Chapter X




A. Lending/Intercorporate Loans [Topic 260‑261]

B. Investments‑Intercorporate Investments [Topic 262‑267]

C. Borrowing‑Company Deposits [Topic 268‑276]

D. External Commercial Borrowings [Topic 277‑281]



A. Lending/Intercorporate Loans


(Topic 260 to Topic 261)


Topic 260




1.         Note that before making any loan to any person or firm falling under the category of clauses (a) to (e) of Section 295(1), you have to obtain the approval' of the Central Government if your company is a public company or its subsidiary.


2.         If such loan is to be given for house building, then follow. the guidelines issued by the Central Government, for availability of such loan which allow companies to make the house building loans to their managing director/whole‑time directors without prior approval of the Central Government on seek terms and conditions as are applicable to its officers/employers.


3.         Keep in mind that no approval for the grant of loan would be given by the Government for the purchase of furniture.


4.         Make the application on a plain paper preferably on the letter head of the company giving full details regarding the loan and also regarding the party to whom the loan will be allowed and the purpose for such loan. There is no prescribed form.


5.         Period of loan, rate of interest, security, whether the loan is in accordance with any rules of the company framed in this behalf, repayment capacity/manner of repayment, etc., should be mentioned in the aforesaid application.


6.         Address the applicationE to the Secretary, Department of Company Affairs, Ministry of Law, Justice and Company Affairs, Shastri Bhavan, 5th Floor, 'A' Wing, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road, New Delhi‑ 110001.


7.         Along with the applicationc, annex the following documents:­


(i)         A certified true copy of the Memorandum and Articles of the Association of your company;


(ii)        Certified true copies of audited balance‑sheets and profit and loss accounts for the last three years immediately preceding;


(iii)       Names and addresses of the persons to whom loans will be made;


(iv)       The original copy of the receipted treasury challan or demand draft evidencing the payment of the requisite fee.


8.         If the application fee is paid by way of treasury challan pay the requisite fee as prescribed under the Companies (Fees on Applications) Rules, 1999, in cash specified into any of the specified branches of the Punjab National Bank, through a challan to be obtained and prepared in triplicate for credit.


9.         The description of the Head of account of the treasury challan should be as prescribed under Rule 22(2) of the Companies (Central Government's) General Rules and Forms, 1956 and as amended vide GSR 251(E), dated 21‑6‑1996 (w.e.f 21‑6‑1996). For account head and code please see Rule 22(2) in Appendix 1.


10.        If the applicationE fee is paid by way of demand draft, then draw the de­mand draft in favour of "Pay and Accounts Officer, Department of Company Af­fairs, New Delhi", and payable at any bank located in New Delhi, and the said demand draft should be attached to the application.


11.        Deliver a copy of the application along with a copy of all the documents annexed to it to the Registrar of Companies concerned.


12.        On receipt of the approval, hold a Board Meeting after giving notice to all the directors of the company as per Section 286 and grant the loan by passing a resolution$ and deliver a copy of the approval to the Registrar of Companies.


13.        Please keep in mind that every officer of the company whose duty is to give notice of the Board Meeting as aforesaid and who fails to do so will be punishable with fine of upto Rs. 1,000/‑ [Section 286(2)]


14.        Note that no such approval will be needed if such loan is made by:­


(a)        private companies; unless they are subsidiaries of public companies;


(b)        holding companies to its subsidiaries;


(c)        banking companies.


15.        If your company is a Government Company whose entire paid‑up share capital is held by:­


(a)        the Central Government and its nominees; or


(b)        a State Government and its nominees, in so far as such loan, guarantee, security is provided to any other Government Company whose entire paid‑up share capital is held as above, then the Central Government's approval is not required but you should only take the approval of the Ministry or Department of the Central Government which is administratively incharge of your company or the State Government, as the case may be.


16.        Note further that as per the Citizen's Charter of the Department of Company Affairs Schedule I, Serial No. 13, the application made to the Central Government will be processed within 30 days. [No. 5/25/99‑CL‑V; Press Note No. 9/99 dated 9‑8‑1999.]


17.        Note that if your company's paid‑up share capital is less than Rs. 50 lakhs but is equal to or more than Rs. 10 lakhs, your company is required to obtain a Compliance Certificate from a secretary in whole‑time practice to be filed with the Registrar of Companies mentioning therein inter alia that the company has advanced loan amounting to the actual sum advanced to its directors and/or persons or firms or companies referred in section 295 of the Act after complying with the provisions of the Act and has obtained all necessary approval of the Central Government as may be prescribed under the various provisions of the Act as per paragraphs 8 and 17 of the Form of Compliance Certificate appended to the Companies (Compliance Certificate) Rules, 2001.8 [Section 383A(1) proviso]


Topic 261




1.         In the case of a public company, the power to borrow cannot be exercised before the date of issue of certificate of commencement of business. [Section 149]


2.         In case the lender is a company, see that in the circumstances mentioned in Topic 251 the lending company observes the formalities mentioned therein.


3.         Convene a Board Meeting after giving notice to all the directors of the company as per Section 286 and place the proposal in your Board Meeting and get it approved by way of resolution passed in the meeting.


4.         Please keep in mind that every officer of the company whose duty is to give notice of the Board Meeting as aforesaid and who fails to do so will be punishable with fine of upto Rs. 1,000/‑[Section 286(2)]


5.         The aforesaid power can also be delegated to others if such borrowing is otherwise than in accordance with Section 292.


6.         If such borrowing exceeds the paid‑up share capital and free reserves of your company, then get it approved in the General Meeting. [Section 293(1)(d)]


7.         File the above resolution in Form No. 23t within thirty days of its passing with the Registrar [Section 192(4)(ee)(i)] after paying the requisite fee 2 prescribed under Schedule X to the Companies Act, 1956 and in accordance with Rule 22(1) of Companies General Rules and Forms, 1956, either in cash or treasury challan. [Rule 22(1)]


8.         Please also keep in mind that if default is made in complying with the aforesaid requirement of filing, the company and every officer of the company who is in default will be punishable with fine of upto Rs. 200/‑ for every day during which the default continues. [Section 192(5)]


9.         Forward three copies of the notice issued to the shareholders and a copy of the proceedings of the General Meeting to the Stock Exchange, if your company is listed on a Stock Exchange. [Clause 31(c) and (d) of the Standard Listing Agreement]


10.        Where the borrowing is to be secured against a charge, comply with the provisions of Part V of the Act regarding "registration of charges" accordingly.


11.        In case of a public company or its subsidiary, if charges amount to otherwise disposing of any of the company's undertakings or any substantial portion of any of them proceed, vide Topic 247.


12.        In case of a public company, check up whether provisions of sub‑sections (4) to (7) of Section 81  are applicable; if so, comply with them.


13.        Comply with formalities mentioned in Topic 268 for accepting and re­newing of deposits and borrowings.


14.        Further keep in mind that if your company's paid‑up share capital is less than Rs. 50 lakhs but is equal to or more than Rs. 10 lakhs, your company is required to obtain a Compliance Certificate from a secretary in whole‑time practice to be filed with the Registrar of Companies mentioning therein inter alia that the amount borrowed by your company from directors, members, public, financial institutions, banks and others during the financial year ending on a particular date is within the borrowing limits of the company and that necessary resolution as per section 293(1)(d) has been passed in duly convened general meeting as per paragraph 24 of the Form of Compliance Certificate appended to the Companies (Compliance Certificate) Rules, 2001. [Section 383A(1) proviso]



B. Investments‑Intercorporate Investments


(Topic 262 to Topic 267)


Topic 262




1.         See whether any loan is to be made out of the funds of your company or any guarantee is to be given or any security is to be provided in connection with such loan or any investments are to be made in shares by the following:


(a)        a banking company, or an insurance company, or a housing finance company in the ordinary course of its business, or a company established with the sole object of financing industrial enterprises, or of providing infrastructural facilities;


(b)        a company whose principle business is the acquisition of shares stock, debentures or other securities;


(c)        a private company, unless it is a subsidiary of a public company; [Section 372A(8)(a)]


2.         Further see whether any investment is being made in shares alloted in pur­suance of clause (a) of sub‑section (1) of section 81. [Section 372A(8)(b)]


3.         Further verify whether any loan is being made by a holding company to its wholly owned subsidiary or any guarantee is being given or any security is being provided by a holding company in respect of loan made to its wholly owned subsidiary or any acquisition is being made by a holding company by way of subscription, purchases or otherwise, the securities of its wholly owned subsidiary. [Section 372A(8) (c), (d) and (e)]


4.         If aforesaid is the case then your company is exempted from the provi­sions of section 372A.


5.         If aforesaid is not the case then follow the steps given below.


6.         Decide whether the loan is to be given to any body corporate out of the funds of your company or guarantee is to be given or security is to be provided in connection with such loan made by any other person to, or to any other person by any body corporate and whether investment is to be made in the securities of any other body corporate by way of acquisition subscription, purchase or otherwise not exceeding 60% of your company's share capital and free reserves or less than 100% of your company's free reserves, whichever is more. [Section 372A (1)]


7.         In the aforesaid case, convene a Board Meeting after giving notice to all the directors of your company as per section 286 and place the proposal in it and get it approved by passing a resolution with the consent of all the directors present at that meeting. [Section 372A(2)]


8.         Please keep in mind that every officer of the company whose duty is to give notice of the Board Meeting as aforesaid and who fails to do so will be punishable with fine of upto Rs. 1,000/-. [Section 286(2)]


9.         If your company has taken any term loan from any one of the financial institutions referred to in section 4A and that term loan is subsisting then obtain prior approval of that financial institution before implementing the proposal. [Section 372A(2)]


10.        Keep in mind that your company will not be required to take prior approval of a public financial institution, where the aggregate of the loans and investments so far made, the amounts for which guarantee or security so far provided to or in all other bodies corporate, alongwith the investments, loans, guarantee or security proposal to be made or given does not exceed the limit of sixty per cent specified in sub‑section (1) of section 372A if there is no default in repayment of loan instalments or payment of interest thereon as per the terms and conditions of such loan to the public financial institution. [Section 372A(2) Proviso]


11.        If your company decides to give loan or guarantee or provide security in connection with such loan and to make investments exceeding 60% of your company's paid‑up share capital and free reserves or 100% or more than 100% of your company's free reserves, which ever is more then take the steps given below.


12.        Convene a Board Meeting after giving notice to all the directors of your company as per section 286 to approve the loan, guarantee, security and investment and also to fix up the date, place and agenda for a General Meeting to pass a Special Resolution there at in that regard. [Section 372A(1)first proviso]


13.        If your company is a listed company then have the Special Resolution mentioned above passed through postal ballot. [Section 192A read with Rule 4(g) of the Companies (Passing of the Resolution by Postal Ballot) Rules, 2001.


14.        Please keep in mind that every officer of the company whose duty is to give notice of the Board Meeting as aforesaid and who fails to do so will be punishable with fine of upto Rs. 1,000/‑. [Section 286(2)]


15.        Draft the notice of the aforesaid Special Resolution indicating therein clearly the following:­


(a)        specific limits;


(b)        particulars of the body corporate in which the investment is proposed to be made or loan or security or guarantee to be given;


(c)        the purpose of the investment, loan or security or guarantee;


(d)        specific sources of funding;


(e)        other details. [Section 372A(1) thirdproviso]


16.        Have the aforesaid notice and its relevant Explanatory Statement ap­proved          by your company's Board.


17.        Issue notices in writing at least twenty‑one days before the date of the General Meeting proposing the Special Resolution with suitable Explanatory Statement. [Section 171(1) read with section 173(2)]


18.        Hold the General Meeting and pass the Special Resolution by three fourths majority. [Section 189]


19.        Forward to the Stock Exchange with which your company is enlisted three copies of the notice and a copy of the proceedings of the General Meeting. [Clause 31(1)(c) and (d) of the Standard Listing Agreement.]


20.        File the Special Resolution in Form No. 23 along with the Explanatory Statement with the concerned Registrar of Companies within thirty days of its passing [Section 192(4) & (4)(a)] after paying the requisite fee prescribed under Schedule X to the Companies Act, 1956, either in cash or treasury challan. [Rule 22(1)]


21.        Please keep in mind that if default is made in complying with the aforesaid filing, the company and every officer of the company who is in default will be punishable with fine upto Rs. 200/‑ for every day during which the default continues. [Section 192(5)]


22.        If the fee is paid by way of treasury challan, then pay the requisite fee by way of treasury challan prepared in triplicate and paid in cash into any of the specified brancheslo of the Punjab National Bank for credit.


23.        The description of the Head of account of the treasury challan should be as prescribed under Rule 22(2) of the Companies (Central Government's) General Rules and Forms, 1956 and as amended vide GSR 25](E), dated 21‑6‑1996 (w.e.f. 21‑6‑1996). For account head and code please see Rule 22(2) in Appendix 1.


24.        Two copies of the treasury challan will be given back to the depositor out of which the original copy should be attached to the Form.


25.        Keep in mind that the Special Resolution mentioned in item 12 is not required to be previously passed if your company is giving guarantee only and exceptional circumstances exist preventing your company to obtain previous authorisation by a Special Resolution and in such case convene a Board Meeting and pass a Board Resolution authorising the giving of such guarantee and confirm the said Board Resolution within 12 months in an Extraordinary or Annual General Meeting of your company held immediately after passing of the said Board Resolution. [Section 372A(1) secondproviso]


26.        Do not make any loan to any body corporate at the rate of interest lower than the prevailing bank rate of interest being the standard rate made public under section 49 of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934. [Section 372A(3)].


27.        Also follow the guidelines if any, prescribed by the Central Government for the purposes of section 372A. [Section 372A(7)].


28.        Maintain a register showing the following particulars in respect of every investment or loan made, guarantee given or security provided by your company in relation to any body corporate:


(i)         the name of the body corporate;


(ii)        the amount, terms and purpose of the investment or loan or security or guarantee;


(iii)       the date on which the investment or loan has been made; and


(iv)       the date on which the guarantee has been given or security has beer provided in connection with a loan. [Section 372A(5)(a)] .


29.        Enter the above particulars in the register chronologically within seven days of the making of such investment'or loan or the giving of such guarantee or the provision of such security. [Section 372A(5)(b)].


30.        Keep the aforesaid register at the registered office of your company and also keep it open to inspection at such office and allow extracts to be taken therefrom and copies to be taken thereof that may be required by any member of the company to the same extent, in the same manner, and on payment of the same fees as in the case of the register of members of the company; and the provisions of section 163 shall apply accordingly. [Section 372A(6)].


31.        Note that if your company fails to comply with the requirements of maintaining the aforesaid register and entering therein the required particulars within the required time then the company and every officer of the company who is in default shall be punishable with fine which may extend to five thousand rupees and also with a furhter fine which may extend to five hundred rupees for every day after the first during which the default continues. [Section 372A(10)].


32.        Further note that if your company fails to comply with the requirements of section 372A except sub‑section (5) of that section relating to keeping of register of loans and investments then the company and every officer of the company who is in default shall be punishable with imprisonment which may extend to two years or with fine which may extend to fifty thousand rupees; [Section 372A (9)] .


33.        Keep in mind that where any such loan or any loan in connection with which any such guarantee or security has been given, or provided by the company, has been repaid in full, no punishment by way of imprisonment shall be imposed under this sub‑section, and where such loan has been repaid in part, the maximum punishment which may be imposed by way of imprisonment shall be appropriately reduced. [Section 372A(9) first proviso.].


34.        Further keep in mind that all persons who are knowingly parties to any such contravention shall be liable, jointly and severally, to your company for the repayment of the loan or for making good the same which the company may have been called upon to pay by virtue of the guarantee given or the securities provided by your company. [Section 372A(9) second proviso].


35.        Please note that for the purposes of section 372A, loan includes debentures or any deposit of money made by one company with another company, not being a banking company. [Seciion 372A(10) Explanation (a)]


36.        Further note that for the purposes of section 372A, free reserves means those reserves which, as per latest audited balance‑sheet of a company, are free for distribution as dividend and will include balance to the credit of the securities premium account but will not include share application money. [Section 372A(10) Explanation (b)].


37.        Keep in mind that if your company has defaulted in complying with the provisions of section 58A, your company cannot directly or indirectly make any loan to any body corporate or give any guarantee, or provide security, in connection with a loan made by any other person to, or to any other person by, any body corporate or acquire by way of subscription, purchase or otherwise the securities of any other body corporate. [Section 372A(4)]


38.        Keep also in mind that obtaining the approval for making investments into securities or grant of loans to other companies of amounts which are linked with Company's available financial resources and the resolution for investment much beyond the networth should not be passed by your company."


39.        Specifically indicate in the Explanatory Statement to the resolution, the specific securities in which your company is proposed to invest the amount. Enblock approval should normally be avoided except in the case of guarantee where the resolution can indicate an amount on annual basis.


