary, to the Bank from which the above facilities will be arranged and it shall constitute necessary authority to the bank for sanction of over-draft/cash credit facilities."


The Directors also recommended that the following resolution be placed before the shareholders of the company at the Extraordinary General Meeting to be convened at the earliest:


"RESOLVED that in partial modification of the resolution passed by the shareholders at the Extraordinary General Meeting of the company held on October 12, 2001, consent of the company under the provisions of section 293(l)(d) and other applicable provisions, if any, of the Companies Act, 1956, be and is hereby accorded to the Board of Directors of the company borrowing, in addition to the borrowing of an amount of Rs. 30 lakhs approved on October 12, 2001, from time to time, as it may consider fit, any sums of money on such terms and conditions as the Board may deem fit notwithstanding that the monies to be borrowed together with the monies already borrowed by the company (apart from temporary loans obtained from the company's bankers in the ordinary course of business) will exceed the aggregate of the paid-up capital of the company and its free reserves, that is to say, reserves not set apart for any specific purpose so that the total amounts of monies so borrowed and remaining outstanding and undischarged at any time shall not exceed a further sum of Rs. one crore."


Item No. 4: Appointment of Cost Auditor


The proposal contained in the agenda with regard to appointment of Cost Auditor note was considered and approved by the Board. The following resolution was passed:


"RESOLVED that subject to the approval of the Central Government, pursuant to the provisions of sub-section (2) of section 233B read with section 224(IB), of the Companies Act, 1956. Shri XYZ, Cost Accountant be and is hereby appointed as Cost Auditor to conduct the audit of the cost accounts of the company in respect of its Fan unit situated at Okhla Industrial Estate for the financial year 2001-2002 at a remuneration of Rs. 60,000/- plus actual out-of-pocket expenses".


Item No. 5: Contribution to National Defence Fund


The Board considered the proposal of the Company's contributing to the National Defence Fund under section 293-B read with 293(l)(e) of the Companies Act, 1956 and the Managing Director informed the Board that the proposed Rs. 2 crores to be contributed will be well within the prescribed limits of 5% of the company's average net profit. The Board then approved the proposal by passing the following resolution:


"RESOLVED that under section 293-B of the Companies Act, 1956 consent of the Board of Directors be and is hereby accorded to the company making a contribution of Rs. Two lakhs to the National Defence Fund."


Item No. 6: Exemption from incorporation of subsidiary's account


The Board considered the note given in the agenda with regard to inability of the company incorporate in its Annual Accounts, the accounts of the subsidiary and passed the following resolution:


"RESOLVED that an application be made to the Central Government for exempting the company from complying with the provisions of section 22(8) of the Act in relation to M/s. A.B.C. Limited a subsidiary of the company having been gutted by fire and all accounts and books having been destroyed, no information is available to the company as to the balance-sheet and other statements of that company required to be incorporated in the balance-sheet of the holding company.


RESOLVED FURTHER that the secretary of the company be and is hereby authorised to make the necessary application to the Central Government under section 212(8) of the Companies Act, 1956 and to do all such acts and deeds in connection therewith or ancillary or incidental thereto as may be necessary."


Item No. 7: Redemption of debentures


The Board considered the proposal of redemption of debentures of the company and passed the following resolution:


"RESOLVED that consent of the Board of Directors of the company be and is hereby given to redeem at par the 10% debentures stock issued in 1996 numbered 1001 to 2000 of Rs. 5000/- each and that such debentures after redemption be kept alive for re- issue."


Item No. 8: Next Board Meeting


The next meeting of the Board will be held on a date, time and place to be decided in consultation with the Chairman.


Vote of Thanks


The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the Chair.


Dated : …………. CHAIRMAN…..…..…..


Leave of Absence/Confirmation of Minutes/Report of Auditors/Increase of Authorised Capital/Amendment of Articles/Write off/Appraisal of Draft Accounts/Date, Time & Place of Board and Annual General Meetings




Agenda for the            Meeting of the Board of Directors of ABC Limited held on ……..hours at …..the Registered

Office of the company.


