Appendix 104





State/Union Territories

Power of Attorney

(As defined by s. 2(21))

Declaration in Form No.1 & Form No. 20










Andaman & Nicobar

(a)     when executed for the sole purpose of procuring the regis­tration of one or more documents in relation to a single transaction or for admitting execution of one or more such documents;

(b)     when required in suits or proceedings under the Presidency Small Cause Courts Act, 1882;

(c)     when authorising one person or more to act in a single transac­tion other than the case mentioned in Cl. (a);

(d)     when authorising not more than five persons to act jointly and severally in more than one transaction or generally;

(e)     when authorising more than five but not more than ten per­sons to act jointly and severally in more than one transaction or generally;

(f)      when given for consideration and authorising the attorney to sell any immovable property;


(g)     in any other case.







One rupee



Two rupees



Ten rupees



Twenty rupees




The same duty as a Convey­ance (No. 23) for the amount of the consideration

Two rupees for each person authorised



Andhra Pradesh

(a)     when executed for the sole purpose of procuring the regis­tration of one or more documents in relation to a single transaction or for admitting execution of one or more such documents;

(b)     when authorising one person or more to act in a single transac­tion other than the case mentioned in Clause (a);

(c)     when authorising not more than five persons to act jointly and severally in more than one transaction or generally;

(d)     when authorising more than five but not more than ten per­sons to actjointly and severally in more than one transaction or generally;

(e)     when given for consideration and authorising the attorney to sell any immovable property;





(f)      in any other case;



(g)     when given for construction on, development of, or sale or transfer (in any manner what soever of, any immovable property;


Twenty rupees





Twenty rupees



Fifty rupees



Seventy‑five rupees




The same duty as a convey­ance (No. 20) for a consideration or market value equal to the amount of the consid­eration

Twenty‑five rupees for each person authorized

Five rupees for every one hundred rupees or part thereof on the market value of the property.





(a)     when executed for the sole purpose of procuring the regis­tration of one or more documents in relation to a single transaction or for admitting execution of one or more such documents;

(b)     when required in suits or proceedings under the Presidency Small Cause Courts Act, 1882;

(c)     when authorizing one person or more to act in a single transac­tion other than the case mentioned in Cl. (a);

(d)     when authorising not more than five person to act jointly and severally in more than one transaction or generally;

(e)     when authorising more than five but not more than ten persons to act jointly and severally in more than one transaction or generally;

(f)      when given for consideration and authorising the attorney to sell any immovable property;



(g)     in any other case.


Two rupees and fifty paise




Two rupees and fifty paise.


Five rupees.



Twenty four rupees and sev­enty‑five paise.

Forty‑nine rupees and fifty paise



The same duty as a Convey­ance (No. 23) for the amount of the consideration.

Five rupees for each person authorised.





(a)     when executed for the sole purpose of procuring the regis­tration of one or more documents in relation to a single transaction or for admitting execution of one or more such documents;

(b)     when required in suits or proceedings under the Presidency Small Cause Court Act, 1882

(c)     when authorising one person or more to act in a single transac­tion other than the case mentioned in clause (a);

(d)     when authorising not more than five persons to act jointly and severally in more than one transaction or generally;

(e)     When authorising more than five but not more than ten per­sons to act jointly and severally in more than one transaction or generally;

(f)      when giving for consideration and authorising the attorney to sell any immovable property;





(g)     in any other case.




















The same duty as a Conveyance (No. 23) for a consideration or market value, equal to the amount of the consideration











(a)     when executed for the sole purpose of procuring the regis­tration of one or more documents in relation to a single transaction or for admitting execution of one or more such documents;

(b)     when required in suits or proceedings under the Presidency Small Cause Court Act, 1882

(c)     when authorising one person or more to act in a single transac­tion other than the case mentioned in clause (a);

(d)     When authorizing not more than five persons to act jointly and severally in more than one transaction or generally;

(e)     When authorising more than five but not more than ten per­sons to act jointly and severally in more than one transaction or generally;

(f)      when giving for consideration and authorising the attorney to sell any immovable property;









(g)     when given to a promoter or developer by whatever name called, for construciton on or development of, or sale or transfer (in any manner what-soever) of, any immovable property.




























(h)     in any other case.


One hundred rupees





One hundred rupee.



One hundred rupees



One hundred rupees



One hundred rupees




The same duty as is leviable on a conveyance under Article 20 for the amount of the consid­eration or, as the case may be the market value of the im­movable property whichever is greater.

One rupee for every hundred rupees or part thereof of the market value of the property which is the subject matter of such power of attorney :

Provided that the provisions of section 32A shall mutatis mutandis apply to such instru­ment of power of attorney as they apply to a Conveyance under that section :

Provided further that when proper stamp duty is paid under clause (ga) of article 5, on an agreement or records thereof or memorandum of an agreement executed between the same property, the duty chargeable under this clause shall be rupees one hundred;

One hundred rupees for each person authorised.