40.        Further keep in mind that if your Company's paid up share capital is less than Rs. 50 lakhs but is equal to or more than Rs. 10 lakhs then your company is required to obtain a Compliance Certificate from a secretary in whole‑time practice to be filed with the Registrar of Companies mentioning therein inter alia that the company has made loans and investments or given guarantees or provided securities to other bodies corporate in compliance with the provisions of the Act and has made necessary entries in the register kept for the purpose as per paragraph 25 of the Form of Compliance Certificate appended to the Companies (Compliance Certificate) Rules, 2001. [Section 383‑A(1) proviso]


Topic 263




Re: Employee's Money or Security


1.         The following procedure will apply where any money or security is deposited with your company by an employee in pursuance of contract of service with your company and not otherwise. [Section 417(1)]


2.         Deposit the money or security of your employee within fifteen days of the receipt thereof in the following manner. [Section 417(1)(a), (b) and (c)]:­


(a)        in a post office savings bank account; or


(b)        in a special bank account to be opened for this purpose in the State Bank of India or in a Scheduled Bank; or


(c)        if your company is itself a Scheduled Bank, in a special account either by the company in itself opened for this purpose or in the State Bank of India or in any other Scheduled Bank.


3.         Do not utilise the aforesaid amount for any purpose other than those stipulated in the contracts of service.[Section 417(2)]


4.         Remember that an employee shall always have power to see bank's receipt for any deposit of such money or security. [Section 419]


Re: Provident Funds:


1.         Note that in the case of statutory setting up of provident fund under the Employees' Provident Funds Act, you will have to deposit the employer's and employee's contributions to the Government Fund set up under the Act, which has been empowered to invest the money.


2.         Further note that apart from the above fund, you may have Provident Fund Schemes of your own which may not be covered by the Act or if covered by it, might be granted exemption from the Act under Section 16(1)(b) or 17 of the Employees' Provident Funds Act.


3.         Decide schemes for such funds in your Board Meeting and draw up terms and conditions.


4.         Keep the following points in mind while drafting such rules‑­


(a)        All investments of the fund money must be made only in the securities mentioned or referred to in clauses (a) to (e) of Section 20 of the Indian Trusts Act, 1882. [Section 418(1)(b)];


(b)        The interest payable on the amount to an employee's credit must in no circumstances exceed the rate of interest yielded by investment of such fund. [Section 418(2)];


(c)        It is always desirable to make the rules conform as far as possible to the model rules as given in the Employees' Provident Fund Scheme and the Income‑tax Rules, 1962;


(d)        Also decide on the circumstances of your case whether the administration would be in the hands of the company or in a Board of Trustees set up for that purpose;


(e)        The conditions mentioned in items 8 and 9 below should also be referred to.


5.         Keep in mind that as soon as the money is contributed by the employer and the employee, the same must be deposited by the company in the same man­ner as mentioned in items 2(a), (b) and (c) hereof under the 1st head [Section 418(1)] within fifteen days.


6.         Also keep in mind that in case there is a Board of Trustees, the company must hand over the money to this Board within fifteen days of receipt and the Board shall be liable thereafter for the deposit thereof in the same manner. [Section 418(4)]


7.         Note that investment by the company or Board of Trustees, as the case may be, only be made in the manner as mentioned in item 4(a) hereof. [Sections 418(1)(b) and 418(4) ]


8.         Further note that where the Rules of the fund are covered by provisions of the Income‑tax Act and Rules made thereunder, an employee shall have a right to obtain advances or withdraw money standing to his credit. [Section 418(3)]


9.         Remember that an employee shall always have the right to see bank's re­ceipt for any deposit of contributions to the fund. [Section 419]


10.        Please keep in mind that any officer of a company or any trustee of a provident fund who knowingly contravences, or authorises or permits the vention of the provisions of section 417, 418 or 419 will be punishable with imprisonment for a term upto 6 months or with fine upto Rs. 10,000/‑ [Section 420]


11.        Note that if your company's paid‑up share capital is less than Rs. 50 lakhs but is equal to or more than Rs. 10 lakhs, your company is required to obtain a Compliance Certificate from a secretary in whole‑time practice to be filed with the Registrar of Companies mentioning therein inter alia that the company has received certain amount of rupees as security from its employees during the year under certification and the same has been deposited as per provisions of section 417(1) and also that your company has deposited both employee's and employer's contribution to provident fund with prescribed authorities pursuant to section 418 as per paragraphs 32 and 33 of the Form of Compliance Certificate appended to the Companies (Compliance Certificate) Rules, 2001. [Section 383A(1) proviso]


Topic 264




[Foreign Exchange Management (Transfer or Issue of Any Foreign Security) Regulations, 2000]


1.         Keep in mind that no Indian Party can make direct investment in a foreign entity engaged in real estate business or banking business. [Regulation 5(2)]


2.         Also keep in mind that the direct investment is made in a foreign entity engaged in the same core activity carried on by your company.


3.         Further keep in mind that the Indian Party routes all transactions relating to the investment through only one branch of an authorised dealer to be designated by it.'


4.         Note that your company should not be on the RBI's caution list or under investigation by the Enforcement Directorate.


5.         Check whether your company's total financial commitment will exceed us $ 100 Million or its equivalent in any financial year except investment in Nepal, Bhutan and Pakistan and also whether the financial commitment ceiling is US $75 million or its equivalent in any one financial year in Mayammar and SAARC countries other than Nepal, Bhutan and Pakistan. [Regulation 6(2)(i)]


6.         Further check whether your company's direct investment in Nepal or Bhutan if made in Indian rupees, the total financial commitment does not exceed Rs. 350 crores in any one financial year'. [Regulation 6(2)(ii)]


7.         If your company's investment is within US$ 100 Million, then make an application in Form ODA in triplicate, together with Form A‑2, duly filled in to the designated branch of the authorised dealer for onward transmission to the RBI.


8.         Attach the following to the said application:


(i)         Certified copy of the resolution of the Board of Directors of your company approving the investment;


(ii)        Certificate from the authorised dealer in the prescribed form given in the aforesaid Form;


(iii)       Certificate from your company's statutory auditors in the format given in the Form.


9.         No fee is required to be paid for making this application to the authorized dealer.


10.        If our company's total financial commitment in the investment exceeds US $100 Million then make the application in triplicate in Form ODI to the Chief General Manager, RBI, Exchange Control Department, Central Office, Overseas Investment Division (OID), Amar Building, Mumbai ‑ 400 001.


11.        Attach the following documents to it:


(i)         Draft Joint Venture Agreement or memorandum and Articles of Association in the case of wholly owned subsidiary, specifying the equity structure, management, rights and responsibilities of shareholders and also draft agreements for supply of technical know‑how, management and other services, if applicable. .


(ii)        A detailed project/feasibility report incorporating, inter alia, projected funds flow statement and balance sheets for 5 years, the information on various leverage and profitability ratios like debtequity ratio, debt service coverage ratio, return on investments, etc. of the foreign concern accompanied by the statement from a chartered accountant certifying the ratios and projections, given in the application.


(iii)       A report from the bankers of your company in sealed/closed cover.


(iv)       The latest balance‑sheet and profit and loss account along with directors report of your company.


(v)        Additional documents as under, if the application is made for partial/full take over of an existing foreign concern:


(a)        a copy of the certificate of incorporation of the foreign concern;


(b)        the latest annual accounts of the foreign concern; and


(c)        a copy of the share valuation certificate from a chartered accountant/auditor's firm.


(vi)       A copy of the resolution of the Board of Directors of your company approving the proposed investment.


(vii)      Where investment is in the financial services sector, a certificate from a chartered accountant/auditors' firm to the effect that your company:


(a)        has earned a net profit during the preceding 3 years from the financial services activity;


(b)        is registered with the appropriate regulatory authorities;


(c)        has a minimum net worth (naid‑up capital and free reserves) of not less than Rs. 15 crores as on the date of the latest audited balance‑sheet; and


(d)        has fulfilled the prudential norms relating to capital adequacy as prescribed by the concerned regulatory authority in India. [Regulation 7]


12.        Note that RBI will take into account the following factors while consider­ing the aforesaid application:


(i)         Prima facie viability of the joint venture/wholly owned subsidiary outside India;


(ii)        Contribution to external trade and other benefits which will accrue to India through such investment;


(iii)       Financial position and business track record of your company and the foreign entity;


(iv)       Expertise and experience of your company in the same or related line of activity of the joint venture or wholly owned subsidiary outside India. [Regulation 9(3)]


13.        Also note that RBI may on application made to it approve subject to such terms and conditions as considered necessary, a block allocation of foreign exchange to an Indian Party which has exhausted the limit available to it under subregulation (2) of Regulation 6. [Regulation 9A(1)4]


14.        Further note that on receipt of ihe application the RBI will allot a unique identification number for each joint venture or wholly owned subsidiary outside India and your company should always quote the said number in all its communications and reports to the RBI and the authorised dealer. [Regulation 10]


15.        Keep in mind that your company may also make direct investment outside India as above by way of capitalisation in full or part of the amount due to your company from the foreign entity as follows:


(i)         Payment for export of plant, machinery, equipment and other goods/software to the foreign entity;


(ii)        Fees, royalties, commissions or other entitlements of your company due from the foreign entity for the supply of technical know‑how, consultancy, managerial or other services. [Regulation 11]


16.        In case of (ii) above, remember that where the export proceeds have remained unrealised beyond a period of 6 months from the date of export, such proceeds will not be capitalised without the prior permission of the RBI.


17.        Also keep in mind that the general permission under Regulation 6 does not include investment proposals which envisage setting up a holding company or a special purpose vehicle abroad, which would in turn set up one or more step down subsidiaries as operating units.


18.        Further keep in mind that if your company's name is in the RBI's caution list it is not eligible to make overseas investments under the automatic route as per Regulation 6(2)(v) and this restriction is also applicable to Indian parties which are defaulters to the banking system in India and whose names appear in the defaulters list published/circulated by RBI.


§ Topic 265




1. Make the application to the concerned authorised dealer with whom the EEFC account is maintained in Form ODA in triplicate along with Form A‑2 if the total financial commitment of your company does not exceed the higher of the following amounts :


     (a)  amount equivalent of US $100 million; or


     (b) amount equivalent to 110 times the export earnings of the Indian Party during the proceeding financial year as reflected in its audited balance sheet inclusive of all investments made under Regulations' in Part I including the amount mentioned above in clause (a) above in the same financial years.


(i)A brief project/feasibility report incorporating, inter alia, projected funds flow statements and balance sheets for five years, the information on various leverage and profitability ratios like debt‑ equity ratio, debt service coverage ratio, return on investments, etc. of the proposed foreign concern.


(ii)Statement from a chartered accountant verifying and certifying the ratios and profitability projections made in the project/feasibility report and the application.


            (iii)If the application is made for partial/full take over of an existing foreign concern, a chartered accountant's certificate regarding the fair value of shares of the overseas concern.


(iv)A copy of the resolution of the Board of directors of the Indian promoter‑company approving the proposed investment.


(v)Where investment is in the financial services sector (e.g., insurances, mutual fund, asset management, etc.) a certificate from a chartered accountant certifying that­


(a)        the networth of the company (paid‑up capital + free reserves) is equal to/more than Rs. 15 crores as on the date of the last audited balance sheet;


(b)        the company had made net profit in the immediately preceding three years from the financial services activities;


(c)        the company has fulfilled the prudential norms relating to capital adequacy as prescribed by the concerned regulatory authority in India, and


(d)        the company is registered with SEBI as merchant banker or with the Reserve Bank of India as a non‑banking finance company (NBFC) for conducting financial services activities;


2.         Ensure that in case your company holds more than one EEFC account with authorised dealers, the overseas investments are routed through a specific EEFC account with a particular branch of the authorised dealer.


3.         Note that your company in this case must have already made on ADR or GDR issue and that such ADRs/GDRs are currently listed on any Stock Exchange outside India.


4.         Keep in mind that the ADR and or GDR issue for the purpose of acquisi­tior is backed by underlying fresh equity shares issued by your company.


5.         Further keep in mind that the valuation of shares of the Joint Venture or wholly owned subsidiary abroad should be made as per the recommendations of investment banker if the shares are not listed on any Stock Exchange or based on the current market capitalization of the foreign company arrived at on the basis of monthly average price on any stock exchange abroad for the three months preceding the month in which the acquisition is committed and over and above, the premium, if any as recommended by the investment banker in its due diligence report in other cases.


6.         Make the application in Form ODI in triplicate with the same annexures as mentioned in item 1 above to the Chief General Manager RBI Exchange Control Department, Central Office Overseas Investment Division, Amar Building, Murnbai ‑ 400 001 if your total financial commitment exceeds the limits mentioned in item 1.


7.         Keep in mind that if such remittance is effected to an existing Joint Venture/Wholly on Subsidiary Abroad already approved by Reserve Bank of India/ Ministry of Finance under other schemes, obligations stipulated in the approval letter issued by them including repatriation dividend and other entitlements within the specified time frame will continue to be applicable.


8.         Also keep in mind that where the approved equity/loan is to be contributed in instalments, subsequent remittances will be allowed by the authorised dealer concerned only after the receipt of the unique Identification Number given by the Reserve Bank of India for the joint venture/wholly on subsidiary, which should be quoted by your company and the authorised dealer in all future correspondence.


9.         In case your proposal is for an additional equity, loan and guarantee in respect of the joint venture/wholly on subsidiary which was already approved by Reserve Bank of India or the authorised dealer, then make the application in the same Form ODA in triplicate to the concerned authorised dealer citing the Reserve Bank Identification Number.


10.        In the aforesaid supplemental application do not repeat the particulars furnished earlier to the authorised dealer when the first application in Form ODA was submitted indicate the revised particulars in the said supplemental application.


11.        In case your company's proposal for overseas investments involves cash remittance of equity and loan such proposal will be dealt with by the authorised dealers under the delegated authority but proposals in other cases where the overseas investments involves capitalisation of export proceeds of plant and machinery/goods, utilisation of Euro‑issue proceeds then your company should make the application either to the Reserve Bank of India or to the Ministry of Finance as per the existing procedure.


12.        Enclose a duly certified statement indicating details of investments availed of from the EEFC account under the automatic route such as date of approvallidentification number, amount approved for each joint venture/wholly on subsidiary, country or their location etc. to the application in Form ODA (automatic route) or Form ODI being proposed exceeding the investment limit mentioned in item 1. As the case may be, in order to ensure that investments made under the automatic route operated by the Reserve Bank of India and the new EEFC window does not exceed the aforesaid limit or exceeds any financial year when your company is making the application.


13.        Keep in mind that authorised dealers who were earlier required to submit two copies of Form ODA along with a report on remittance in the Form ODR in duplicate to Regional Office of the Exchange Control Department of the RBI under whose jurisdiction it is functioning should now forward them to the Chief General Manager, Exchange Control Department (Overseas Investment Division) RBI, Central Office, 3rd Floor, Amar Building, Mumbai ‑ 400 001 immediately, after the investments are made. [A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 13, dated 14‑9-2000 issued by ECD, RBI].


14.        Further keep in mind that where the investment in a Joint venture or wholly owned subsidiary outside India is entirely funded out of your company's EEFC account the conditions of making investment in a foreign entity engaged in the same core activity as that of your company will not apply, for the automatic route.


Topic 266




1.         Make an application to either to the authorised dealer or to the Chief General Manager, Exchange Control Department, Reserve Bank of India, Central Office, Overseas Investment Division, Amar Building, Fort, Mumbai‑400 001 as the case may be in Form ODA or ODI in three sets.


2.         Submit a copy of the full set of the application simultaneously to the concerned Regional Office of the Reserve Bank of India to enable them to furnish their comments to the Central Office with reference to the records available with them.


3.         Attach the following documents to the aforesaid application:­


(i)         A copy of the latest quarterly progress report where the project is under implementation or annual performance report if the project is in operation already submitted in duplicate to the concerned Regional Office of the Reserve Bank of India.


(ii)        A copy of project/feasibility report incorporating inter alia, projected funds flow statement and balance sheet for the next 5 years if the application is for an increase in the level of equity, loan or guarantee in respect of the existing joint venture or wholly owned subsidiary or extension of fresh loan or guarantee, accompanied by a statement from a chartered accountant verifying the projections in the report.


(iii)       A copy of report giving information on various leverage and profitability ratios of the foreign concern after infusion of additional equity/extension of fresh/additional loan/guarantee accompanied by a statement from a chartered accountant verifying the said ratios.


(iv)       Certificates in Form BCX from the concerned authorised dealers in support of export performance for the last 3 years excluding equity exports and also certificates in Form BCI from the concerned authorized dealers towards foreign inward remittance accompanied by a certificate from a chartered accountant in support of other foreign exchange earnings for the last 3 years.


(v)        A copy of the application made to "in principle" approval letter obtained from the Ministry of Finance if the additional resources for investment are to be raised through Global Depository Receipts (GDR) route.


(vi)       Copies of latest annual accounts of the applicant company as well as of the overseas joint venture/wholly owned subsidiary.


(vii)      A copy of the resolution of the Board of Directors of your company or of all the Indian promoter companies approving the proposed additional investment.