Item No.           Contents


1          Leave of absence.

2          Confirmation of the minutes of last Board Meeting.

3          Report of M/s. CPB & Co., Chartered Accountants on the accounts of the company for the year 2001-2002.

4.         Modification of the requirements of Schedule VI to the Act.

5.         Amendment in article 98 of the Articles of Association of the company.

6.         Write off of Rs. 3.49 lakhs.

7.         Appraisal of the draft accounts for the financial year 2001-2002.

8.         Date, time & place of    the Board Meeting & Annual General Meeting of the shareholders of the company.




Minutes of. …..the meeting of the Board of Directors of ABC Limited held on … …..hours at …..the Regional Office, New Delhi.




1. Shri XYZ      Chairman

2. Shri LMN     Director

3. Shri SPM      Director

4. Shri VKG      Director

5. Shri MLB      Director


In attendance


1. Shri SPM      Secretary


By invitation


1. Shri IPO       General Manager (Production)

2. Shri SMC      General Manager Commercial)

3. Shri SKM      General Manager (Finance)


The quorum, in accordance with article 100(a) of the Articles of Association of the company, was present. The Chairman, Mr. XYZ, took the Chair.


Item No. 1 : Leave of absence


The Board was informed that as Mr. HNM Director, was held up at Calcutta, he would not be able to attend the Board Meeting. This was noted by the Board and leave of absence was granted to him.


Item No. 2: Confirmation of the minutes of last Board Meeting


The minutes of the last Board Meeting held on 27th April, 2002, were perused by the Board.


On enquiry from Chairman as to whether the recommendations of Consultants have been implemented in full or not, the Managing Director informed that most of the recommendations have already been implemented. The matter was discussed. The Chairman directed that the recommendations of Consultants should be implemented in full and that a report to this effect be put up to the Board at its next meeting.


The minutes of the last meeting were thereafter read, confirmed and signed.


Item No. 3 : Report of M/s. CPB & Co., Chartered Accountants and M/s. PQR, Chartered Accountants on the accounts of the company for the year 2001-2002


The report of M/s. CPB & Company, Chartered Accountants on the accounts of the company for the financial year 2001-2002 annexed to the agenda was perused by the Board.


The Chairman said that the material consumption as compared to the previous year has gone up. Managing Director explained that the ratio of material consumption was partially higher as compared to previous year due to change in the accounting policy with respect to execution of more jobs with clients material at issue rates, steel subsidy having been taken as misc. income as per accounting policy, old orders where full material escalations could not be passed on to customers etc. The report was discussed by the Board at length. The Chairman said that since the report of M/s. CPB & Co. was an intermediate report, it would be better if points arising out of this report could be discussed at the time of consideration of the annual accounts. This was agreed to by the Board.


Item No. 4 : Modification of the requirements of the Act with regard to matters to be stated in the balance sheet or profit and loss account


The Chairman informed the Board that since the manufacturing process of the Company's products was patented and was meant to be kept at secret, giving details of consumption of different raw materials going into the said manufacturing process as per the requirements of Part II to Schedule VI to the Companies Act, 1956 would amount to disclosing the secrecy of the process. Therefore, the company proposed to make an application to the Central Government under subsection (4) of section 211 for allowing exemption to the company from giving the aforesaid details in the Annual Accounts of the Company to be prepared for the financial year ending 31st March, 2002. The proposal was thoroughly discussed by all the Board Members present at the meeting and after some discussion they all came to a consensus. The Board then unanimously passed the following resolutions:


"RESOLVED that an application under section 211(4) of the Companies Act, 1956 be made to the Central Government seeking exemption from giving additional data required to be given under paragraphs …..of Part II of Schedule VI of the Companies Act, 1956 in the Annual Accounts of the Company for the financial year  ending on 31st March, 2002 ......


RESOLVED FURTHER Shri …..the Secretary of the com­pany be and is hereby authorised to make the said application on be­half of the company and to take all necessary steps required for the purpose."