(a)     when executed for the sole purpose of procuring the regis­tration of one or more documents in relation to a single transaction or for admitting execution of one or more such documents;

(b)     when required in suits or proceedings under the Presidency Small Cause Court Act, 1882

(c)     when authorising one person or more to act in a single transac­tion other than the case mentioned in clause (a);

(d)     when authorising not more than five persons to act jointly and severally in more than one transaction or generally;

(e)     when authorising more than five but not more than ten per­sons to actjointly and severally in more than one transaction of generally;

(f)      when giving for consideration and authorising the attorney to sell any immovable property;




(g)     in any other case.


One rupee fifty paise.




One rupee fifty paise.


Three rupees.



Fifteen rupees.



Thirty rupees.




The same duty as a Convey­ance (No. 23) as levied by this Act for the amount of consid­eration.

Three rupees for each person authorised.




Himachal Pradesh

(a)     when executed for the sole purpose of procuring the regis­tration of one or more documents in relation to a single transaction or for admitting execution of one or more such documents;

(b)     when required in suits or proceedings under the Presidency Small Cause Court Act, 1882

(c)     when authorising one person or more to act in a single transac­tion other than the case mentioned in clause (a);

(d)     when authorising not more than five persons to act jointly and severally in more than one transaction or generally;

(e)     when authorising more than five but not more than ten per­sons to act jointly and severally in more than one transaction of generally;

(f)      when giving for consideration and authorising the attorney to sell any immovable property;




(g)     in any other case.


One rupee fifty paise.




One rupee fifty paise.


Three rupees.



Fifteen rupees.



Thirty rupees.




The same duty as a Convey­ance (No. 23) as levied by this Act for the amount of consideration.

Three rupees for each person authorised.




Jammu & Kashmir

(a)     when executed for the sole purpose of procuring the regis­tration of one or more documents in relation to a single transaction or for admitting execution of one or more such documents;

(b)     when authorising one person or more to act in a single transac­tion other than the case mentioned in clause (a);

(c)     when authorising not more than five persons to act jointly and severally in more than one transaction or generally;

(d)     when authorising more than five but not more than ten per­sons to actjointly and severally in more than one transaction or generally;

(e)     when given for consideration and authorising the attorney to sell any immovable property;


(f)      in any other case.


Rs. 1.80





Rs. 3.60



Rs. 15.00



Rs. 30.00




The same duty as a Convey­ance (No. 23) for the amount of consideration.

Rs. 3.60 for each person authorised










(a)     when executed for the sole purpose of procuring the regis­tration of one or more documents in relation to a single transaction or for admitting execution of one or more such documents;

(b)     when authorising one person or more to act in a single transac­tion other than the case mentioned in clause (a);

(c)     when authorising not more than five persons to act jointly and severally in more than one transaction or generally;

(d)     when authorising more than five but not more than ten per­sons to act jointly and severally in more than one transaction or generally;

(e)     when given for consideration and authorising the attorney to sell any immovable property;

(ea) when given' to a promoter or developer by whatever name called for construction development on, or sale, or transfer (if any manner whatsoever) of, any immovable property situated in Karnataka State






























(eb) when given to person other than the father, mother, wife or husband, sons, daughters,brothers, sisters in relation to the executant authorising such person to sell immovable property situated in Karnataka State.














(g) in any other case.


One hundred rupees




One hundred rupees


One hundred rupees

Two hundred rupees




The same duty as a Conveyance (No. 20) for a market value equal to the amount of the consideration.

(i) Four rupees for every hundred or part thereof, on the market value of the property which is the subject matter of the in­strument subject to a maxim –um of rupees four lakhs.

(ii) If such market value is not set forth, then a fixed amount of rupees four lakhs:

Provided that where an agreement is executed between the same par­ties, in respect of same property and is stamped in accordance with Arti­cle 5(f) and in further­ance of such agreement if a power‑of‑attorney is subsequently executed, the duty on such power of attorney shall be in accordance with clause (f) of this Article.

Two rupees for every one hundred rupees or part thereof on the market value of the property which is the subject matter of power‑of‑attorney:

Provided that the duty paid on such instrument is adjust- able towards the duty payable on the instrument of sale or trans­fer executed subsequently in favour of either of Attorney holder or any other person.

One hundred rupees





(a)     when executed for the sole purpose of procuring the regis­tration of one or more documents in relation to a single transaction or for admitting execution of one or more such documents;

(b)     when authorising one person or more to act in a single transac­tion other than the case mentioned in clause (a);

(c)     when authorising not more than five persons to act jointly and severally in more than one transaction or generally;

(d)     when authorising more than five but not more than ten per­sons to act jointly and severally in more than one transaction or generally;

(e)     when given for consideration and authorising the attorney to sell any immovable property;




(f)      in any other case.