(viii)      Details of plant and machinery or goods proposed to be exported from India as equity contribution, in a prescribed proforma wherever applicable.


(ix)       A copy of the letter of authority in favour of the applicant given by all the companies if there are more than one Indian promoter of the joint venture/wholly owned subsidiary abroad.


4.         Please write "NA" in the application form, where not applicable.


5.         Attach additional sheets to the application if the space available in the ap­plication against a particular item is insufficient.


Topic 267




1.         Verify the following before holding investment other than in your com­pany's name:­


(i)         Your company has a right to appoint any person or persons as directors of the other body corporate in which your company holds investments; or


(ii)        Your company has appointed any nominee or nominees as director or directors of that other body corporate in which your company holds investment. [Section 49(2)]


2.         In any of the above cases, your company can hold investments individu­ally in the name of that person or nominee or jointly in the name of your com­pany and that person or nominee, to the extent of the amount not exceeding the nominal value of the qualification shares which are required to be held by that person or nominee as director of that other body corporate. [Section 49(2)]


3.         In the case of investments held in subsidiaries of your company, they may be held in the name or names of any nominee or. nominees of your company provided the number of members of that subsidiary company does not go below two (private company) or seven (public company), as the case may be. [Section 49(3)]


4.         Convene a Board Meeting after giving notice to all the directors of the company as per Section 286 and approve the holding of investments individually in the name of the person or nominee or jointly in the name of your company and any one of them by passing necessary resolution.


5.         Please keep in mind that every officer of the company whose duty is to give notice of the Board Meeting as aforesaid and who fails to do so will be punishable with fine of upto Rs. 1,000/‑ [Section 286(2)]


6.         Keep the custody of the certificates or letters of allotment relating to these shares or securities which are held in the name other than your company's with your company or with the State Bank of India or a scheduled bank being the bankers of your company. [Section 49(6)]


7.         Enter forthwith in the register of investments of your company the fol­lowing particulars:­


(i)         the nature, value and such other particulars as may be necessary so as to fully identify the shares or securities so held in the other name; and


(ii)        the bank or person in whose name or custody the shares or securities are held. [Section 49(7)]


8.         Keep the register open for inspection by any member or Debenture‑holder of your company without charge during business hours which should not be less than two hours on each day. [Section 49(8)]


9.         Note that for default of complying with the requirements of section 49, the company and every officer of the company who is in default will be punishable with fine of upto Rs. 50,000/-, [Section 49(9)]


10.        Further not that if your Company's paid‑up share capital is less than Rs. 50 lakhs but is equal to or more than Rs. 10 lakhs your company is required to obtain a Compliance Certificate from a secretary in whole‑time practice to be filed with the Registrar of Companies mentioning therein inter alia that your company has kept and maintained all registers as stated in Annexure A to the said Certificate as per the provisions and the rules made thereunder and all entries therein have been duly recorded as per paragraph 1 of the Form of the Compliance Certificate appended to the Companies (Compliance Certificate) Rules, 2001.[Section 383‑A(1), proviso]



C. Borrowings‑Company Deposits


(Topic 268 to Topic 276)


Topic 268




1.         Convene a Board Meetingf after giving notice to all the directors of the company as per Section 286 and decide about the inviting or renewing of deposits already accepted and approve the text of the advertisement to be published. [Rule 4(2) of the Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Rules, 1975]


2.         Please keep in mind that every officer of the company whose duty is to give notice of the Board Meeting as aforesaid and who fails to do so will be punishable with fine of upto Rs. 1,000/-. [Section 286(2)]


3.         Keep in mind that if your company's net owned fund is Rs. 1 crore or more only then your company can invite public deposits. [Rule 3(1)(e) of the Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Rules, 1975]


4.         Further keep in mind that net owned fund has the same meaning as as­signed to it in the RBI Act, 1934. [Rule 2(e) of the Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Rules, 1975]


5.         The advertisement must contain a reference to the conditions subject to which deposits shall be accepted and date on which it was approved by the directors and the particulars to be advertised are:


(a)        name of the company;


(b)        the date of incorporation of the company;


(c)        the business carried on by the company and its subsidiaries with the details of branches or units, if any;


(d)        brief particulars of the management of the company;


(e)        names, addresses and occupations of the directors;


(f)        profits of the company, before and after making provisions for tax, for the three financial years immediately preceding the date of advertisement;


(g)        dividends declared by the company in respect of the said years;


(h)        a summarised financial position of the company as in the two audited balance‑sheets immediately preceding the date of advertisement in the form prescribed in rule 4 of the Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Amendment Rules, 1978;


(i)         the amount which the company can raise by way of deposits under the rules and the aggregate of deposits actually held on the last day of the immediate preceding financial year;


(j)         a statement to the effect that on the day of the advertisement, the company has no overdue deposits other than unclaimed deposits or a statement showing the amount of such overdue deposits, as the case may be;


(ja)       the total number of small depositors and amount due to them in respect of which default has been made;


(jb)       the fact of waiver of interest accrued on deposits of the small depositors.


(k)         declaration to the effect:


(i)         that the company has complied with the provisions of the rules;


(ii)        that compliance with the rules does not imply that repayment of deposits is guaranteed by the Central Government;


(iii)       that the deposits accepted by the company (other than secured deposits, if any, accepted under the provisions of the rules, the aggregate amount of which may be indicated) are unsecured and ranking pari passu with other unsecured liabilities; and


(iv)       that the company is not in default in the repayment of and deposit or part thereof and any interest thereupon in accordance with terms and conditions of such deposit.


6.         Make sure that your company does not make any mis‑statement in the ad­vertisement. [Section 58B read with sections 62 and 63]


7.         Also make sure that the company is not in default in the repayment of any deposit or part thereof and any interest, thereupon in accordance with the terms and conditions of such deposit. [Section 58A(2)(C)].


8.         Make a list of small depositors who have deposited in a financial year a sum not exceeding Rs. 20,000/‑ in your company and they include their successors, nominees and legal representatives. [Section 58AA Explanation]


9.         Keep in mind that if any default is made by your company, in repayment of any deposits or part thereof or any interest thereupon to small depositors intimate to the Company Law Board within 60 days from the date of default including particulars in respect of the names and addresses of each small depositor, the principal sum of deposits due to them and interest accrued thereupon. [Section 58AA (2)]


10.        Note that a penal rate of interest of 18% have to be paid by your company for the overdue period in case of public deposits matured and claimed but remaining unpaid, and in case of deposit made by a small depositor, the penal interest shall be 20% compoundable on an annual basis. [Rule 8A' of the Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Rules, 1975]


11.        Also keep in mind that, for removal of doubts, it is hereby declared that the intimation as aforesaid should be given on monthly basis. [Section 58AA(2) Explanation]


12.        Publish the advertisement in a leading English newspaper in English Ianguage and in one vernacular newspaper in vernacular language circulating in the State in which the registered office of the company is situated. [Rule 4(1) of the' Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Rules, 1975]


13.        Deliver a copy of the advertisement signed by a majority of the directors, to the Registrar before publication. [Rule 4(4) of the Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Rules, 1975]


14.        Prepare the application form to be submitted by the intending depositors. Application for deposit should be in company's own application form and should contain the prescribed declaration by the applicant regarding the source of the money. [Rule 5 of the Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Rules, 1975]


15.        Ensure that the application forms of deposits of the company contain a clause giving holders of fixed deposits either holding singly or jointly freedom to nominate at, any time a person to whom his or their deposits will vest in the event of his or their deaths. [Section 58A (11)]


16.        Forward promptly to the Stock Exchange with which your company is enlisted three copies of notice published in newspapers as mentioned under item 5. [Clause 31(e) of the Standard Listing Agreement]


17.        Issue a receipt containing the prescribed details signed by an officer of the company on acceptance or renewal of deposits. [Rule 6 of the Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Rules, 1975]


18.        Make entries in the Register of Deposits maintained for the purpose and containing the particulars prescribed by rule 7 of the Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Rules, 1975.


19.        File a returnt on or before 30th June every year with the Registrar of Companies and furnish a copy of the return simultaneously to the Reserve Bank of India. [Rule 10 of the Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Rules 1975]


20.        Deposit or invest, not less than 15 per cent of the amount of deposits accepted by your company maturing during the year ending on the 31st March next following in any of the following ways within 30th April of each year:


(i)         in a current or other deposit account with any scheduled bank, free from charge or lien;


(ii)        in unencumbered securities of the Central Government or of any State Government;


(iii)       in unencumbered securities mentioned in clauses (a) to (d) and (ee) of Section 20 of the Indian Trusts Act, 1882;


(iv)       in unencumbered bonds issued by the Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited, Bombay. [Rule 3A(1) of the Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Rules, 1975]


21.        Ensure that the rate of interest offered by your company on such deposits does not exceed twelve and half per cent per annum at monthly rests. [Rule 3(1)(c) of the Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Rules, 1975]


22.        Ensure also that where the interest is paid at shorter than monthly rests, the amount of interest shall be discounted so as not to exceed the amount of interest calculated at monthly rests [Rule 3(1)(c), proviso of the Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Rules, 1975]


23.        Pay brokerage to any broker at a rate not exceeding one per cent of the deposits collected by or through such broker for a period up to one year and one and half per cent of the deposits for a period of more than one year but up to two years and two per cent of the deposits for a period exceeding two years. [Rule 3(1)(d) of the Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Rules, 1975]


24.        Keep in mind that the above provisions are applicable to Non‑Banking Non‑Financial companies only. [Rule 1(3) of the Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Rules, 1975]


25.        Further keep in mind that the total amount of deposits that can be accepted is limited to thirty‑five per cent of the paid‑up share capital and free reserves of your company. [Rule 3(2) of the Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Rules, 1975]


26.        Out of the thirty‑five per cent, ten per cent can be in the form of deposits against unsecured debentures or deposit from shareholders (not being a deposit accepted by a private company from its shareholders) or deposit guaranteed by directors of the company.


27.        Note that the other twenty‑five per cent can be any other deposit and at the same time, out of the thirty‑five per cent, ten per cent could be short term deposits repayable after a period of three months i.e. to meet short term requirements for funds.


28.        Further note that otherwise, generally deposits should not be accepted for a period of less than six months. [Rule 3(1)(a) of the Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Rules, 1975]


29.        Also note that with effect from 1st April, 1980, if the total of other deposits which have already been accepted by a company exceeds twenty‑five per cent of the paid‑up capital and free reserves, no new deposits or renewal of the old deposits could be done.


30.        Amount received by a private company from a person who at the time of the receipt of the amount was a director, relative of a director or member are not treated as deposits.


31.        Ensure in the aforesaid case that the director or member as the case may be from whom money is received, furnishes to your company at the time of giving the money, a declaration in writing to the effect that the amount is not being given out of funds acquired by him by borrowing or accepting from others.


32.        Where a company intends to accept deposits without inviting, or allowing or causing any other person to invite such deposits it shall before accepting deposits deliver to the Registrar for registration a statement in lieu of advertisement containing all the particulars required to be included in the advertisement by virtue of sub‑rule (2) of rule 4 of the Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Rules, 1975 and duty signed in the manner provided in sub‑rule (4) of that rule. [Rule 4A(1)]


33.        An advertisement issued in accordance with rule 4 of the Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Rules, 1975 or a statement in lieu of advertisement filed in accordance with rule 4A of those Rules shall be valid until the expiry of six months from the date of closure of the financial year in which it is issued or delivered or until the date on which the balance‑sheet is laid before the company in General Meeting.


34.        Where the Annual General Meeting for any year has not been held the advertisement will be valid till, the latest day on which that meeting should have been held in accordance with the provisions of the Act, whichever is earlier.


35.        Note that on and from 1st day of March, 1997 no company can accept or renew any deposit in any form if it is default in the repayment of any deposits or part and any interest thereupon in accordance with the terms and conditions of such deposit. [Rule 3(1A) of the Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Rules, 1975]


36.        Keep in mind that if a company or any other person contravenes the provisions of the Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Rules, 1975, the company and every officer of the company who is in default or such other person will be punishable with fine of upto Rs. 500/­and where the contravention is a continuing one with a further fine of upto Rs. 50/‑ for every day after the first, during which the contravention continues. [Rule 11 of the Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Rules, 1975]


37.        Further keep in mind that if a company accepts or invites or allows or causes any other person to accept or invite on its behalf, any deposit in excess of the limits or in contravention of the manner or condition prescribed or in contravention of the provisions of sub‑section (2) of Section 58A, the company will be punishable with fine not less than an amount equal to the amount of the deposit so accepted where the contravention relates to the acceptance of any deposit and with fine of upto Rs. 10 lacs but not less than Rs. 50,000/- where the contravention relates to the invitation of any deposit. Every officer of the company who is in default will also be punishable with imprisonment for five years and will also be liable to fine. [Section 58A(6)]


38.        Do not accept at any time further deposit from small depositors, unless each small depositor, whose deposit has matured, had been paid the amount of the deposit and the interest accrued thereupon. [Section 58AA(4)]



39.        Accept deposit in the aforesaid case only if the depositor has renewed it voluntarily, or where the repayment of deposit has become impracticable due to death of the small depositor or whose repayment has been stayed by a competent court or authority. [Section 58AA(4) Proviso (a)]


40.        If your company has on any occasion made a default in the repayment of a deposit or part thereof or any interest thereupon to a small depositor, then state in every future advertisement and application form inviting deposits from the public, the total number of small depositors and amount due to them in respect of which such default has been made. ["Section 58AA (5)]


41.        If your company has waived any interest accrued on deposits of the small depositors, then mention the fact of such waiver in every advertisement and application form inviting deposits issued by your company after such waiver. [Section 58AA (6)]


42.        ote that if your company had accepted deposits from small depositors and subsequent to such deposits obtains funds by taking a loan for the purpose of its working capital from any bank, your company must first utilise the funds so obtained for the repayment of any deposit or any part thereof or any interest thereu on to the small depositor before applying such funds for any other purpose. [Section 58AA(7)]


43.        nsure that every application form issued by your company to a small depositor for accepting deposits from him contains a statement to the effect that the applicant had been apprised every past default by your company in the repayment of deposit or interest thereon, if any such default has occurred and the waiver of interest under sub‑section (6) of section 58AA, if any and reasons therefor. [Section 58AA(8)]


44.        lease keep in mind that whoever knowingly fails to comply with the provisions of section 58AA will be punishable with imprisonment of 3 years and also will be liable to fine of Rs. 500/ for every day during which such noncompliance continues. [Section 58AA(9)]


45.        lease also keep in mind that if your company or any other person contravenes any provisions of section 58AA, every person who at the time the contravention was committed was director of your company, as well as the company will be deemed to be guilty of the offence and will be liable to be proceeded against and punished accordingly. [Section 58AA(10)]


46.        Transfer the amount of matured deposits of your company along with interest accrued thereon remaining unclaimed and unpaid for a period of seven years from the date they became due for payment to the Investor Education and Protection Fund established under Section 205C. [Section 205C(2)(c) and (e) read with its proviso]


47.        Further keep in mind that the Regional Director of the Department of Company Affairs shall be the authorised officer to make complaints under subsection (2) of section 58AAA for every offence connected with or arising out of acceptance of deposits under section 58A or 58AA. [Rule 11A of the Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Rules, 1975]


48.        Note that if your company's paid‑up share capital is less than Rs. 50 lakhs but is equal to or more than Rs. 10 lakhs, your company is required to obtain a Compliance Certificate from a secretary in whole‑time practice to be filed with the Registrar of Companies mentioning therein inter alia that the company has complied with the provisions of sections 58A and 58AA read with the Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Rules, 1975/the applicable directions issued by the Reserve Bank of India/any other authority in respect of deposits accepted including unsecured loans taken, amounting to the specified amount raised by the company during the year and the company has filed the copy of advertisement and necessary particulars as required with the Registrar of Companies on a specified date and the company has also filed return of deposit with the Registrar of Companies/Reserve Bank of India/other authorities as per paragraph 23 of the Form of Compliance Certificate appended to the Companies (Compliance Certificate) Rules, 2001.[Section 383‑A(1) proviso]


49.        Further note the following before inviting deposits from the public :‑


(i)         it is relatively easier to invite and attract public deposits as they do not require stringent disclosures or ratings compared to inviting bonds or commercial paper;


(ii)        by inviting deposits from the public your company will be cashing in on limited investment options available to small investors.


50.        Adhere to the guidelines for Asset Liability Management System in order to face the risk relating to interest rate and liquidity in a structured manner by upgrading your company's risk management and Liability Management practices. For details, see Topic 269.



Topic 269




1.         Note that as the operations of Non‑Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) often give rise to asset liability mismatches and interest rate risk exposures, Asset Liability Management (ALM) system has been introduced for the NBFCs as part of their overall system for effective risk management in their various portfolios.


2.         Further note that the guidelines relating to ALM system would be applicable to all NBFCs irrespective of whether they are accepting/holding public deposits or not.