Item No. 5 : Amendment in article 98 of the Articles of Association of the company


The Board was informed that article 95 of the Articles of Association of the company provided that the Managing Director should be the whole- time employee of the company for the conduct of the business of the company. It was stated that since Mr. KLB, Managing Director, WC Limited is not the whole time employee of the company, to bring his appointment within the purview of the aforesaid article, the Board might consider amending Article 95 of the Articles of Association of the company suitably subject to the consent of the shareholders obtained by passing a Special Resolution. The matter was discussed. In this connection the following resolutions were passed by the Board:


"RESOLVED that subject to the approval of the company in General Meeting the existing article 95 of the Articles of Association of the company be substituted by the following:


"Subject to the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956, the Board may, from time to time, appoint the Managing Director on such terms and remunerations (whether by way of salary or otherwise) as it may think fit, and may from time to time, remove or dismiss him from office and appoint another in his place. The Managing Director shall, if he ceases to hold office of a Director from any cause, ipsofacto, immediately cease, to be the Managing Director. The Managing Director shall for the conduct of the business of the company, be subject to the control and supervision of the Board of Directors and shall exercise such powers, authority and discretion in relation to the affairs of the company as are delegated to him by the Board. The Managing Director shall not be liable to retire by rotation".


RESOLVED FURTHER that the approval of the company in the next Annual General Meeting be obtained to the amendment as above and Secretary of the company was authorised to take further necessary action in the matter".


Item No. 6: Write off of Rs. 3.49 lakhs


The Board was informed by the chairman that against the contract awarded by the NRC, the company had lodged a total claim of Rs. 20.13 lakhs against which NRC settled the claim for Rs. 15.99 lakh leaving a balance of Rs. 4.94 lakhs. However, in spite of the best efforts made by the company, it could realise only Rs. 1.45 lakhs as NRC disallowed the amount of Rs. 3.49 lakhs on account of non-supply of some items, cost of rectification done by them at site, liquidated damages for completion of the job etc. It was stated that since NRC has finally declined to pay the balance amount of Rs. 3.49 lakhs, the Board is requested to kindly consider write off of the amount of Rs. 3.49 lakhs from the books of account of the company of the year 2000-2001.


The proposals of the company were discussed by the Board. After consideration the following resolution was passed by the Board:


"RESOLVED that the write off of the sum of Rs. 3.49 lakhs from the books of account of the company of the year 2001-2002, being the amount disallowed by NRC be and is hereby approved."


Item No. 7: Appraisal of the draft accounts for the financial year 2001-2002


(i) The draft of the balance-sheet as at 31st March, 2002, and the profit & loss account of the company ended on that date annexed to the agenda were per-used by the Board.


While perusing the annual accounts the Board desired further improvements in the following:


(a)Steps should be taken to reduce outstandings substantially. Greater efforts should be made to reduce the old outstandings.


(b)Physical verification of the fixed assets at site as well as at Head Office, store items etc. made by the Internal Audit Department need to be analysed and discrepancies pointed out should be got rectified.


(c)The Internal Audit Department should be strengthened.


(d)Items of dormant slow and moving inventory must continue to be reviewed.


(e)Internal control procedures should be strengthened relating to the purchases and effective documentation maintained.


(f)The systems and procedures for site operation require to be strengthened and a site manual must be finalised.


(ii) Consideration of the draft of the balance-sheet & profit & loss account for the year 2001-2002.


The Board after due consideration approved draft of the balance-sheet for the year 2001-2002 and profit & loss account ended on that date and passed the following resolutions:


"RESOLVED that Income/Expenditure as shown in the Profit & Loss Account, earned/incurred and provided during the financial year ended  31st March, 2002, be and is hereby approved.


"RESOLVED FURTHER that the addition of Rs. 83.62 lakhs in the Fixed Assets during the financial year 2001-2002 be and is hereby approved.


"RESOLVED FURTHER that the attached draft balance-sheet and profit & loss account of the company together with Accounting Policies, Schedules and Notes thereon for the period ended 31st March, 2002, duly signed by Mr. XYZ, Chairman for the purpose of identification be and is hereby approved.


"RESOLVED FURTHER that Mr. MLB, Managing Director an ' d Mr. LMN, Director and Mr. SPM Secretary of the company be and are hereby authorised to authenticate the accounts in terms of section 215 of the Companies Act, 1956.


RESOLVED FURTHER that Shri SKM, General Manager (Finance) be and is also hereby authorised to sign the annual accounts as a Financial Representative.