Twenty‑five rupees





Fifty rupees.



One hundred and fifty rupees.


Five hundred rupees.



The same duty as a conveyance (No. 21 or 22 as the case may be) for the amount of the consideration.

One hundred and fifty rupees for each person authorised.




Madhya Pradesh

(a)     when executed for the sole purpose of procuring the regis­tration of one or more documents in relation to a single transaction or for admitting execution of one or more such documents;

(b)     when required in suits or proceedings under the provincial Small Cause Court Act, 1887 (9 of 1887), or any other law relating to Small Cause Courts in force in any region of the State;

(c)     when authorising one person or more to act in a single transac­tion other than the case men­tioned in clause (a);

(d)     when authorising not more than five persons to act jointly and severally in more than one transaction or generally;

(e)     when authorising more than five but not more than ten per­sons to act jointly and severally in more than one transaction or generally;

(f)      when given for consideration and authorising the attorney to sell any immovable property;



(f‑1) when given without consideration in favour of persons who are not his or her spouse or Children, or mother or father and authorising the attorney to sell or transfer any immovable property.

(g) in any other case.


Ten rupees.





Ten rupees.





Twenty rupees



One hundred rupees



One hundred fifty rupees.



The same duty as a Conveyance under Article 23 on the market value of the property.

The same duty as a conveyance under Article 23 on the market value of the property.

Twenty rupees for each person authorised.





(a)     when executed for the sole purpose of procuring the regis­tration of one or more documents in relation to a single transaction or for admitting execution of one or more such documents;

(b)     when required in suits or proceedings under the Presidency Small Cause Court Act, 1882 (XV of 1882)

(c)     when authorising one person or more to act in a single transac­tion other than the case mentioned in clause (a);

(d)     when authorising one person to act in more than one transac­tion or generally;

(e)     when authorising more than one person to act in single transaction or more than one transaction jointly or severally or generally;

(f)      when given for consideration and authorising to sell an immovable property;








(g)     when given to a promoter or developer by whatever name called, for construction on, development of, or sale or transfer (in any manner whatsoever) of, any immovable property.






























(h)     in any other case.


One hundred rupees





One hundred rupees



One hundred rupees



One hundred rupees


One hundred rupees




The same duty as is leviable on a Conveyance under clause (a),(b), (c) or (d), as the case may be or Article 25, on the market value of the property.

Five rupees for every five hundred rupees or part thereof of the market value of the subject matter of property :


Provided that, the provisions of section 32A shall, mutatis mutandis, apply to such an instrument of power of attorney as they apply to a conveyance under that section:

Provided further that, when proper stamp duty is paid under clause (g‑a) of article 5 on an agreement, or records thereof or memorandum of an agree­ment executed between the same parties and in respect of the same property, the duty chargeable under this clause shall be rupees one hundred.

Five rupees for each person author-ised.





(a)     when executed for the sole purpose of procuring the regis­tration of one or more documents in relation to a single transaction or for admitting execution of one or more such documents;

(b)     xx

(c)     when authorising one person or more to act in a single transac­tion other than the case mentioned in clause (a);

(d)     when authorising not more than five persons to act jointly and severally in more than one transaction or generally;

(e)     when authorizing more than five but not more than ten per­sons to act jointly and severally in more than one transaction or generally;

(f)      when given for consideration and authorising the attorney to sell any immovable property;


(g)     in any other case.


Five rupees






Five rupees



Twenty‑five rupees



Fifty rupees.




The same duty as a conveyance (No. 23) for the amount of consideration.

Five rupees for each person authorized











(a)     when executed for the sole purpose of procuring the regis­tration of one or more documents in relation to a single transaction or for admitting execution of one or more such documents;

(b)     when required in suits or proceedings under the Presidency Small Cause Court Act, 1882

(c)     when authorising one person or more to act in a single transac­tion other than the case mentioned in clause (a);

(d)     when authorising not more than five persons to act jointly and severally in more than one transaction or generally;

(e)     when authorising more than five but not more than ten per­sons to act jointly and severally in more than one transaction or generally;

(f)      when given for consideration and authorising the attorney to sell any immovable property;


(g)     in any other case.


Four rupees.





Four rupees.



Seven rupees.



Thirty rupees.



Sixty rupees.




The same duty as a Convey­ance (No. 23) for the amount of consideration.

Five rupees for each person authorised.





(a)     when executed for the sole purpose of procuring the regis­tration of one or more documents in relation to a single transaction or for admitting execution of one or more such documents;

(b)     when required in suits or proceedings under the Presidency Small Cause Court Act, 1882

(c)     when authorising one person or more to act in a single transac­tion other than the case mentioned in clause (a);

(d)     when authorising not more than five persons to ad jointly and severally in more than one transaction or generally;

(e)     when authorising more than five but not more than ten per­sons to actjointly and severally in more than one transaction or generally;

(f)      when given for consideration and authorising the attorney to sell any immovable property;



(g)     in any other case.