3.         Check whether your company's asset base is either Rs. 100 crores or more irrespective of 0whether your company is accepting/holding public deposits or not or whether your company is holding public deposit of Rs.20 crores or more irrespective of your asset size as per its audited balance sheet as of March 31st, 2001, and in either of the case you are required to put in place the ALM system.


4.         Commence the trial run during the period ending 30th September, 2001, which may continue during the half year beginning 1st October, 2001.


5.         Ensure that the ALM system guidelines are fully operational in your com­pany by the year ending 31st  March, 2002.


6.         Submit your company's first ALM half yearly return as on 30th September, 2002 with the Reserve Bank of India within a month of this date that is before 31st  October, 2002 if your company is holding public deposit and continue thereafter in similar manner.


7.         Ensure that the half yearly returns comprise of the following three parts


(1)        Statement of structural liquidity in format ALM given in Annexure I;


(2)        Statement of short‑term dynamic liquidity in format ALM‑Annexure II; and


(3)        Statement of interest rate sensitivity in format ALM‑Annexure III.


8.         Convene a Board Meeting after issuing notices to the directors of your company as per Section 286 and constitute an Asset Liability Management Comi‑nittee being a small group under the charge of the chief executive officer or a senior executive responsible for treasury function of your company with members drawn from resources, investment, foreign exchange, credit and Management Information System (MIS) areas by passing a Board Resolution.


9.         Please keep in mind that every officer of the company whose duty is to give notice of the Board Meeting as aforesaid and who fails to do so will be punishable with fine upto Rs.1000/‑. [Section 286(2)].


10.        Entrust the group with the task of carrying out necessary spade work for formalising the ALM system in your company.


11.        Sent to the Reserve Bank of India a certificate regarding constitution of the Asset Liability Management Committee (ALCO) before 31st October, 2001.


12.        See that the ALCO consisting of your company's senior management including the chief executive officer is made responsible for ensuring adherence to the limits set by the Board of Directors of your company as well as for deciding your company's business strategy on the assets and liabilities sides in line with your company's budget and decided risk management objectives.


13.        Before putting in place the ALM system first have a strong MIS in your company and computerise the MIS for a quick analysis and consolidation of data and make use of specialised software for managing the assets and liabilities with respect to the maturity mismatches and the various risks associated with such mismatches.


14.        Ensure that the ALM support groups consisting of operating staff are made responsible for analysing, monitoring and reporting the risk profiles to the ALCO.


15.        Note that the business issues that the ALCO would consider, inter alia, will include product pricing for both deposits and advances, desired maturity profile and mix of the internal assets and liabilities, prevailing interest rates offered by other peer NBFCs for similar services/product, etc.


16.        Further note that in addition to monitoring the risk levels of your company, the ALCO should review the results of and progress in implementation of the decisions made in the previous meetings.


17.        See that the ALCO also articulates the current interest rate view of your company and base its decisions for future business strategy on this view.


18.        Please keep in mind the size or number of members of ALCO would depend on the size of your company, its business mix and organisational complexity.


19.        Have the management committee of your company's Board of Directors or any other specific committee constituted by the Board of Directors oversee the implementation of the ALM system and review its functioning periodically.


20.        If your company faces any operational difficulties in implementing the ALM system guidelines in the course of the trial runs during the period ending 30th September, 2001 and beginning Ist October, 2001, or if your company has any suggestions to make for improvement of the guidelines communicate the same to the Regional Office of the Reserve Bank of India under whose jurisdiction the registered office of your company is situated.


21.        Note that the ALM process rests on the following three pillars


(1)        ALM Information Systems, Management Information Systems and Information availability, accuracy, adequacy and expediency.


(2)        ALM Organisation, Structure and Responsibilities, Level of top management involvement.


(3)        ALM Process including risk parameters, risk identification, risk measurement, risk management and risk policies and tolerance levels.


Topic 270




1.         Convene a Board Meeting after giving notice to all the directors of the company as per Section 286 and take the decision whether to ask for an extension of time or exemption by passing a resolution.


2.         Please keep in mind that every officer of the company whose duty is to give notice of the Board Meeting as aforesaid and who fails to do so will be punishable with fine of upto Rs. 1,000/‑[Section 286(2)]


3.         Before making the application, publish a general notice in Form No. 2 of the Companies [Application for Extension of Time or Exemption Under Subsection (8) of Section 58A] Rules, 1979, to the members of the public at least once in English language and once in vernacular language in newspapers of these two languages having wide circulation in the region in which the registered office of the company is situate. [Rule 4]


4.         Apply to the Central Government in Form No. 1 of the Companies [Application for Extension of Time or Exemption under Sub‑section (8) of Section 58A] Rules, 1979. [Rule 2]


5.         Attach to the application the following documents:­


(i)         A certified true copy of the Articles of Association of your company;


(ii)        A certified true copy of the audited accounts of your company for the last three years;


(iii)       Certified true copies of Directors' report and auditor's report for the last three years;


(iv)       A certified true copy of the Board resolution;


(v)        Certified true copy of each quarterly, half yearly or other pro forma account of the company subsequent to the latest audited accounts;


(vi)       Certified true copies of the cuttings of newspapers evidencing that the general notice was duly published;


(vii)      Certified true copy each of the advertisement issued in newspapers pursuant to rule 4 of the Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Rules, 1975;


(viii)      A crossed demand draft in favour of the Pay and Accounts Officer, Department of Company Affairs, New Delhi, and payable at New Delhi, for requisite application fees prescribed by the Companies (Fees on Applications) Rules, 1999. [Rule 3 of the Companies (Application for Exclusion of Time or Exemption under Sub‑section (8) of section 58A) Rules, 1979]


6.         Deliver simultaneously a copy of the application along with a copy of each of the documents annexed to the application to the Registrar of Companies.


7.         Forward promptly to the Stock Exchange with which your company is enlisted three copies of notice published in news papers as mentioned under item 2. [Clause 31(e) of the Standard Listing Agreement ]


8.         Note that as per the Citizen's Charter of the Department of Company Affairs, Schedule 1, Serial No. 18, the application made to the Central Government will be processed within 15 days. [No. 5/25/99‑CL‑V, Press Note No. 9/99 dated 9‑8‑1999].


9.         Note that if your company's paid‑up share capital is less than Rs. 50 lakhs but is equal to or more than Rs. 10 lakhs, your company is required to obtain a Compliance Certificate from a secretary in whole‑time practice to be filed with the Registrar of Companies mentioning therein inter alia that the company has obtained all necessary approval of the Central Government as may be prescribed under the various provisions of the Act as per paragraph 17 of the Form of Compliance Certificate appended to the Companies (Compliance Certificate) Rules, 2001. [Section 383‑A(1) proviso]


Topic 271




[Non‑Banking Financial Companies Acceptance of Public Deposits (Reserve Bank) Directions, 1998]1


1.         Check whether your company is a non‑banking financial company within the meaning of section 2(xi) of the Directions.


2.         If your company falls within the definition as mentioned aforesaid then check whether your company's Net Owned Fund (NOF) is Rs. 25 lakh or above and NOF means NOF as defined under section 45IA of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 including the paid‑up preference shares which are compulsorily convertible into equity.


3.         If so, then your company can accept public deposit provided it obtains minimum investment grade or others specified credit rating for fixed deposits from any one of the following credit rating agencies atleast once a year and a copy of that rating is sent to the Reserve Bank of India along with return on prudential norms:


Name of the agency

Minimum Investment Grade Rating

(a) The Credit Rating Information Services of India Ltd. (CRISIL)

FA‑(FA Minus)

(b) (ICRA) Ltd.

MA‑(MA Minus)

(c) Credit Analysis & Research Ltd. (CARE)    


(d) FITCH Ratings India Private Ltd.

Ind BBB‑(BBB Minus)


4.         Note that the above two requirements will not be required to be followed if your company is an equipment leasing or hire purchase company. [Paragraph 4(1)(i) proviso]


5.         Keep in mind that in the event of upgrading or downgrading of credit rating to any level from the existing level your company must within 15 working days of its being so rated inform, in writing, of such upgrading or downgrading of credit rating to the Reserve Bank of India. [Paragraph 4(1)(ii)]


6.         Further keep in mind that on or from January 31, 1998 your company cannot accept or renew any public deposit whether accepted before or after January 31, 1998 which is repayable on demand. [Paragraph 4(2)]


7.         Also keep in mind that on or from January 31, 1998 your company cannot accept or renew any public deposit whether accepted before or after January 31, 1998 unless such deposit is repayable after a period of 12 months but not later than 60 months from the date of acceptance or renewal thereof. [Paragraph 4(3)]


8.         Note that if your company is either an Equipment Leasing Company (ELC) or a Hire Purchase Finance Company (HPFC) having NOF below Rs. 25 lakh it cannot invite any public deposit.


9.         Further note that if your Company is an ELC or a HPFC with NOF of rupees twenty five lakhs or more and it complies with all the prudential norms with capital adequacy ratio of not less than fifteen per cent as per last audited balance sheet then only it can accept or renew public deposit, together with the amounts remaining outstanding in the books of the company as on the date of the acceptance or renewal of such deposit, not exceeding one and one half times of its NOF or public deposit upto rupees ten crores, which ever is lower. [Paragraph 4(4) clause (a)]


10.        Further note that if your company is an ELC or a HPFC with NOF of rupees twenty five lakhs or more and it complies with all the prudential norms and it has also minimum investment grade credit rating then only it may accept or renew public deposit, together with the amounts remaining outstanding in the books of the company as on the date of the acceptance or renewal of such deposit not exceeding four times of its NOF. [Paragraph 4(4) clause (b)]


11.        Note that if your company is a Loan Company (LC) or an Investment Company (IC) with NOF of less than Rs. 25 lakh it cannot invite public deposit.


12.        Further note that if your company is a LC or an IC and is having NOF of rupees twenty five lakhs or more and is also having minimum investment grade credit rating and is also complying with all the prudential norms with capital adequacy ratio of not less than fifteen per cent as per last audited balance sheet, then only it may accept or renew public deposit, together with the amounts remaining outstanding in the books of the company as on the date of the acceptance or renewal of such deposit, not exceeding one and one half times of its NOF. [Paragraph 4(4) clause (C)]


13.       Further note that if your company is a LC or an IC which is complying with all the above conditions and is having AAA (triple A) grade credit rating as on December 18, 1998 but not having capital adequacy ratio of fifteen per cent then only it may accept or renew public deposit only up to the extent of not exceeding the amount outstanding as on the aforesaid date or one and one half times of its NOF which ever is more so long as it continues to maintain the same position of its credit rating as above. Such a company should also bring down its public deposit to the level as specified in paragraph 4(6) of the Directions and also attain the capital adequacy ratio of fifteen per cent before March 31, 2000. [Paragraph 4(4) clause (c) proviso]


14.        Further note that if your company is a LC or an IC and it complies with all the prudential norms and is having as on December 18, 1998 NOF of rupees twenty five lakhs or more and is also having AA (double A) grade credit rating but it is not having capital adequacy ratio of fifteen per cent or above as per last audited balance sheet it may accept or renew the public deposit, together with the amounts outstanding in the books of the company on the date of acceptance or renewal of such deposit not exceeding an amount equivalent to its NOF until it attains the capital adequacy ratio of fifteen per cent but not later than March 31, 2000 with other stipulation remaining the same and so long it continues to maintain the same position of its credit rating as above. [Paragraph 4(4) clause (d)]


15.        Further note that if your company is a LC or an IC and it complies with all the prudential norms and is also having as on December 18, 1998 NOF of rupees twenty five lakhs or more and is also having A (single A) grade credit rating but is not having capital adequacy ratio of fifteen per cent or above as per last audited balance sheet then only it may accept or renew the public deposit, together with the amounts outstanding in the books of the company as on the date of acceptance or renewal of such deposit not exceeding an amount equivalent to one half of its NOF until it attains the capital adequacy ratio of fifteen per cent but not later than March 31, 2000 with other stipulations remaining the same so long as it continues to maintain the same position of its credit rating as above. [Paragraph 4(4) clause (e)']


16.        Keep in mind that in the event of down grading of credit rating below the minimum specified investment grade as provided in paragraph 4(4) of these Directions, it should regularise the excess deposit as provided below. [Paragraph 4(5)]


17.        Further note that if your company is an ELC or a HPFC, it shall with immediate effect stop accepting public deposit if it is already holding public deposit to the extent permissible as above and should also report the position within fifteen working days to the Reserve Bank of India and must reduce, within three years from the date of such down grading of credit rating, the amount of excess public deposit to nil or the appropriate extent permissible, as above, as the case may be, to which it is entitled to accept by way of repayment as and when such deposit falls due or otherwise. [Paragraph 4(5)(i)]


18.        Note that if your company is a LC or an IC it must with immediate effect stop accepting public deposit and report the position to the Reserve Bank of India within fifteen working days and must reduce, within three years from the date of such down grading of credit rating, the amount of excess public deposit to nil by way of repayment as and when such deposit falls due or otherwise. [Paragraph 4(5)(ii)]


19.        Note that if your company holds at the close of business on December 18, 1998 public deposit in excess of the appropriate extent to which it is entitled to accept, as above, it should stop accepting public deposit and also reduce, before December 31, 2001, the amount of excess public deposit to nil or to the appropri­ate extent pen‑nissible under sub‑ clause (d) or (e) of paragraph 4(4) above, as the case may be by way of repayment as and when such deposit falls due or other­ wise. [Paragraph 4(6)]


20.        Note that in the event of excess public deposit arising out of the regulatory ceiling or down grading of credit rating, your company may renew the maturing public deposit subject to the compliance of the repayment stipulations contained in paragraphs 4(5) and (6) and other provisions of the said directions. [Paragraph 4(6) Note]


21.        Do not renew matured public deposit without the express and voluntary consent of the depositor. [Paragraph 4(6) Note]


22.        Keep in mind that the rate of interest for inviting or accepting or renewing public deposits for your company should not exceed 12.5 per cent per annum and the interest may be paid or compounded at rests which should not be shorter than the month rests. [Paragraph 4(7)]


23.        Further keep in mind that your company should not pay to any broker, brokerage, commission, incentive or any other benefit by whatever name called in excess of 2 per cent of the deposit so collected by or through him. [Paragraph 4(8)(i)]


24.        Further keep in mind that your company should not pay to any broker on public deposits collected by or through him any expenses by way of reimbursement on the basis of relative vouchers or bills produced by him in excess of 0.5 per cent. [Paragraph 4(8)(ii)]


25.        In case your company permits any existing depositor to renew the deposit before maturity for availing of the benefit of higher rate of interest your company should not pay the depositor the increase in the rate of interest provided that the deposit is renewed in accordance with the other provisions of the said directions and for a period of longer than the remaining period of the original contract and the interest on the expired period of deposit is reduced by one percentage point from the rate which your company would have ordinarily paid if the deposits have been accepted for the period for which such deposit had run after recovering or adjusting the interest,if any paid earlier in excess of such reduced rate. [Paragraph 4(9)]


26.        Your company can also pay interest on overdue public deposits at your company's discretion by allowing interest on an overdue public deposit or a portion of the said overdue deposit from the date of maturity of the deposit subject to the following conditions


(i)         the total amount of overdue deposit or the part thereof is renewed in accordance with other relevant provisions of these directions, from the date of its maturity till some future date; and


(ii)        the interest allowed shall be at the appropriate rate operative on the date of maturity of such overdue deposit which shall be payable only on the amount of deposit so renewed. [Paragraph 4(10)]


27.        If your company fails to repay the deposits alongwith interest on maturity on the claim made by the depositor, your company will be liable to pay interest from the date of claim till the date of repayment at the rate as applicable to the, deposit. [Paragraph 4(10) proviso]


28.        Your company can also accept deposits in joint names with or without any of the clauses namely, "Either or Survivor" or "Number One or Survivor" or "Anyone or Survivor". [Paragraph 4(11)]


29.        Your company should prepare the application form for inviting or accepting deposit from the public containing all the particulars specified in the NonBanking Financial Companies and Miscellaneous Non‑Banking Companies (Advertisement) Rules, 1977, made under section 58A of the Companies Act, 1956 (1 of 1956) and also contain the specific category of the depositor, i.e. whether the depositor is a shareholder or a director or a promoter of the company or a member of public. [Paragraph 4(12)(i)]


30.        Ensure that the application form contains the following:­


(a)        The credit rating assigned for its fixed deposit and the name of the credit rating agency which rated the company or a statement from the management if it is an equipment leasing or a hire purchase finance company that the quantum of public deposit held by it is not exceeding one and one half times of its NOF or not exceeding rupees ten crores whichever is less.