Item No. 8 : Date, time & place of next Board Meeting & Annual General Meeting of the shareholders of the company


It was decided that the next meeting of the Board of Directors and the Annual General Meeting of the shareholders of the company will be held on ............... at .........


Vote of Thanks


The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the Chair.


Dated : .. .... CHAIRMAN …..…..


Confirmation of Minutes/Approval of Debenture Trust Deed/Revision of Scales of Pay/Lease Undertaking/Issue of Redeemable Preference Shares/Ratification of act of Managing Director/Next Board Meeting




Agenda for the …..Meeting of the Board of Directors of ABC Limited held on ……..hours at…..the Registered Office of the company


Item No.                                   Contents


1 .        Confirmation of the minutes of the Board Meeting held on

2.         Appointment of debenture trustee and approval of debenture trust deed.

3.         Revision of scales of pay pursuant to agreement with employees.

4.         Lease of undertaking.

5.         Issue of Redeemable Preference Shares.

6.         Ratification of act of Managing Director.

7.         Next Board Meeting.



Minutes of the …..Meeting of the Board of Directors of ABC Limited held on …..2002 at …..the hours at 35, 301,Pitru Ashirwad Anand,, the Registered Office of the company.




            1. Shri XYZ      Chairman

            2. Shri LMN     Director

            3. Shri SPM      Director

            4. Shri VKG      Director

            5. Shri MLB      Director


In attendance


Shri RKM         Secretary


Shri XYZ took the Chair and the meeting was called to order.


Item No. 1 : Confirmation of the minutes of the Board Meeting held on…….


The minutes of the Board Meeting held on …..a copy of which was cir­culated to all the Directors were read and confirmed by the Board.


Item No. 2 : Appointment of debenture trustees and approval of DebentureTrust Deed


The Debenture Trust Deed to be executed between the company and AB Limited, the Debenture Trustee was perused and approved by the Board. The following resolution was passed in this connection RESOLVED that M/s. A.B. Limited who has given consent to act as a Debenture Trustee be and is hereby appointed as the Debenture Trustee of the company.


RESOLVED FURTHER that pursuant to section I I 7B of the Companies Act, 1956, the functions of the said Debenture Trustee be generally to protect the interest of holders of debentures including the creation of securities within the stipulated time and to redress the grievance of holders of debentures effectively.


"RESOLVED FURTHER that the Debenture Trust Deed between the Company and M/s. A.B. Limited, the Debenture Trustee, prepared in the form prescribed under section 117A a copy of which is placed before the meeting and initialled by the Chairman, be and is hereby approved and M/s. X and Y, Directors of the company be and are hereby empowered to sign and execute the said Trust Deed, under the common seal of the company in the presence of the Secretary of the company within the period prescribed under section 117A."


RESOLVED FURTHER that pursuant to section 117C a debenture redemption reserve be and is hereby created for the redemption of the……debentures issued by the company to which adequate amounts be credited from out of the company's profits every year until such debentures are redeemed.


RESOLVED FURTHER that the amounts credited to the aforesaid debentures redemption reserve be not utilised by the company except for the purpose aforesaid.


Item No. 3 : Revision of scales of pay pursuant to agreement with employees


The proposal contained in the agenda note for revision of scales of pay pursuant to agreement with employees was considered and approved by the Board. The following resolution was passed:


"RESOLVED that approval be and is hereby accorded to the revision in the scales of pay of Class I Employees in terms of the agreement entered into between the company and the employees union, a copy of which is placed before the meeting, duly initialled by the Chairman for the purpose of identification."


Item No. 4: Lease of undertaking


The Board approved the proposal for leasing the undertaking of the company situated and recommended the following resolution to the shareholders for being passed by them at the ensuing Annual General Meeting


"RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of the company be and is hereby authorised to lease the land, building, plant and machinery of the Company to M/s. X and Co. Ltd., in terms of the draft indenture of lease placed before the meeting and initialled by the Chairman for the purpose of identification thereof."


Item No. 5 : Issue of Redeemable Preference Shares


The note annexed to the agenda with regard to the issue of Redeemable Preference Shares was perused by the Board. After discussions, the following resolution was passed:


"RESOLVED that pursuant to articles …..of the Articles of As­sociation of the company and subject to section 80 of the Companies Act, 1956, Redeemable Preference Shares of Rs …..each forming  part of the authorised capital of the company and remaining unsubscribe be issued at par and allotted to any person or persons and on such terms as to dividend, preferential payment or return of the amount paid-up thereon and redemption as the Board of Directors may

deem fit."


Item No. 6: Ratification of act of Managing Director


The agenda note regarding ratification of Managing Director act was perused by the Board. After discussions, the following resolutions were passed:


"RESOLVED that the borrowing of a sum of Rs … the Managing Director of the company from … institution on the terms and conditions set out in the General Form of Loan Agreement, a copy of which is placed before the meeting, duly initialled by the Chairman for the purpose of identification, be and is hereby ratified and approved.


RESOLVED FURTHER that Mr. A.B, a Director of the company be and is hereby authorised to sign and execute the loan documents, under the common seal of the company."


Item No. 7: Next Board Meeting


The next meeting of the Board will be held on a date, time and place to be decided in consultation with the Chairman.


Vote of Thanks


The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the Chair.





Confirmation of Minutes/Contribution to National DefenceFund/Appointment of Technical Adviser/Payment of Interim Divi­dend/Inspection of books of account by Inspector/Appointment of In­ternal Auditor/Next Board Meeting.




Agenda for the …..Meeting of the Board of Directors of ABC Limited held on ……..hours at…..the Registered Office of the company.


Item No.           Contents


1 .        Confirmation of minutes of the   meeting.

2.         Appointment of Technical Adviser.

3.         Payment of interim dividend.

4.         Inspection of books of accounts of company by an Inspector appointed by the Central Government.

5.         Next Board Meeting.




Minutes of the …..Meeting of the Board of Directors of ABC Limited held on …..the … the Registered Office of the company.




            1          Chairman

            2          Director

            3          Director

            4          Director

            5          Managing Director


In attendance              Secretary


Item No. 1 : Confirmation of minutes of the …..meeting


The minutes of the …..meeting of the Board of Directors of the company held on …..were considered and confirmed.


Item No. 2: Appointment of Technical Adviser


The Board was informed that the company proposes to appoint Shri … the Technical Adviser of the company to guide the company in the execution of the turnkey project taken up by the company from HMT. The draft of the agreement to be executed with Shri …..placed before the meeting was approved by the Board. In this connection the following resolutions were passed:­


"RESOLVED that Shri … and is hereby appointed as the Technical Adviser of the company on the terms and conditions, re­sponsibilities, remuneration etc. as embodied in the draft agreement as table before the meeting and initialled by the Chairman for purposes of identification for a period of five years effective from and ending on


RESOLVED FURTHER that Shri …..Managing Director of the company be and is hereby authorised to execute the said agreement on behalf of the company with Shri ..................


Item No. 3: Payment of interim dividend


The Managing Director explained to the Board the profits earned by the company for the half year ending 30th September, 2002. The pro forma account placed before Board was perused by the Board. The Board after consideration of the pro forma accounts decided that an interim dividend of 10% on the paid-up equity capital of the company be declared. In this connection the following resolutions were passed.


"RESOLVED that an interim dividend of ten per cent on the paid- up equity capital of the company be declared and paid out of six months' profit as disclosed by the pro forma accounts as submitted to this meeting and that such dividend be paid to those members whose names appear in the register of members as on ................


"RESOLVED FURTHER that a bank account be opened with....Bank     branch for the purpose of deposit­ing the interim dividend amount and also for payment thereof to the shareholders of the company at par at all branches of the said bank in the country."


Item No. 4 : Inspection of books of accounts of company by an Inspector appointed by the Central Government


Secretary informed the Board that a letter has been received from the Registrar of Companies, Kanpur for inspection of the books of the company by an Inspector appointed by the Central Government. The letter of the Registrar of Companies was placed before by the Board. The matter was discussed. After some discussions the Board passed the following resolutions:


"RESOLVED that the Secretary of the company be and is hereby authorised to acknowledge receipt of letter received from the Registrar of Companies, Kanpur informing that an Inspector would take up inspection of books of account of the company pursuant to section 209A of the Companies Act, 1956, which was submitted to this meeting and perused.