(b)        in case of non‑repayment of the deposit or part thereof as per the terms and conditions of such deposit, the depositor may approach the concerned Bench of Company Law Board whose full address is given hereunder:


Give here the full address of the Bench of the Company Law Board under whose jurisdiction the registered office of the company is located;


(c)        in case of any deficiency of the company in servicing its deposit, the depositor may approach the National Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum or the Pistrict Level Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum for relief,


(d)        a statement that the financial position of the company as disclosed and the representations made in the application form are true and correct and that the company and its Board of Directors are responsible for the correctness and veracity thereof;


(e)        the financial activities of the company are regulated by Reserve Bank of India. It must, however, be distinctly understood that Reserve Bank of India does not undertake any responsibility for the financial soundness of the company or for the correctness of any of the statements or the representations made or opinions expressed by the company; and for repayment of deposit/discharge of liabilities by the company;


(f)        at the end of application form but before the signature of the depositor, the following verification clause by the depositor should be appended. "I have gone through the financial and other statements/particulars/ representations furnished/made by the company and after careful consideration I am making the deposit with the company at my own risk and volition.


(g)        the information relating to and the aggregate dues from the facilities both fund & non‑fund based extended to and the aggregate dues from companies in the same group or other entities or business ventures in which the directors and/or the non‑banking financial company are holding substantial interest and the total amount of exposure to such entities. [Paragraph 4(12)(ii)]


31.        Obtain proper introduction of the new depositors before opening their accounts and accepting the deposits and keep on your company's record, the evidence on which your company has relied upon for the purpose of such introduction. [Paragraph 4(12)(iii)]


32.        Once your company decides on the above issues hold a Board meeting after giving notice to all the directors of the company as per section 286 and decide about the inviting or renewing of deposits.


33.        Please keep in mind that every officer of the company whose duty is to give notice of the Board Meeting as aforesaid and who fails to do so will be punishable with fine of upto Rs. 1,000/‑.[Section 286(2)]


34.        Publish the advertisement in a leading English newspaper in English language and in one vernacular newspaper in vernacular language circulating in the State in which the registered office of the company is situated.


35.        Before publication file a copy of the advertisement signed by the majority of directors with the Regional Office of the Non‑Banking Companies of the Reserve Bank of India within whose jurisdiction the registered office of the company is situated. [Rule 5 of the Non‑Banking Financial Companies and Miscellaneous Non‑Banking Companies (Advertisement) Rules, 1977]


36.        The advertisement must contain a reference to the conditions subject to which deposits will be accepted and the date on which the Board of Directors of your company has approved the advertisement and the following information:


(a)        The name of the company;


(b)        The date of incorporation of the company;


(c)        The business carried on by the company and its subsidiaries with the details of branches or units, if any;


(d)        Brief particulars of the management of the company;


(e)        Names, addresses and occupation of directors;


(f)        Profits of the company before and after making provision for the tax for the three financial years immediately preceding the date of advertisement;


(g)        Dividends declared by the company in respect of the said years;


(h)        A summarised financial position of the company as in the two audited balance‑sheets immediately preceding the date of advertisement in the form prescribed in the Non‑Banking Financial Companies and Miscellaneous Non‑Banking Companies (Advertisement) Rules, 1977;


(i)         The amount which the company can raise by way of deposits under the directions and the aggregate of deposits actually held on the last day of immediately preceding financial year;


(j)         A statement to the effect that on the day of the advertisement, the company has no overdue deposits other than unclaimed deposits or a statement showing the amount of such overdue deposits, as the case may be;


(k)        A declaration to the effect:­-


(i)         that the company has complied with the provisions of the directions applicable to it;


(ii)        that the compliance with directions does not imply that repayment of deposits is guaranteed by the Reserve Bank of India; and


(iii)       that the deposits accepted by the company (other than secured' deposits, if any, accepted under the provisions of the directions, the aggregate amount of which may be indicated) are unsecured and ranking pari passu with other unsecured liabilities. [Rule 3(2) of the Non‑Banking Financial Companies and Miscellaneous Non‑Banking Companies (Advertisement) Rules, 1977]


37.        Ensure that in every advertisement soliciting public deposit the following should be specified in addition to the above:­


(a)        the actual rate of return by way of interest, premium, bonus other advantage to the depositor;


(b)        the mode of repayment of deposit;


(c)        maturity period of deposit;


(d)        the interest payable on deposit;


(e)        the rate of interest which will be payable to the depositor in case the depositor withdraws the deposit prematurely;


(f)        the terms and conditions subject to which a deposit will be renewed; and


(g)        any other special features relating to the terms and conditions subject to which the deposit is accepted/renewed.


(h)        the information, relating to the aggregate dues (including the non‑fund' based facilities provided to) from companies in the same group or other entities or business ventures in which, the directors and/or the NBFC are holding substantial interest and the total amount of exposure to such entitles. [Paragraph 4(13)(i)]


38.        Issue receipt, duly signed by an authorised officer containing the prescribed details, such as date of deposit, the name of the depositor, the amount of deposit, the rate of interest payable on deposit and the date on which deposit is repayable.


39.        Make entries in the Register of Deposits maintained for the purpose and containing the prescribed particulars, as given in paragraph 4(16)(i).


40.        Keep in mind that the Register of Deposits to be maintained as above should be kept at each branch in respect of the deposit accounts opened by that branch of the company and a consolidated register for all the branches taken together at the registered office of the company and shall be preserved in good order for a period of not less than eight calendar years following the financial year in which the latest entry is made of the repayment or renewal of any deposit of which particulars are contained in the register. [Paragraph 4(16) (ii)]


41.        Further keep in mind that if the company keeps the books of account feferred to in sub‑section (1) of section 209 of the Companies Act, 1956 (1 of 1956) at any place other than its registered office in accordance with the proviso to that sub‑section, it shall be deemed to be sufficient compliance with this clause if the register aforesaid is kept at such other place, subject to the condition that the company delivers to the Reserve Bank of India a copy of the notice filed with the Registrar of Companies under the proviso to the said sub‑section within seven days of such filing. [Paragraph 4(16)(ii) proviso]


42.        Do not open your company's branch or appoint agents to collect deposits within the State of your registered office unless your company's NOF is upto Rs. 50 crore. [Paragraph 4A]


43.        Do not open your company's branch or appoint agents to collect deposits any where in India unless your company's NOF is more than Rs. 50 crores and your company's credit rating is AA or above. [Paragraph 4A.]


44.        Notify to the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) your company's intention to open the proposed branch and if within 30 days from the date of receipt of such communication no advice of rejection of the said proposal is received by your company from the RBI, your company may proceed with the proposal [Paragraph 4A]


45.        Do not close any of your company branch or office opened as aforesaid without publishing such intention in any one national level newspaper and in one vernacular newspaper in circulation in the relevant place and without advising the RBI before 90 days of the proposed closur. [Paragraph 4B]


46.        Designate one of the Scheduled Commercial Banks as your company's designated banker in the place where your company's registered office is situated and intimate in writing to the regional office of the Reserve Bank of India under whose jurisdiction the registered office of your company is situated and entrust to such bank the unencumbered approved securities required to be maintained by it in pursuance to section 45‑IB of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934 (2 of 1934).


47.        Where your company intends to entrust these securities to Stock Holding Corporation of India Ltd. or to its designated banker at a place other than the place at which its registered office is located or to keep them in the form of Constituents Subsidiary General Ledger Account with a Scheduled Commercial Bank, or with a depository participant registered with SEBI, obtain the prior approval, in writing, of regional office of RBI under whose jurisdiction the registered office of the companv is situated, as specified in the Second Schedule of these directions. [Paragraph 6(1) proviso]


48.        Ensure that the securities mentioned above continued to be entrusted to the designated bank for the benefit of the depositors and do not withdraw or encash or otherwise deal with such securities except for repayment to the depositors. [Paragraph 6(2)]


49.        Your company may withdraw a portion of such securities proportionate to the reduction of your public deposits duly certified to that effect by your company's auditor.


50.        If your company intends to substitute such securities it may do so by entrusting substitute securities of equal value to the designated bank before such withdrawal.


51.        File a copy of audited balance‑sheet and profit and loss account as on the last date of each financial year together with a copy of the Report of the Board of Directors as laid before the General Meeting of the company, within fifteen days of such meeting, to the Regional Office of the Department of Non‑Banking Supervision of the Reserve Bank of India within whose jurisdiction the registered office of the company is situated. [Paragraph 8(1) & (5)]


52.        Furnish to the Reserve Bank of India along with a copy of the audited balance sheet, as mentioned above, a copy of the auditors report to the Board of Directors and a certificate from the auditors to the effect that the full amount of the liabilities to the depositors of your company including interest payable thereon properly reflected in the balance sheet and that your company is in a position to meet the amount of such liabilities to the depositors. [Paragraph 8(2)]


53.        File return furnishing the information specified in First Schedule to the Directions on the dates mentioned therein. [Paragraph 8(3)]


54.        Ensure to inform the Reserve Bank of India any change occurring in the following matters within one month from the date of change:­


(i)         the complete postal address, telephone number/s and fax number/s of the registered/corporate office;


(ii)        the names and residential addresses of the directors of the company;


(iii)       the names and the official designations of its principal officers;


(iv)       the specimen signatures of the officers authorised to sign on behalf of the company; and


(v)        the names and office address of the auditors of the company [Paragraph 8(4)].


55.        If the shares of your company are listed on a recognised Stock Exchange forward promptly to the Stock Exchange three copies of the advertisement mentioned in item 31. [Clause 31(e) of the Standard Listing Agreement]


56.        File also quarterly returns in duplicate within a period of fifteen days of the month succeeding the quarter to which it, relates in the form given in Reserve Bank of India (Non‑Banking Financial Companies) Returns Specifications, 1997 with the Regional Office of the Department of Supervision (Financial Companies Wing) of Reserve Bank of India under whose jurisdiction the registered office of the NBFC is situated.


57.        Ensure that the contents of the aforesaid quarterly return are certified and signed by the authorised official of your company to be true and correct.


58.        Keep in mind that in terms of section 45‑IA of the Reserve Bank of India Act 1934 no NBFC can commence or carry on the business of Non‑Banking Financial Institutions without obtaining a certificate of registration issued by the RBI and without having NOF of Rs. 25 lakhs or such other amount not exceeding Rs. 200 lakhs.


59.        Further keep in mind that NBFCs having NOF below Rs. 25 lakhs have been given a period of 3 years for attaining the minimum NOF, under section 45‑IA(4) of the Reserve Bank of India 1934. This period can be further extended by 3 more years at the discretion of the RBI.


60.        Note that nothing contained in paragraphs 4 to 7 of the above mentioned directions will apply to an NBFC being a Government company as defined under section 617 of the Companies Act, 1956. [Paragraph 9A].


61.        Further note that NBFCs are also to file with RBI every quarter a new return called "Supervisory and Monetary Return" in a new format prescribed by RBI only if they are holding public deposits of Rs. 20 crores and above. [Source: Economic Times, dated 28‑11‑2000]


Topic 272




[Non‑Banking Financial Companies Prudential Norms (Reserve Bank) Directions 1998]


1.         Check whether your company is either a non‑banking financial company with net owned fund of Rs. 25 lakhs or more or a residuary non‑banking company.


2.         If so then ensure that your company submits a half yearly return within three months of the expiry of the relative half year as on September and March every year commencing from the half year ending March 31, 1998 in the format annexed to the Non‑Banking Financial Companies Prudential Norms (Reserve Bank) Directions, 1998 to the regional office of the Department of Non‑Banking Supervision of the Reserve Bank of India under whose jurisdiction the registered office of your company is located. [Paragraph 13 of the said Directions]


3.         Before filing the half yearly return, as aforesaid, keep in mind the follow­ing norms in treating an asset as a Non‑Performing Asset (NPA):­


(i)         an asset, in respect of which, interest has remained past due for six months;


(ii)        a term loan inclusive of unpaid interest, when the instalment is overdue for more than six months or on which interest amount remained past due for six months;


(iii)       a bill which remains overdue for six months;


(iv)       the interest in respect of a debt or the income on receivables under the head 'on current assets' in the nature of short term loans/advances, which facility remained overdue for a period of six months;


(v)        any dues on account of sale of assets or services rendered or reimbursement of expenses incurred, which remained overdue for a period of 6 months;


(vi)       the lease rental and hire‑purchase instalment, which has become overdue for a period of more than twelve months;


(vii)      in respect of loans, advances and other credit facilities (including bills purchased and discounted), the balance outstanding under the credit facilities (including credit interest) made available to the same borrower/beneficiary when any of the above credit facilities becomes non‑performing asset:


Provided that in the case of lease and hire purchase transactions, your company may classify each such account on the basis of its record of recovery. [Paragraph 2(xii) of the said Directions]


4.         Before filing the half yearly return, as aforesaid, keep in mind the follow­ing while recognising any income:­


(i)         the income recognised should be based on recognise accounting principles;


(ii)        income including interest/discount or any other charges on NPA shall be recognised only when it is actually realised. Any such income recognised before the asset become non‑performing and remaining unrealised shall be reversed;


(iii)       in respect of hire‑purchase assets, where instalments are overdue for more than 12 months, income shall be recognised only when hire charges are actually,received. Any such income taken to the of profit and loss account before the asset become non‑performing and remaining unrealised, shall be reversed;


(iv)       in respect of lease assets, where a lease rentals are overdue for more than 12 months, the income shall be recognised only when lease rentals are actually received. The net lease rentals taken to the credit of profit and loss account before the asset became non‑performing and remaining unrealised shall be reversed;


(v)        "net lease rentals" means gross lease rent als as adjusted by the lease adjustment account debited/credited to the profit and loss account and as reduced by depreciation at the rate applicable under Schedule XIV of the Companies Act, 1956. [Paragraph 3 of the said Directions]


5.         Before filing the half yearly return as aforesaid further keep in mind the following while taking into account income from investments:­


(i)         income from dividend on shares of corporate bodies and units of mutual funds shall be taken into account on cash basis;


(ii)        take the income from dividend on shares of corporate bodies also into account on accrual basis when such dividend has been declared by the corporate body in its annual general meeting and your company's right to receive payment is established;


(iii)       income from bonds and debentures of corporate bodies and from Government securities/bonds may be taken into account on accrual basis:


Provided that the interest rate on these instruments is predetermined and interest is serviced regularly and is not in arrears;


(iv)       income on securities on corporate bodies or public sector undertakings, the payment of interest and repayment of principal of which have been guaranteed by Central Government or a State Government may be taken into account on accrual basis. (Paragraph 4 of the said Directions]


6.         Before filing the half yearly return as aforesaid keep in mind the following norms in accounting for investments:­


(i)         Investments in securities shall be classified as current and long term investments.


(ii)        Quoted current investments shall, for the purposes of valuation, be grouped into the following categories, viz.


(a)        equity shares,


(b)        preference shares,


(c)        debentures and bonds,


(d)        Government securities, including treasury bills,


(e)        units of mutual fund, and


(f)        others.


(iii)       Quoted current investments for each category shall be valued at cost or market value whichever is lower.


(iv)       The investments in each category shall be considered scrip‑wise and the cost and market value aggregated for all investments in each category.


(v)        If the aggregate market value for the category is less than the aggregate cost for that category, the net depreciation shall be provided for or charged to the profit and loss account.


(vi)       If the aggregate market value for the category exceeds. the aggregate cost for the category, the net appreciation shall be ignored. Depreciation in one category of investments shall not be set off against appreciation in another category.


(vii)      Unquoted equity shares in the nature of current investments shall be valued at cost or break up value, whichever is lower. However, NBFCs may substitute fair value for the break up value of the shares, if considered necessary. Where the balance sheet of the investee company is not available for two years, such shares shall be valued at one rupee only.


(viii)      Unquoted preference shares in the nature of current investments shall be valued at cost or face value, whichever is lower.


(ix)       Investments in unquoted Government securities or Government guaranteed bonds shall be valued at carrying cost.


(x)        Unquoted investments in the units of mutual funds in the nature of current investments shall be valued at the net asset value declared by the mutual fund in respect of each particular scheme.


(xi)       Commercial papers shall be valued at carrying cost.


(xii)      A long term investment shall be valued in accordance with the accounting standard issued by ICAI.


(xiii)      Unquoted debentures shall be treated as term loans or other type of credit facilities depending upon the terure of such debentures for the purpose of income recognition and asset classification.


7.         Before filing the half yearly return as aforesaid keep in mind the following norms for asset classification after taking into account the degree of well‑defined credit weaknesses and extent of dependence on collateral security for realisa­tion:­


(i)         Classify lease/hire‑purchase assets, loans and advances and any other forms of credit into four groups, namely


(a)        Standard assets,


(b)        Sub‑standard assets,


(c)        Doubtful assets, and


(d)        Loss assets;


(ii)        While classifying asset as standard asset keep in mind that there is no perceivable default in repayment of principle or payment of interest in respect of those assets do not disclose any problem nor carry more than normal risk attached to the business;


(iii)       While classifying asset as sub‑standard asset keep in mind the following:


(a)        an asset, which has been classified as non‑performing asset for a period of not exceeding two years,


(b)        an asset, where the terms of the agreement regarding interest and/or principal have been renegotiated or rescheduled after commencement of operations, until the expiry of one year of satisfactory performance under the renegotiated or rescheduled terms;


(iv)       While classifying asset as doubtful asset keep in mind the following:


(a)        a term loan, or


(b)        a lease asset, or


(c)        a hire‑purchase asset, or


(d)        any other asset, which remains a sub‑standard asset for a period exceeding two years;


(v)        While classifying asset as loss asset keep in mind the following:


(a)        an asset which has been identified as loss asset by the NBFC or its internal or external auditor or by the Reserve Bank of India during the inspection of the NBFC, to the extent it is not written off by the NBFC, and


(b)        an asset which is adversely affected by a potential threat of nonrecoverability due to either erosion in the value of security or non‑availability of security or due to any faudulent act or omission on the part of the borrower.