RESOLVED FURTHER that the Secretary be and is hereby authorised to extend all facilities and to produce all papers, books etc. and to give such information as may be required by the Inspector."


Item No. 5: Next Board Meeting


The next meeting of the Board will be held on … New Delhi.


Vote of Thanks


As there was no other business to be transacted the meeting terminated with a vote of thanks to the Chair.


Dated : …..….. CHAIRMAN …..…..



Signing of Minutes/Minutes of the Committee Meeting/Maintenance of Records/Economy Administrative Expenditure/Purchase of Office Accommodation/Provision of Housing Accommodation/Appointment of ABC as Whole-time Director/Donation/Increase in Sitting Fee/Next Board Meeting




            Agenda for the Meeting of the Board of Directors of ABC Limited held on … …..hours at …..the Registered office of the company.


Item No.                       Contents


1 .                    Leave of absence.

2.                     Signing of the minutes of the Board Meeting held on May 5, 2002,by Chairman of the meeting.

3.                     Minutes of the Committee Meeting on "Housing Colony for Offi­cers" held on April 25, 2002.

4.                     Maintenance of records.

5.                     Economy in administrative expenditure.

6.                     Purchase of office accommodation at New Delhi.

7.                     Provision of housing accommodation at Project Site Offices.

8.                     Appointment of ABC as Whole-time Director.

9.                     Donation to ABC Institution.

10.                    Increase in sitting fee.

11.                    Next Board Meeting.



Minutes of the …..meeting of the Board of Directors of ABC Limited held on …..2000 at …..hrs. at       the Registered

Office of the company.




            1. Shri XYZ      ...         Chairman

            2. Shri LMN     ...         Director

            3. Shri SPM      ...         Director

            4. Shri VKG      ...         Director

            5. Shri MLS      ...         Director


In attendance


Shri RKM         ...         Secretary


Item No. 1: Leave of absence


Leave of absence was granted to Sarvashri RKK and KMS, Directors of the company. Shri XYZ took the Chair and the meeting was called to order.


Item No. 2: Signing of the minutes of the Board Meeting held on May 5, 2002 by Chairman of the meeting


The minutes of the Board Meeting held on May 5, 2002, a copy of which was circulated to all the Directors earlier, were confirmed and thereafter signed by the Chairman in token thereof.


Item No. 3: Minutes of the Committee Meeting on "Housing/Colony for Officers" held on April 25, 2002


A set of agenda papers together with the minutes of the meeting of the Committee of Directors on "Housing Colony for officers" held on April 25, 2002 as circulated amongst the Directors earlier, were perused and noted.


Item No. 4: Maintenance of records


The Chairman informed the Board that it was very necessary to sort out the records of the company piling up in the company's record room for so many years. The matter was discussed and after some discussion it was:


"RESOLVED that records of the company for the last eight years be kept in the record room and records of the company beyond eight years be destroyed in consultation with the respective department of the company."


Item No. 5: Economy in administrative expenditure




Item No. 6: Purchase of office accommodation at New Delhi


Chairman informed that the funds for the purchase of office accommodation at New Delhi as proposed will be met from the funds being generated from internal resources. Thereafter, the Directors agreed to the proposal and authorised the Managing Director/Secretary to obtain the approval of the shareholders for the above proposal in an Extraordinary General Meeting to be convened immediately. Further, the Directors recommended the convening of the General Meeting of the shareholders, at shorter notice than 21 days notice period as provided under the Companies Act, 1956, to pass necessary resolutions. Necessary notice/order formalities including the affixation of the common seal on the documents, if necessary, will be complied with by Managing Director/Secretary.


Item No. 7: Provision of housing accommodation at Project Site Offices


The Directors decided that for persons posted at project sites in India


(i) The company may hire suitable accommodation according to the status of the employee,

(ii) Charge 10% of the salary for providing housing accommodation, and

(iii) Pay Project Allowances as applicable.


The project in charge will survey the project site area and will make out a detailed note to the Management at Head Office fixing ceiling for accommodation and rent for hiring the accommodation by company for each category of employee and the same will be adopted after approval of the Managing Director. The Directors also decided that if the posting at project site in India is not for long duration or suitable family accommodation is not available at site, employees may be allowed to retain their accommodation at the place of original posting with the approval of Managing Director and be paid the following allowances:


(i) HRA as admissible at the place of original posting,

(ii) Project allowance or CCA as per company's rules.


Item No. 8: Appointment of ABC as Whole-time Director


The Board considered the agenda item with regard to the appointment of ABC as Whole-time Director and passed the following resolution:


"RESOLVED that subject to the approval of the shareholders of the company Shri ABC, who fulfills the conditions specified in Part I and Part II of Schedule XIII of the Companies Act, 1956, be and is hereby appointed as the Whole-time Director of the company for a period of five years effective from …..and that he may be paid re­muneration by way of salary Rs …..p.m., commission at the rate of 1/2per cent subject to a maximum of 50% of the salary and perquisites in accordance with Part II of Schedule XIII of the Act."


Item No. 9: Donation to ABC Institution


The Board after perusal of the agenda note for making donations to ABC institution, passed the following resolution:


"RESOLVED that a sum of Rs. 50,000/- be paid to ABC Institution which is a charitable institution within the meaning of Income- tax Act, 1961 as donation."


Item No. 10 : Increase in sitting fee


The Board considered the agenda item for increasing the existing sitting fee of the Board Members. After discussions, the Board recommended the following resolution to the shareholders of the company for being passed by them at the ensuing Annual General Meeting.


"RESOLVED that the existing article 75 of the Articles of Association of the company be and is hereby substituted by the following article:


"75. The sitting fee payable to Directors for attending the meeting of the Board of Directors or any of its committees shall be Rs. 5000/- for every meeting. They shall also be entitled to reimbursement of travelling expenses and halting charges incurred by them."


Item 11 : Next Board Meeting


The next meeting of the Board will be held on a date, time and place to be decided in consultation with the Chairman.


Vote of Thanks


The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the Chair.


Dated: ...................... CHAIRMAN…..…..


Signing of Minutes/Disclosure of Interest/Quarterly Financial Review/Revised Budget Estimates/Formation of Board of Trustees/Opening and operation of Accounts/Rules Regarding Foreign Allowance/New Accommodation for Office/Raising of Loan/Next Board Meeting.




Agenda for the …..…..Meeting of the Board of Directors of ABC Limited held on …..2002 at…..hours, at 301,Pitru Ashirwad Anand, the Registered Office of the company.


Item No.                                   Contents


1 .        Leave of absence.

2.         Signing of the minutes of the Board Meeting held on May 17, 2002.

3.         Disclosure of interest by Directors under section 299(3) of the Com­panies Act, 1956, for the financial year 2001-2002.

4.         Quarterly financial review for the quarter ended 30th December,2001.

5.         Revised budget estimates for 2001-2002 and budget estimated for 2002-2003.

6.         Formation of a Board of Trustees in ABC Limited for gratuity under the Indian Income-tax Act.

7.         Opening and operation of accounts in foreign banks by ABC Limited.

8.         Rules regarding foreign allowances.

9.         New accommodation for ABC Limited offices at Parliament Street, New Delhi.

10.        Raising of loan from Industrial Development Bank of India and State Bank of India for deferred credit aggregating Rs. ten lakhs extended to the company.

11.        Next Board Meeting.




Minutes of the …..Meeting of the Board of Directors of ABC Limited held on …..2002,at …..hours at 35, the 301,Pitru Ashirwad Anand,Registered Office of the company.




            1. Shri XYZ      Chairman

            2. Shri LMN     Director

            3. Shri SPM      Director

            4. Shri VKG      Director

            5. Shri MLS      Director


In attendance


Shri RKM         Secretary


Item No. 1 : Leave of absence


Leave of absence was granted to Sarvashri RKK and KMS, Directors of the company. Shri XYZ took the Chair and the meeting was called to order.


Item No. 2: Signing of the minutes of the Board Meeting held on May 17, 2000


The minutes of the Board Meeting held on May 17, 2002, a draft of which was circulated to all the Directors earlier, were confirmed and thereafter signed by the Chairman in token thereof.


Item No. 3: Disclosure of interest by Directors under section 299(3) of the Companies Act, 1956, for the financial year 2001-2002


The general notice received from Shri LPO, one of the Directors of company, pursuant to section 299(3) of the Companies Act, 1956, was placed before the meeting, read and recorded.