8.         Before filing the half yearly return, as aforesaid, keep in mind the follow­ing norms while making provisioning requirements:­


(i)         take into account the time lag between an account becoming nonperforming and its recognition as such and also the recognition of the security and the erosion over time in the value of security charged;


(ii)        for loss assets being loans, advaitces, and other credit facilities including bills purchased and discounted the entire asset should be written off if the assets are permitted to remain in the books for any reasons by providing 100% of the outstandings;


(iii)       if doubtful asset being also loans, advances and other credit facilities including bills purchased make 100% provision to the extent to which the advance is not covered by the realisable value of the security to which your company is a valid recourse after estimating realisable value on a realistic basis;


(iv)       in addition to aforesaid depending upon the period for which any particular asset has remained doubtful, make a provision to the extent of 20% to 50% of the secured portion being estimated realisable value of the outstandings on the following basis:


Periodfor which the asset has been considered as doubtful

% ofprovi­sion

Upto one year


One to three years


More than three years



(v)        in case of sub‑standard assets make a general provision of 10% of total outstandings;


(vi)       in respect of hire‑purchase assets make provision in the following manner:


(a)        the total dues including overdue and future instalments taken together to be reduced by the following:


(1)        the finance charges not credited to the profit and loss account and carried forward as unmatured finance charges,


(2)        the depreciation value or net realisable value of the underlying asset whichever is lower,


(3)        compute the depreciated value of the asset notionally as the original cost of the asset after reducing it by depreciation at the rate of 20% per annum on a straight line method;


(vii)      in respect of hire purchase and leased assets, make additional provision in the following manner:


(a)        where any amount of hire charges or lease rentals are overdue upto 12 months, Nil;


(b)        where any amount is overdue for more than 12 months but upto 24 months, 10% of the net book value;


(c)        where any amount is overdue for more than 24 months but upto 36 months, 50% of the net book value;


(d)        where any amount is overdue for more than 36 months '4100% of the net book value;


(viii)      on expiry of a period of 12 months after due date of the last instalment of hire‑purchase/leased asset, the entire net book value should be fully provided for. [Paragraph 8 of the Directions]


9.         Note that all financial leases written on or after April, 1, 2001 attract the provisioning requirements as applicable to hire‑purchase assets.


10.        Before filing the half‑yearly return, as aforesaid, keep in mind the follow­ing capital adequacy norms:­


(i)         maintain a minimum capital ratio consisting of Tier‑I and Tier‑II which shall not be less than 10% on or before 31st March, 1998 and 12% on or before 31st March, 1999 of its aggregate risk weighted assets and of risk adjusted value of aforesaid items;


(ii)        ensure that the total of Tier‑11 capital at any point of time does not exceed 100% of Tier‑I capital;


(iii)       take under Tier‑I capital, your company's own funds after deducting from it the following:


(a)        investment in shares of other NBFCs;


(b)        investment in shares, debentures, bonds, outstanding loans and advances including hire‑purchase and lease finance made to and deposits with subsidiaries and companies in the same group exceeding in aggregate 10% of the own fund of your company;


(iv)       take under Tier‑II capital the following:


(a)        preference shares other than those which are compulsorily convertible into equity;


(b)        revaluation reserves at discounted rate of fifty five per cent;


(c)        general provisions and loss reserves to the extent these are not attributable to actual diminution in value or identifiable potential loss in any specific asset and are available to meet unexpected losses, to the extent of one and one fourth per cent of risk weighted assets;


(d)        hybrid debt capital instruments; and


(e)        subordinated debt to the extent the aggregate does not exceed Tier‑I capital. [Paragraph 10 read with paragraph 2(xix) and (xx) of the Directions]


11.        Ensure that your company does not lend against its own share and if there is any outstanding loan granted by your company against its own share on the date of commencement of the said directions being 31st January, 1998 your company should recover those loans as per the repayment schedule. [Paragraph 11 of the Directions]


12.        Ensure that your company being an equipment leasing company or hire purchase finance company which is accepting public deposit does not invest in land or building an amount exceeding ten per cent of your company's own fund except for your company's own use and also does not invest in unquoted shares of another company which is not a subsidiary company or a company in the same group of your own an amount exceeding ten per cent of your company's own fund. [Paragreph 11B(i) of the Directions].


13.        Further ensure that your company being a loan or an investment company which is accepting public deposit does not invest in land or building an amount exceeding ten per cent of your company's own fund except for your company's own use and also does not invest in unquoted shares of another company which is not a subsidiary company or a company in the same group of your own an amount exceeding twenty per cent of your company's own fund. [Paragraph 11 B(ii) of the Directions] .


14.        Keep in mind that if your company's investments in the aforesaid assets together with the assets already held by your company exceeds the above mentioned ceilings your company should dispose of these assets acquired in satisfaction of your company's debts within a period of three years or within such period as extended by the Reserve Bank of India from the date of their acquisition. [Paragraph 11B(ii) 1st  proviso of the Directions].


15.        Also keep in mind that if your company holds land or building or unquoted shares in excess of the ceilings specified in items 12 and 13 above as on December 18, 1998, your company must dispose them of within three years from such date or within such period as extended by the Reserve Bank of India so as to bring down your company's holding of those assets within the stipulated ceiling. [Paragraph 11 B(ii) 2nd proviso of the Directions].


16.        Further keep in mind that while calculating the ceiling on investment in unquoted shares investments in such shares of all companies should be aggregated. [Paragraph 11B(ii) 2nd proviso Explanation of the Directions]


17.        Note that the ceiling specified in items 12 and 13 on the investment in unquoted shares shall not be applicable to an equipment leasing company or a hirepurchase finance company or a loan company or an investment company in respect of investment in the equity capital of an insurance company up to the extent specifically permitted, in writing, by RBI. [Paragraph 11B proviso]


18.        Ensure that your company does not lend to any single borrower exceeding 15% of its own fund or to any single group of borrowers exceeding 25% of its own fund. [Paragraph 12(1)(i) of the Directions]


19.        Further ensure that your company does not invest in the shares of another company exceeding 15% of its own fund or in the shares of a single group of companies exceeding 25% of its own fund. [Paragraph 12(1)(ii) of the Directions]


20.        Further ensure that your company does not lend and invest being loans and investments taken together exceeding 25% of its own fund to a single party and 40% of its own fund to a single group of parties. [Paragraph 12(1)(iii) of the Directions]


21.        Keep in mind that the above ceiling on the investment in shares of another company shall not be applicable to an NBFC in respect of investment in the equity capital of an insurance company up to the extent specifically permitted in writing by RBI. [Paragraph 12(1) Second Provisolo]


22.        If your company has already granted loans and already made investment in excess of ceilings specified aforesaid and exceeding on 31st January, 1998 they shall be brought down by your company as per the repayment schedule in due course. [Paragraph 12(2) of the Directions]


23.        Keep in mind that while determining the above mentioned limits, off bal­ance‑sheet exposure should be converted into credit risk by applying the conver­sion factors explained as under-­


Nature of Item

Credit Conversion Factor Percentage

(i) Finance & other guarantees


(ii) Share/debenture underwriting obligations


(iii), Partly paid shares/debentures


(iv) Bills discounted/rediscounted


(v) Lease contracts entered into but yet to be executed


(vi) Other contingent liabilities (To be specified)



24.        Further keep in mind while determining the above mentioned limits the investment in debentures for the above purpose be treated as credit and not investment.


25.        Note that the above mentioned ceilings on credit investments will be applicable to the own group of your company as well as to the other group of borrowers/investee companies.


26.        Ensure that your company discloses in its balance sheet the provision made on loans, advances and other credit facilities including bills purchased and discounted and also for lease and hire‑purchase assets as mentioned in item 8. [Paragraph 9(1) of the Directions]


27.        Further ensure that your company indicates the aforesaid provisions under separate head of accounts in the balance‑sheet as provisions for bad and doubtful debts and provisions for depreciation in investments. [Paragraph 9(2) of the Directions]


28.        Further ensure that these provisions are not appropriated from the general provision and loss reserves held, if any, by your company. [Paragraph 9(3) of the Directions]


29.        Further ensure that the provisions as aforesaid are debited to the profit and loss account of your company for each year and the excess provisions, if any, held under the heads general provisions and loss reserves are written back without making adjustment against them. [Paragraph 9(4) of the Directions]


30.        If your NBFC is having the asset of Rs. 50 crores and above as per your last audited balance‑sheet then constitute an Audit Committee consisting of not less than 3 members of its Board of Directors. [Paragraph 9A]


31.        Ensure that your NBFC's balance‑sheet and profit and loss account is prepared as on March 31 every year with effect from the accounting year ending with 31st  March, 2001 and if the accounting year of your company ends on any date other than 31st March, 2001 then prepare your company's balance‑sheet and profit and loss account for any fraction of the year ending on 31st March, 2001. [Paragraph 9B]


32.        Keep in mind that the Audit Committee as mentioned above is constituted as required under section 292A of the Companies Act, 1956, shall be the Audit Committee for the purposes of paragraph 9A. [Paragraph 9A, Explanation I]


33.        Further keep in mind that the aforesaid Audit Committee of your NBFC Company shall have the same powers, functions, and duties as laid down in section 292A of the Companies Act, 1956. [Paragraph 9A, Explanation II]


34.        Note that requirements as to capital adequacy and concentration of credit/investment will not apply to a loan company and investment company or hire‑purchase finance company and equipment leasing company which is having NOF of Rs. 25 lakhs and above but has not accepted or held any public deposit. [Paragraph 1(3)(ii) of the Directions]


35.        Further note that the provisions of the said directions will not apply to a NBFC being an investment company if it holds investment in the securities of its group/holding/subsidiary companies and book value of such holding is not less than 90% of its total assets and it is not trading in such securities and the said company is not accepting or holding any public deposit. [Paragraph 1(3)(iii) of the Directions]


36.        Also note that the provisions of the said directions will not apply to a NBFC being a government company as defined under section 617 of the Companies Act, 1956. [Paragraph 1(3) (iv)]


37.        Keep in mind that your company being an NBFC cannot grant any loan or other credit facility or make investments or create any other asset as long as the default in repayment of public deposits in accordance with the provisions of section 45QA(1) of RBI Act exists. [Paragraph 11A of the Directions].


Topic 273




1.         Please note Section 58A is attracted only if the invitation or acceptance is from the public.


2.         Also note that if the deposits are accepted only from friends, relatives and associates Section 58A is not attracted.


3.         However, Department of Company Affairs considers that the acceptance of deposits from the employees is also acceptance of deposits from the public.


4.         Send the application form, only on request voluntarily made by any person for depositing money with the company. Such requests shall be on record.


5.         Mark the application form as private and confidential. Also specify the name of the person who has made the request, in the application with the clear warning that the form cannot be made available to a third person.


6.         Include in the application form all the particulars in accordance with the requirements of sub‑rule (2) of Rule 4 of the Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Rules, 1975,[Rule 5(2)]


7.         Ensure that the application forms of deposits of your company also contain a clause giving proposed holders of fixed deposit either proposing to hold singly or jointly, freedom to nominate a person to whom his or their deposits will vest in the event of his or their death. [Section 58A(11)].


8.         Convene a Board Meeting after giving notice to all the directors of the company as per Section 286 approving the text of the statement in lieu of advertisement. [Rule 4A of the Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Rules, 1975]


9.         Please keep in mind that every officer of the company whose duty is to give notice of the Board Meeting as aforesaid and who fails to do so will be punishable with fine of upto Rs. 1,000/‑. [Section 286(2)]


10.        Before accepting the deposits deliver to the Registrar of Companies a statement in lieu of advertisement containing all the particulars as if the said statement is an advertisement within the meaning of sub‑rule (2) of Rule 4 of the Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Rules, 1975.


11.        The statement referred to in item 10 above should be signed by' a majority of the directors on the Board of Directors of the company who approved the statement in the meeting called in this behalf.


12.        Since the above procedure may pose some difficulty due to temporary absence of directors or due to resignation, death eic., it would be advisable for the Board, while approving the statement, to authorise some other officer of the company to sif n the statement for delivery to and registration with the Registrar of Companies .


13.        Issue receipt with revenue stamp of Re. I/‑ affixed thereon if the deposit is for more than Rs. 500/‑ and indicate clearly on the back of the receipt the terms and conditions of acceptance of deposit including the fact that the deposit has been tendered voluntarily.


14.        Please keep in mind that your company cannot accept deposit by private placement and confidential offers if your company has defaulted in the repayment of any deposit or part thereof and any interest thereupon in accordance with the terms and conditions of such deposit. [Section 58A(2)(c)].


15.        Note that provisions of section 58A will not apply to Small Scale Indus­trial Units which fulfill the following conditions­ :-


(a)        The paid‑up capital of the company does not exceed Rs. 25 lakhs;


(b)        The company accepts deposits from not more than 100 persons;


(c)        There is no invitation to public for deposits; and


(d)        The amount of deposits accepted by the company does not exceed Rs. 20 lakhs or the amount of its paid‑up capital, whichever is less.


16.        Transfer the amount of matured deposits of your company along with interest accrued thereon remaining unclaimed and unpaid for a period of seven years from the date they became due for payment to the Investor Education and Protection Fund established under section 205C. [Section 205C(2)(c) and (e) read with its proviso].


17.        Note that if your company's paid‑up share capital is less than Rs. 50 lakhs but is equal to or more than Rs. 10 lakhs, your company is required to obtain a Compliance Certificate from a secretary in whole‑time practice to be filed with the Registrar of Companies mentioning therein inter alia that the company has complied with the provisions of sections 58A and 58AA read with the Companies (Acceptance of Deposit) Rules, 1975/the applicable directions issued by the Reserve Bank of India/any other authority in respect of deposits accepted including unsecured loans taken, amounting to the specified amount raised by the company during the year and the company has filed the copy of statement in lieu of advertisement and necessary particulars as required with the Registrar of Companies on a specified date and the company has also filed return of deposit with the Register of Companies/Reserve Bank of India/other authorities as per paragraph 23 of the Form of Compliance Certificate appended to the Companies (Compliance Certificate) Rules, 2001. [Section 383‑A(1) proviso]


Topic 274




1.         Note that Sub‑section (3A) of Section 58A makes it obligatory on the part of the company to repay any deposit accepted after 15th June, 1988, unless the accepted deposit, instead of being repaid, has been renewed by the company.


2.         Note that Sub‑section (9) confers a right, even on a single depositor, to make application to the Company Law Board, requesting the Company Law Board to direct the company to make repayment of the deposits.


3.         Sub‑section (9) does not make any distinction between a deposit accepted prior to 15th June, 1988, whose repayment has not been made statutorily obligatory and a deposit accepted after 15th June, 1988, whose repayment has been statutorily obligatory under Sub‑section (3A).


4.         Sub‑section (9), if harmoniously construed along with Sub‑section (3A), does not seem to apply to deposits accepted prior to 15th June, 1988.


5.         Note that payment of interest voluntarily by the company on over‑due deposits amounts to renewal of the deposits but a prayer to the Company Law Board for a direction to pay interest on an overdue interest will not amount to renewal, if the Company Law Board so directs.


6.         In the application to be made to the Company Law Board, necessary documentary evidence should be attached showing the date of deposit, the amount deposited and the terms and conditions under which the deposits have been accepted and further showing that the deposit has not been paid by the company in accordance with the terms and conditions under which the deposits had been accepted.


7.         In the application before the Company Law Board, make it clear that in case the Company Law Board directs repayment of deposit in instalments, there should be necessary direction for payment of interest.


8.         While drawing up the application, follow the procedurel for making the application under Sub‑section (9) of Section 58A as laid down by the Company Law Board as given below:-


(a)        Make the application in duplicate in Form No. 41 given in Annexure II of the Company Law Regulations, 1991 and address it to the Bench Officer, Company Law Board, either Northern Region Bench, New Delhi or Eastern Region Bench, Calcutta, Western Region Bench, Mumbai or Southern Region Bench, Chennai, as the case may be, de­pending on the jurisdiction of one of the four benches on the State or Union Territory in which the registered office of the concerned com­pany is situated. [Regulation 37 read with Regulation 7(2) and Annex­ure I of the Company Law Board Regulations, 1991]


(b)        Attach to the application a demand draft of Rs. 50/‑ as application fee which should be drawn in favour of the "Pay and Accounts Officer, Department of Company Affairs, New Delhi/Calcutta/Mumbai/ Chennai, as the case may be, depending on which regional bench of the Company Law Board, the said application is filed.


(c)        Attach to the application, the following:­


(i)         Copy of the deposit receipt.


(ii)        Copy of the correspondence exchanged with the company.


9.         It is not necessary to engage any lawyer or other person to represent the case before the Company Law Board. The depositor himself may appear before the Company Law Board.


10.        Affix court fee stamps of the requisite value' on the original application before filing.


11.        Keep in mind that, for making this application no affidavit verifying the application is required to be made.


12.        Also keep in mind that even non‑banking financial companies can make an application to the Company Law Board for non‑payment of deposits.


13.        Further keep in mind that whoever fails to comply with any order made by the Company Law Board under sub‑section (9) of section 58A will be punishable with imprisonment upto 3 years and will also be liable to a fine upto Rs. 500/‑ for every day during which such non‑compliance continues. [Section 58A(10)]


14.        If you are a small depositor that is if your deposit does not exceed Rs. 20,000/‑ in a financial year then wait for the appropriate order made by the Company Law Board within a period of 30 days from the date of receipt of intimation made by the company concerned within 60 days from the date of default in repayment of any deposit or part thereof to small depositors. [Section 58AA(2) & (3)]


15.        Keep in mind that it will not be necessary for you being a small depositor to be present at the hearing of the providing taken under the aforesaid provision. [Section 58AA(3)(b) second proviso]


Topic 275




1.         Note that a company is statutorily entitled to be heard by the Company Law Board in a proceeding before it pertaining to non‑payment of deposits, whether initiated on the complaint of a depositor or suo moto by the Company Law Board itself


2.         Note that a notice will be issued by the Company Law Board giving op­portunity to the company to make representation to the Company Law Board.


3.         On receipt of the notice, make written submissions in the prescribed formt and also attend the hearing through your own officers, practising company secretary or chartered accountant or cost accountant or a lawyer.


4.         Note that the Company Law Board can give relief by ordering payment of deposit in instalments, if the financial condition of the company do not permit immediate repayment of overdue deposits.


5.         For the above purpose, it would be necessary to present before the Company Law Board sufficient data and information to show the financial condition of the company.


6.         In case you have any particular scheme in view whereby you may repay the deposits, the said scheme should form part of the representation before the Company Law Board.


7.         The Company Law Board may as well accept the scheme and order repayment by including the matters in the scheme as conditions subject to which repayment may be made.


8.         The Company Law Board may allow deposit to be made by the directors or their relatives for purpose of making repayment.


9.         Please check if you are a relief undertaking within the meaning of the concerned State Act and further check if your undertaking is still covered by a notification issued by the State Government.


10.        In case you are covered by the relevant notification, you can ask for stay of the proceedings filed by any depositor before the Company Law Board [Circular No. 3 of 1990, dated 19‑2‑1990]


Topic 276




[Guidelines for Issue of Commercial Paper' issued by the Industrial and Ex­port Credit Department, RBI, dated 10‑10‑2000 as amended by Notification No. IECD/2/08.15.01/2000‑01, dated 10‑4‑2001 and Notification No. IECD/2/08.15.01/ 2001‑02, dated 23‑7‑2001]


1.         Please ensure that your company being a corporate or a primary dealer or a satellite dealer or an all India Financial Institution satisfies, the following requirements for being eligible to issue commercial paper for raising short terrn resources under the umbrella limit fixed by RBI:


(a)        Your company's tangible net worth should not be less than Rs. 4 crores as per your company's latest audited balance‑sheet.


(b)        Your company has been sanctioned working capital limit by banks or all India Financial Institutions.


(c)        Your company should obtain specified credit rating of P2 Certificate from CRISIL or A2 Certificate from ICRA or PR‑2 from CARE or FITCH Ratings India Private Ltd., or such other credit rating agency as may be specified by the Reserve Bank of India from time to time at the time of issue of commercial paper and your company should ensure that the said rating is current and has not fallen due for review.


(d)        Your company's borrowal account should be classified as a standard asset by financing bank or bank or institution.


2.         The tangible net worth means the paid up share capital plus free reserves (including balances in the share premium account, capital and debenture re­demption reserves and any other reserve not being created for repayment of any future liability or for depreciation in assets or for bad debts or reserve created by revaluation of assets) as per the latest audited balance‑sheet of the company, as reduced by the amount of accumulated balance of loss, balance of deferred reve­nue expenditure as also other intangible assets.


3.         Please also ensure that the commercial paper proposed to be issued has the following­


(a)        The minimum and maximum period of issuance of commercial paper should be between a minimum of fifteen days and maximum up to one year from the date of issue and the maturity date should not go beyond the date up to which the aforesaid credit rating of your company is valid.


(b)        The denomination of commercial paper should be Rs. 5 lakhs or multiples of Rs. 5 lakhs and the amount to be invested by any single investor shall not be less than Rs. 5 lakhs face value.


(c)        The total amount of commercial paper proposed to be issued should be raised within a period of two weeks from the date on which the issuer opens the issue for subscription and should be issued on a single date or in parts on different dates provided that in the latter case, each commercial paper shall have the same maturity date.


(d)        The commercial paper should be as a 'stand alone' product and the aggregate amount to be raised by issue of commercial paper shall be within the limit approved by your Board of Directors. Banks and Financial Institutions will also.


(e)        The commercial paper should be in the form of issuance of promissory as per the form specified in Schedule I to these Guidelines or in a dematerialised form through any of the depositories approved by and registered with SEBI and should be issued at such discount to face value as may be determined by your company.


(f)        The Commercial Paper may be issued to and held by individuals, banking companies, other corporate bodies registered or incorporated in India and unincorporated bodies, non‑resident Indians and Foreign Institutional Investors.


4.         Convene a Board meeting of your company after giving notice to all the directors of your company as per section 286 and approve the proposal of issu­ing commercial paper and also approve the agreement to be entered into with the Issuing and Paying Agent.


5.         Obtain the credit rating certificate from one of the credit rating agencies, CRISIL or ICRA or CARE, or FITCH Ratings Private Ltd. or such other credit rating agency as may be specified by RBI.


6.         Appoint any scheduled bank to act as an Issue and Paying Agent (IPA).


7.         Submit the information of issue of commercial paper giving details in the form given in Schedule II to these guidelines through the Issuing and Paying Agent within 3 days from the date of completion of the issue to the Chief General Manager, Industrial and Export Credit Department (IECD), RBI, Central Office, Mumbai together with the certificate issued by the credit rating agency.


8.         Ensure that your company does not get the issue of your company's com­mercial paper underwritten or co‑accepted in any manner whatsoever.


9.         Keep in mind to disclose to the potential investors your company's financial position as per the standard market practice and after the exchange of deal confirmation between the investor and your company, issue physical certificates to the investor or arrange for crediting.


10.        Give to investors a copy of Issuing and Paying Agents, Certificate in the format given in Schedule III to these guidelines to the effect that your company has a valid agreement with the said Agents and documents are in order.


11.        Ensure that the initial investor in Commercial Paper pays the discounted value of the commercial paper by means of a crossed account payee cheque to, your company's account through the Issuing and Paying Agent.



D. External Commercial Borrowings


(Topic 277 to Topic 281)


Topic 277




1.         Decide whether the ECB sought for is for financing expansion of existing capacity or for new investment or for re‑financing existing loans.


2.         Also decide whether the ECB sought for will be by way of commercial bank loans or buyer's credit or supplier's credit or securitised instruments, such as Floating Rate Notes and Fixed Rate Bonds etc. or credits from officially supported agencies or commercial borrowings from the private sector window of Multilateral Financial Institutions such as International Finance Corporation (Wasington) ABD, AFIC, CDC etc.


3.         Keep in mind that priority will be given to infrastructure and core sectors such as power, oil exploration, telecom, railways, roads and bridges, ports, industrial parks and urban infrastructure, such as water supply, sanitation and sewage projects, etc. and the export oriented and import substitution units and also to medium and small scale units while considering ECB applications.


4.         Further keep in mind that ECB will be allowed to be raised for any purpose without any end‑use restrictions excluding investments in stock‑markets or in real estate.


5.         The loan amount may be raised in one or more branches subject to the condition that the total outstanding loan at any point of time does not exceed US $ 50 million.


6.         ECB sought for total export production purposes will be given priority.


7.         Keep in mind that the period of loan maturity of ECB and every branch of it will be weighted average of all disbursements taking each disbursement individually and its period of retention by your company.


8.         Applicants for ECB are free to raise commercial loans from any internationally recognised source including commercial banks, export credit agencies, suppliers credits, foreign collaborations, foreign equity‑holders, international capital markets etc. offer from unrecognised sources will be entertained.


9.         Keep in mind that the choice of repayment schedule within the maturity period should be decided by your company in advance and mentioned in the application.


10.        Your company should negotiate the loan terms of ECB keeping in mind that the said loan terms properly reflect the current available market terms in all respects and the Government will respect institutional relationship between the borrower and lender in this regard.


11.        Your company should also choose the currency of the loan to be obtained through ECB and the basis of interest rate whether floating or fixed before making the application for ECB.


12.        Your company should also decide about the security to be provided to the lenders in consultation with the lenders, and see that the proceeds of ECB are not utilised for investment in stock market or for speculation in real estate.


13.        If the aforesaid security is in the form of a guarantee from an Indian Financial Institution or an Indian Scheduled Commercial Bank there is no need to have counter guarantee or confirmation of the said guarantee by any institution or bank abroad.


14.        Convene a Board Meeting after giving notice to all the directors of the company as per Section 286 and pass a resolution for making the application for ECB and also for giving authority to one of the directors of the company to sign the application and to do everything needful in connection with obtaining the approval for ECB.


15.        Please keep in mind that every officer of the company whose duty is to give notice of the Board Meeting as aforesaid and who fails to do so will be punishable with fine of upto Rs. 1000/-.[Section 286(2)]


16.        Submit through an authorised dealer of your company's choice 3 copies of the loan agreement to the concerned Regional Office of RBI after signing, the same with the lender and the said Regional Office of RBI would acknowledge the receipt of copies of the agreement and would allot a loan identification number to such an agreement.


17.        Please keep in mind that your company will not be permitted to follow the practice of borrowing overseas for financing your company's rupee requirements and thereafter swapping your company's ECB with another body corporate which requires foreign currency resources.


18.        Further keep in mind that interest and fees payable on all ECB will no longer be eligible for tax exemption under section 10(15)(iv)(b) to (g) of the Income‑tax Act, 1961 from Ist June, 2001. Exemptions under section 10(15)(iv)(b) and (d) to (g) were earlier granted by the Department of Economic Affairs while exemption under section 10(15)(iv)(c) will be granted by the Department of Revenue, Ministry of Finance.


19.        Note that this withdrawal of tax‑exemption is done because the Ministry of Finance felt that the interest received by the lender is taxable in the country of his residence and he would get credit for any tax paid in India and so any exemption from tax liability in the host country does not benefit the lender but it merely results in reducing Indian tax revenues.


20.        Keep in mind that ECB approval is valid for a period of 6 months and only in case of power projects the validity of the approval will be for a period of one year. In the case of telecom sector project the validity of the approval will be for 9 months.


21.        Further keep in kind that Bonds, Debentures, FRNs and other such instruments will have additional validity period of 3 months for all the ECB approvals across the board.


22.        Further keep in mind that no extension is to be granted beyond the validity period but a fresh application can be submitted, after 1 month after expiry of validity period.


23.        Note that the pre‑payment facility will be permitted through inflow of for­eign equity and also through the following two options:­


(i)         on permission by the RBI on submission by the authorised dealer of the application of your company it should be undertaken within the permitted period of all ECBs with residual maturity upto 1 year;


(ii)        prepayment upto 10% of outstanding ECB will be permitted once during the life of the loan subject to the company complying with the ECB approval terms.


24.        Please note that companies who have already availed repayment facility of 20% earlier would not be eligible for the above.


25.        Further note that 100% prepayment is also permitted where the source of funds is from EEFC account.


26.        Keep in mind that operating and out‑of‑pocket expenses incurred for ECB approval not resulting in loans will be allowed as per prevailing RBI guidelines on current account transacti6 ns subject to a cap.


27.        Obtain specific approval from RBI through your authorised dealer for re­mittances of such expenses.


Topic 278




1.         Decide whether the ECB sought for is for financing expansion of existing capacity or for fresh investment or for re‑financing existing loans.


2.         Also decide whether the ECB sought for will be by way of commercial bank loans or buyer's credit or supplier's credit or securitised instruments, such as Floating Rate Notes and Fixed Rate Bonds, etc. or credits from officially supported agencies or commercial borrowings from the private sector window of Multilateral Financial Institutions such as International Finance Corporation (Wasington) ADB, AFIC, CDC etc.


3.         Keep in mind that priority will be given to infrastructure and core sectors, such as power, oil exploration, telecom, railways, roads and bridges, ports, industrial parks and urban infrastructure such as water supply, sanitation and sewage projects, etc. and the export oriented and import substitution units and also to medium and small scale units while considering ECB applications.


4.         Companies can utilise the foreign currency proceeds of ECB for rupee expenditure for general corporate objectives excluding investments in stock markets or in real estate and also in the following infrastructural projects:


(i) power; (ii) telecommunications; (iii) railways; (iv) roads including bridges; (v) ports; (vi) industrial parks; and (vii) urban infrastructure. Corporate borrowers are also permitted to raise ECB to acquire ships/vessels from Indian shipyards.


5.         ECB sought for total export production purposes will be given priority.


6.         Keep in mind that the period of loan maturity of ECB will be weighted average of all disbursements taking each disbursement individually and its period of retention by your company.


7.         Applicant's for ECB are free to raise commercial loans from any internationally recognised source including commercial banks, export credit agencies, suppliers credits foreign collaborators, foreign equity holders, international capital markets etc. Offers from unrecognised sources will be entertained.


8.         Keep in mind that the choice of repayment schedule within the maturity period should be decided by your company in advance and mentioned in the application.


9.         ECB raised by exporters, 100% EOUs and EPCG licence‑holders upto thrice the average amount of annual exports during the previous 3 years subject to a maximum of US $ 200 million without end use restrictions and the minimum maturity will be 3 years upto US $20 million.


10.        Your company should negotiate the loan terms of ECB keeping in mind that the said loan terms properly reflect the current available market terms in all respects and the Government will respect institutional relationship between the borrower and lender in this regard.


11.        Your company should also choose the currency of the loan to be obtained through ECB and the basis of interest rate whether floating or fixed before making the application for ECB.


12.        Your company should also decide about the security to be provided to the lenders in consultation with the lenders and your company should not utilise the proceeds of ECB for investment in stock market or for speculation in real estate.


13.        If the aforesaid security is in the form of a guarantee from an Indian Financial Institution or an Indian Scheduled Commercial Bank there is no need to have counter guarantee or confirmation of the said guarantee by any institution bank abroad.


14.        Convene a Board Meeting after giving notice to all the directors of the company as per Section 286 and pass a resolution for making the application for ECB, and also for giving authority to one of the directors of the company to sign the application and to do everything needful in connection with obtaining the approval for ECB.


15.        Please keep in mind that every officer of the company whose duty is to give notice of the Board Meeting as aforesaid and who fails to do so will be punishable with fine of upto Rs. 1000/-. [Section 286(2)]


16.        Prepare the application in the prescribed format' and send the application to the Reserve Bank of India, Exchange Control Department, Central Office, ECB Division Mumbai.


17.        Ensure that the aforesaid application is accompanied by the following:


(1)        Certified true copy of Memorandum and Articles of Association.


(2)        Certified true copy of latest audited balance sheet and profit and loss account along with Director's and Auditor's Reports.


(3)        Certified true copy of the Board Resolution.


(4)        Copy of approval of the relevant authorities for the import of items where necessary.


(5)        Original offer letter from the lender giving the detailed terms and conditions.


(6)        Details of contact person/office with telephone numbers to enable quick references to be made, if clarifications are needed in connection with the application.


(7)        Copy of project Appraisal Report from a recognised Financial Institution or Bank if applicable.


18.        No application fee is required to be paid for this application.


19.        Please keep in mind that your company will not be permitted to follow the practice of borrowing overseas for financing your company's rupee requirements and thereafter swapping your company's ECB with another body corporate which requires foreign currency resources.


20.        Further keep in mind that interest payable on all ECB will no longer be eligible for tax exemption under section 10(15)(iv)(b) and (d) to (g) of the Income tax Act, 1961 from 1st June, 2001. Exemptions under section 10(15)(iv)(b) and (d) to (g) were earlier granted by the Department of Economic Affairs while exemption under section 10(15)(iv)(c) will be granted by the Department of Revenue, Ministry of Finance.


21.        Keep in mind that ECB approval is valid for a period of 6 months that is the executed copy of the loan agreement should be submitted within this period. Only in case of power projects the validity of the approval will be for a period of one year and in case of infrastructural projects extension of validity may be considered on merits. In case of telecom sector project the validity of the approval will be for 9 months.


22.        Further keep in mind that Bonds, Debentures, FRNs and other such instruments will have additional validity period of three months for all the ECB approvals across the board.