Item No. 4: Quarterly financial review for the quarter ended 30th June, 2002


The Managing Director briefly stated about the good performance of the company for the quarter ended on 30th June, 2001 and thereafter directed the Secretary to place the statement of quarterly financial review of the company and the said statement was then perused by all the Directors present at the meeting and was noted.


Item No. 5 : Revised budget estimates for 2001-2002 and budget estimates for 2002-2003


Having considered the agenda note about the revised budget estimates, the Board approved the same showing a7 net surplus of Rs. 20 lakhs for 2001-2002 and budget estimates for 2002-2003 indicating a net surplus of Rs. 35 lakhs.


The Board, however, desired that stricter control should be exercised on the revenue expenditure and reiterated that the company should stick to the budget estimates and try to avoid any revision thereof later on.


Item No. 6: Formation of a Board of Trustees in ABC Limited for gratuity under the Indian Income-tax Act


Having ascertained that it was legally necessary to constitute a trust for gratuity under the Income-tax Act, the Board passed the following resolution:


"RESOLVED that formation of Gratuity Trust for the purpose of gratuity as per the provisions of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1961, for the persons working in ABC Limited as provisionally approved by Chairman and signed by the Secretary on behalf of the company and filed by the Trustees with the Income-tax authorities be and is hereby approved, ratified and confirmed.


RESOLVED FURTHER that a certified copy of this resolution be forwarded by Secretary of the company to the concerned Income-tax authorities and other authorities as may be required."


Item No. 7: Opening and operation of accounts in foreign banks by ABC Limited


The Board considered the agenda note regarding opening and operation of accounts in foreign banks by ABC Limited and decided that whenever an account was to be opened in a foreign bank abroad, the matter should be placed before the Board and separate resolution should be passed in each case thereof.


Item No. 8: Rules regarding foreign allowances


Postponed for the next Board Meeting, as no consensus could be arrived at by the Board Meeting on this issue.


Item No. 9: New accommodation for ABC Limited offices at Parliament Street, New Delhi


The Board considered the agenda note for new office accommodation and accorded approval for incurring capital expenditure towards the interior decoration of the offices including light fittings, ceiling fans, construction of cabins, partitions etc. to the extent of Rs. 15 lakhs.


Item No. 10: Raising of loan from Industrial Development Bank of India and State Bank of India for deferred credit aggregating Rs. ten lakhs extended to the company


The Board considered the agenda item of raising the deferred credit limit and passed the following resolutions:


"RESOLVED that in connection with the sale and supply of material and equipment by the company to ZYO under the company's contract dated the 25th December, 2001, the company do borrow from the Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI) a rupee loan to the maximum extent of Rs. five lakhs and from the State Bank of India (SBI) a rupee loan to the maximum extent of Rs. 5,00,000/- (Rupees five lakhs only) against the principal amount of the deferred instalments receivable by the company, such borrowings to be on the terms and conditions set out in the draft tripartite loan agreement received from IDBI and acceptable to SBI, a copy whereof duty signed by Shri XYZ, Chairman, for the purposes of identification has been circulated to the Board.


RESOLVED FURTHER that the draft of the said tripartite loan agreement be and is hereby approved and that Shri XYZ, Chairman and LMN, Manager (Finance) be and are hereby severally authorised to accept or suggest on behalf of the company such modifications in the draft as may be suggested by, or acceptable to, IDBI or SBI.


RESOLVED FURTHER that the common seal of the company be affixed to the original stamped engrossments (in triplicate) of the said tripartite loan agreement in the presence of Shri XYZ, Chairman who shall sign the same in token of having witnessed the execution and countersigned. by the Secretary of the company.


RESOLVED FURTHER that Shri XYZ, Chairman and Shri LMN, Manager (Finance) be and are hereby severally authorised to execute and deliver or cause to be delivered such other deeds, documents and things as may be required by IDBI or SBI in connection with the said loans."


Item No. 11: Next Board Meeting


The next meeting of the Board will be held on a date, time and place to be decided in consultation with the Chairman.


Vote of Thanks


The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the Chair, as there was no other business to be transacted.


Date: ………….. CHAIRMAN ………….