23.        No extension of validity period is given and only course open is to make a fresh application, after 1 month after the expiry of the validity period.


24.        Note that prepayment facility will be permitted through inflow of foreign equity and also through the following two options:­


(i)         on permission by the RBI it should be undertaken within the permitted period of all ECBs with residuary maturity upto 1 year.


(ii)        prepayment upto 10% of outstanding ECB will be permitted once during the life of the loan subject to the company complying with the ECB approval terms.


25.        Please note that companies who have already availed repayment facility of 20% earlier would not be eligible for the above.


26.        Further note that 100% prepayment is also permitted where the source of funds is from EEFC account.


27.        Keep in mind that operating and out‑of‑pocket expenses incurred for ECB approval not resulting in loans will be allowed as per prevailing RBI guidelines on current account transactions subject to a cap.


28.        Obtain specific approval from RBI for remittances of such expenses.


29.        Note that your company will not need to submit loan agreements for taking on record (TOR) henceforth to the Government, but to the concerned regional office of the RBI who will send a copy of loan documents/TOR records to the Government4.


30.        Also note that default interest not exceeding 2% over the applicable rate will be incorporated in the approval letter/taken on record letter itself. No further approval would be required from the Government or RBI.


Topic 279




1.         Decide whether the ECB sought for is for financing expansion of existing capacity or for new investment.


2.         Also decide whether the ECB sought for will be by way of commercial bank loans or buyers' credit or supplier's credit or securitised instruments, such as Floating Rate Notes and Fixed Rate Bonds etc. or credits from officially supported agencies or commercial borrowings from the private sector window of Multilateral Financial Institutions such as International Finance Corporation (Washington) ADB, AFIC, CDC etc.


3.         Keep in mind that priority will be given to infrastructure and core sectors such as power, oil exploration, telecom, railways, roads and bridges, ports, industrial parks and urban infrastructure etc. and the export oriented and import substitution units and also to medium and small scale units while considering ECB applications.


4.         Further keep in mind that ECB will be allowed to be raised only for meeting foreign exchange cost of capital investment and project‑related rupee expenditure for general corporate objectives excluding investments in stock markets or in real estate. Corporate borrowers will also be permitted to raise ECB to acquire ships/vessels from Indian shipyards.


5.         Also keep in mind that it has been decided by the Government that henceforth ECBs can be used for any purpose except investment in real estate and in capital markets.


6.         ECB can be utilised for rupee expenditure in the following infrastructure areas also:­


(i) power; (ii) telecommunications; (iii) railways; (iv) roads; (v) ports; (vi) Industrial parks; (vii) urban infrastructure.


7.         Your company will be permitted to raise ECB to acquire ships or vessels from Indian shipyards.


8.         ECB, sought for total export production purposes will be given priority.


9.         Keep in mind that the average maturity of ECB's will be weighted average of all disbursements taking each disbursement individually and its period of re­turn by the borrower.


10.        Note that Indian Development Financial Institutions and Corporates engaged in infrastructure projects, telecommunications and oil exploration and development excluding refining will be pem‑iitted to raise ECB at a minimum average maturity of 5 years.


11.        Further note that Bonds and FRNs can be raised in tranches of different maturities with the average maturity of the different tranches within the same overall approval taken together if it satisfies the maturity criteria prescribed in the ECB guidelines and in such cases longer term borrowings should necessarily precede shorter term borrowings with longer the initial tenure the shorter the subsequent tranches within the average maturity.


12.        Keep in mind that corporate who have foreign exchange earnings will be permitted to raise ECB upto thrice the average amount of annual exports during the previous 3 years subject to a maximum US$ 200 million without any end‑use restriction excluding investments in stock market or real estate with minimum average maturity of 5 years.


13.        Also keep in mind that holding companies/promoters will be permitted to raise ECB upto a maximum of US$ 200 million equivalent to finance equity investment in a subsidiary/joint venture company implementing infrastructure projects with the object of enabling domestic equity requirements. In case the debt is being raised by more than one promoter for a single project then the total quantum of loan by all promoters put together must not exceed US$ 20W million.


14.        Further keep in mind that all infrastructure projects will be permitted to have ECB exposure to the extent of 50% of the project cost as appraised by a recognised financial institution/bank subject to fulfilment of other ECB guidelines, greater flexibility beyond 50% of the project cost may be allowed in case of power sector and other infrastructure projects based on merits. ,


15.        In case your company is going for ECB with 8 years average maturity or above it will be outside the ECB ceiling even though Ministry of Finance's and Reserve Bank of India's prior approval for such borrowings would continue to be applicable to such cases with the extent of debt under this window being reviewed by the Government periodically.


16.        In case your company is applying to raise long terrn resources with an average maturity of 8 years or 16 years your company will be allowed to use ECB proceeds without the normal end‑use restrictions upto US$ 200 million for issue of 8 years and above upto 16 years and US$ 400 million for issue of 20 years and above. Such amounts will be available to your company for general corporate objectives excluding investments in stock market or in real estate.


17.        Keep in mind that your company to be eligible for the aforesaid purpose should not include any 'put' or 'call' options on the debt instruments issued by your company potentially reducing the stated maturities.


18.        Note that borrowing under this long‑term window which are exempted from the cap are not eligible for the purpose of enhancing the maturity of shorter term borrowings prescribed under normal ECB window to reach the required average maturity.


19.        Further note that in case borrowings for 8 years maturity and above are to be used to lengthen the maturity of shorter term borrowings then the entire amount must be treated as within the cap.


20.        Further note that utilisation of the ECB approved earlier under the regular ECB cap will not be a limiting factor for considering proposals under the long term maturity window, but additional borrowing under either of the window that is regular or under long‑term maturity is subject to utilisation of earlier approvals in the same window.


21.        Further note that companies may raise these borrowings either through FRN/Bond Issues/Syndicated Loan, etc., as long as the maturity and the interest spread are maintained as per the guidelines.


22.        Further note that project appraisal report is not necessary if funds are raised under the long‑term maturity window to be utilised for general corporate objectives subject to the limits prescribed at item 34 below.


23.        Applicant's for ECB are free to raise commercial loans from any internationally recognised source including commercial banks, export credit agencies, suppliers credits, foreign collaborators, foreign equity‑holders, international capital markets etc. Offers from unrecognised sources will not be entertained.


24.        Keep in mind that the choice of repayment schedule within the maturity period of 3 years should be decided by your company in advance and mentioned in the application.


25.        Your company should negotiate the loan terms of ECB keeping in mind that the said loan terms properly reflect the current available market terms in all respects and the Government will respect institutional relationship between the borrower and lender in this regard.


26.        Your company should also choose the currency of the loan to be obtained through ECB and the basis of interest rate whether floating or fixed before making the application for ECB.


27.        Your company should also decide about the security to be provided to the lenders in consultation with the lenders.


28.        If the aforesaid security is in the form of a guarantee from an Indian Financial Institution there is no need to have counter guarantee or confirmation of the said guarantee by any institution abroad.


29.        Convene a Board Meeting after giving notice to all the directors of the company as per section 286 and pass a resolution for making the application for ECB and also for giving authority to one of the directors of the company to sign the application and to do everything needful in connection with obtaining the approval for ECB.


30.        Please keep in mind that every officer of the company whose duty is to give notice of the Board Meeting as aforesaid and who fails to do so will be punishable with fine of upto Rs. 1,000/-. [Section 286(2)]


31.        Your company should not under any circumstances utilise the proceeds of ECB for investment in stock market or for speculation in real estate.


32.        Prepare the application in the prescribed format6 and send the applica‑ tion to the Joint Secretary (ECB), Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance, North Block, New Delhi‑ 110 001.


33.        Ensure that the aforesaid application is accompanied by the following:


(1)        Certified true copy of Memorandum and Articles of Association.


(2)        Certified true copy of latest audited balance sheet and profit and loss account along with Director's and Auditor's Reports.


(3)        Certified true copy of the Board Resolution.


(4)        Copy of approval of the relevant authorities for the import of items where necessary.


(5)        Original offer letter from the lender giving the detailed terms and conditions.


(6)        Details of contact person/office with telephone numbers to enable quick references to be made, if clarifications are needed in connection with the application.


(7)        Copy of Project Appraisal Report from a recognised Financial Institution or Bank if applicable.


(8)        Copies of relevant documents and approvals from Central/State Governments, wherever applicable, such as FIPB, CCEA and SIA clearances environmental clearance, techno‑economic clearance from Central Electricity Authority, valid licenses from competent authorities, no objection certificate from Ministry of Surface Transport, evidence of exports/foreign exchange earnings from the statutory auditor based on the bankers realisation certificate, registration with RBI. In case of NBFCs, approval for overseas investment from RBI, etc.


34.        No application fee is required to be paid for this application.


35.        After receiving approval for ECB from the Ministry of Finance you are required to obtain additional approval from the Reserve Bank of India under the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999. For procedure see Topics 280 and 281.


36.        Refinancing of outstanding amounts under existing loans by raising fresh loans at lower costs will be permitted on a case‑to‑case basis subject to the condition that the outstanding maturity of the original loan is maintained. Rolling over if ECB will not be permitted.


37.        Please keep in mind that your company will not be permitted to follow the practice of borrowing overseas for financing your company's rupee requirements and thereafter swapping your company's ECB with another body corporate which requires foreign currency resources.


38.        Further keep in mind that interest payable on all ECB will no longer be eligible for tax exemption under section 10(15)(iv)(b) to (g) of the Income‑tax Act, 1961 from Ist June, 2001. Exemptions under section 10(15)(iv)(b) and (d) to (g) were earlier granted by the Department of Economic Affairs while exemption under 10(15)(iv)(c) will be granted by the Department of Revenue.


39.        Keep in mind that ECB approval is valid for a period of 6 months that is the executed copy of the loan agreement should be submitted within this period. Only in case of power projects the validity of the approval will be for a period of one year and in case of infrastructure projects extension of validity may be considered on merits.


40.        No extension of validity period is given and only course open is to make a fresh application, after 1 month after the expiry of the validity period.


41.        Note that the pre‑payment facility will be permitted through inflow of for­eign equity and also through the following two options:­


(i)         on permission by the RBI it should be undertaken within the permitted period of all ECB's with residuary maturity upto 1 year;


(ii)        prepayment upto 10% of outstanding ECB will be permitted once during the life of the loan subject to the company complying with the ECB approval terms.


42.        Please note that companies who have already availed repayment facility of 20% earlier would not be eligible for the above.


43.        Further note that 100% prepayment is also permitted where the source of funds is from EEFC account.


44.        Keep in mind that operating and out‑of‑pocket expenses incurred for ECB approval not resulting in loans will be allowed as per prevailing RBI guidelines on current account transactions subject to a cap.


45.        Obtain specific approval from RBI for remittances of such expenses.


46.        Note that your company will not need to submit loan agreements for taking on record (TOR) henceforth to the Government, but to the concerned regional office of the RBI who will send a copy of loan documents/TOR records to the Government.


47.        Also note that default interest not exceeding 2% over the applicable rate will be incorporated in the approval letter/taken on record letter itself. No further approval would be required from the Government or RBI.


Topic 280




1.         After obtaining the necessary clearance from the Ministry of Finance, Department of Economic Affairs, (External Commercial Borrowing Division) as per Topic 277 you have to make an application to the Reserve Bank of India under sections 3 and 6 of the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999.


2.         Keep in mind that the initial clearance as aforesaid will indicate the terms and conditions regarding amount of loan or credit, the rate of interest at which the loan or credit is to be obtained, period of repayment to be made by the borrower to the lender.


3.         On the basis of these terms and conditions prepare and make an application to the concerned regional office of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) Exchange Control Department within whose jurisdiction the registered office of the borrower is situated.


4.         The aforesaid application should be made in Form ECB in duplicate di­rectly to the RBI through the authorised dealer.


5.         Ensure that before forwarding the application to the RBI, the authorised dealer properly scrutinises all the related original documents to see that the application is complete in all respects and strictly in order as per rules.


6.         Attach to the application in Form ECB the following:­


(1)        Copy of contract/agreement for the proposed foreign currency loan or credit.


(2)        Copy of the letter approving the terms of the loan or credit issued by the Ministry of Finance, Department of Economic Affairs (ECB Division).


(3)        A certificate from your company to the effect that the draft agreement has been carefully examined by your company and your company's solicitors and that no additional foreign exchange liability either expressed or implied arises in proper performance of the agreement besides those approved by the Government of India.


(4)        Copy of Exchange Control of licence or original letter of intent with a certified copy issued by the Government of India indicating that they have approved in principle grant of necessary import licence, where necessary.


(5)        Letters from banks/institutions in India giving terms and conditions subject to which they have agreed to grant rupee loans for financing the part cost of the project.


(6)        Schedule of draw down of loan/credit with expected dates, currency, and documents.


(7)        In case of Financial Lease, schedule of loan/credit repayment (both principal and interest) indicating due dates and amount of each instalment or schedule of payment of lease rent.


7.         No application fee is required to be paid with this application.


8.         Also ensure ihat the application for permission to issue the bank guarantee or letter of credit in favour of foreign banks is submitted to the RBI simultane­ously with the aforesaid application in Form ECB 1 with a copy of the draft guar­antee and other relevant documents.


9.         On receipt of the RBI's approval conclude the loan or credit agreement with the overseas lender, taking care to ensure that no liability, direct or indirect other than that specifically approved by the Ministry of Finance Department of Economic Affairs (ECB Division) and the RBI is assumed by the borrower through the loan or credit agreement.


10.        After execution of the loan or credit agreement submit two executed copies of the loan or credit agreement to the regional office of the RBI who will send a copy of loan documents or credit agreement to the' Ministry of Finance, Department of Economic Affairs, (ECB Division).


11.        After submission of the two executed copies of the loan or credit agreement as aforesaid, obtain from the Ministry of Finance, Department of Economic Affairs, the final clearance from them for drawing the loan.


12.        Make again an application to the RBI along with two executed copies of the loan agreement for permission to effect drawal of the loan amount for utilisation or disbursement.


13.        Do not forget to quote loan identification number allotted by RBI to your company's foreign currency loan or credit, on all correspondence, all return and statements submitted by your company to the RBI.


Topic 281




1.         Keep in mind that once your company obtains clearance from the Ministry of Finance, Department of Economic Affairs (ECB Division) and also permission from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) or from RBI when the ECB is for US$ 100 Million or less to go for foreign currency loan or credit, your company is required to submit to RBI quarterly statements in the prescribed form about utilisation of the foreign loan amount by the end of the month following the quarter to which they relate till the entire loan or credit is drawn or utilised.


2.         Submit the aforesaid quarterly return to the RBI through your authorized dealer in duplicate in a prescribed format.


3.         Submit the above‑mentioned return within a period of 10 days from the close of the quarter which it relates.


4.         Submit the above‑mentioned return directly to that office of the RBI which approved the loan or credit.


5.         Ensure that the aforesaid quarterly return mentions the loan identification number allotted by the RBI to your company's foreign currency loan or credit prominently and clearly.


6.         Also ensure that type of credit is properly mentioned in the aforesaid re­turn.


7.         Give the repayment Schedule indicating exact dates of payments with this return, if they have not been submitted at the time of agreement.


8.         In case any revision is made in the repayment schedule of your company's foreign currency loan or credit at any stage during the currency of the loan or credit, then it should be notified to the RBI by submitting the aforesaid indicating the revised due dates.


9.         In case there are no withdrawals during a quarter a 'NIL' return should be submitted to the RBI in the above‑mentioned form indicting only the outstanding balance of loan/credit.


10.        Ensure that the following documents and papers duly certified by the statutory auditors/chartered accountants are enclosed to the quarterly return towards utilisation of loan/credit:


(1)        Exchange Control copies of the Import Licences, where applicable;


(2)        Original invoices evidencing import;


(3)        Exchange Control copies of bills of entry evidencing import.


11.        Note that Companies opening foreign currency bank accounts in India/abroad for, retention of the loan funds of external commercial borrowing (ECB) pending utilisation can invest the proceeds of it abroad for a period not exceeding I year pending their utilisation.


12.        Further note that retaining of ECB proceeds abroad withouthaving any specific plan of utilisation and also investing them abroad beyond the stipulated period of 1 year without approval of the RBI should not be done as such parking of funds abroad is a temporary facility and should not be used as an arena for investment.


13.        Use the following codes in the said return for utilisation of drawal:­


(i) Import of capital goods; (ii) Import of raw materials; (iii) Remittance to India; (iv) Pre‑payment of old loans/repayments; (v) Amount held abroad in Foreign Currency account; (vi) Interest payment; (vii) Payment for technical services; (viii) Others (specify).


14.        Use the following codes in the said return for source of funds:­


(i) Remittance from India; (ii) From FCL funds held abroad; (iii) From foreign currency account held abroad; (iv) Conversion of equity capital; (v) From Export proceeds held abroad; (vi) By debit to EFC/EEFC account in India; (vii) Others (specify).


15.        Give the date of imports in place of dates of drawals in the said return in case your company has opted for supplier's credit.