Fifty rupees.





Five rupees.



Ten rupees.



Fifty rupees.



One hundred rupees




The same duty as a Conveyance (No. 23) for the amount of consideration.

Ten rupees for each person authorised.





(a)     when executed for the sole purpose of procuring the regis­tration of one or more documents in relation to a single transaction or for admitting execution of one or more such documents;

(b)     when required in suits or proceedings under the Presidency Small Cause Court Act, 1882

(c)     when authorising one person or more to act in a single transac­tion other than the case mentioned in clause (a);

(d)     when authorising not more than five persons to act jointly and severally in more than one transaction or generally;

(e)     when authorising more than five but not more than ten per­sons to act jointly and severally in more than one transaction or generally;

(f)      when given for consideration and authorising the attorney to sell any immovable property;




(g)     In any other case.


Five rupees





Five rupees



Fifteen rupees.



Seventy‑five rupees.


One hundred and fifty rupees.



The same duty as other Con­veyance (No. 23) as levied by this Act for the amount of consideration.

Fifteen rupees.



































































































































































































































(a)     when executed for the sole purpose of procuring the regis­tration of one or more documents in relation to a single transaction or for admitting execution of one or more such documents;

(b)     when authorising one person or more to act in a single transac­tion other than the case mentioned in clause (a);

(c)     when authorising not more than five persons to act jointly and severally in more than one transaction or generally;

(d)     when authoriging more than five but not more than ten per­sons to act jointly and severally in more than one transaction or generally;

(e)     when given for consideration and authorising the attorney to sell any immovable property;



(f)      in any other case.


Tamil Nadu

(a)when executed for the sole purpose of procuring the regis­tration of one or more docu­ments in relation to a single transaction or for admitting execution of one or more such documents;

(b)when authorising one person or more to act in a single transac­tion other than the case men­tioned in clause (a);

(c)when authorising not more than severally in more than one transaction or generally;

(d)when authorising more than five but not more than ten persons to act jointly and severally in more than one transaction or




(e)when given for consideration  and authorising the attorney to sell any immovable property;       





(f)in any other case.






(a)when executed for the sole purpose of procuring the regis­tration of one or more docu­ments in relation to a single transaction or for admitting execution of one or more such documents;


(c)when authorising one person or more to act in a single transac­tion other than the case men­tioned in clause (a);


(d)when authorising not more than five persons to act jointly and severally in more than one transaction or generally;


(e)when authorising more than five but not more than ten per­sons to act jointly and severally in more than one transaction or



(g)in any other case.



Uttar Pradesh


(a)when executed for the sole purpose of procuring the regis­tration of one or more docu­ments in relation to a single transaction or for admitting execution of one or more such documents;


(b)when authorizing one person or more to act on a single transac­tion other than the case men­tioned in clause (a);


(c)when authorizing not more than five persons to act jointly and severally in more than one transaction or generally;


(d)when authorizing more than five but not more than ten per­sons to act jointly and severally

in more than one transaction or generally;


(e)when given for consideration and authorizing the attorney to sell any immovable property;




(ee)When irrevocable authority is given to the attorney to sell immovable property.






(f)when authorizing more than ten to act jointly and severally in more than one trans­action or generality.




West Bengal  


(a)when executed for the sole purpose of procuring the regis­tration of one or more docu­ments in relation to a single transaction or for admitting execution of one or more such documents;


(b)when required in suits or proceedings under the Presidency Small Cause Court Act, 1882


(c)when authorising one person or more to act in a single transac­tion other than the case men­tioned in clause (a);


(d)when authorising not more than five persons to act jointly and severally in more than one transaction or generally;


(e)when authorising more than five but not more than ten per­sons to act jointly and severally in more than one transaction or



(f)when given for consideration and authorising the attorney to sell any immovable property;




[(g) when given to a promoter or developer,by whatever name called, for construction on, development of, sale of, or trans­fer (in any manner whatsoever)of, any immovable property;


[(h)when irrevocable authority is given to the authority to sell immovable property;




(i)in any other case.







(a)when executed for the sole purpose of procuring the registration of one or more documents in relation to a single transaction or for admitting execution of one or more such documents;


(b)when required in suits or proceedings under the Presidency Small Cause Courts Act, 1882


(c)when authorising one person or more to act in a single transac­tion other than the case men­

tioned in clause (a);


(d)when authorising not more than five persons to act jointly and severally in more than one transaction or generally;


(e)when authorising more than five but not more than ten per­sons to actjointly and severally in more than one transaction or



(f) when given for consideration and authorising the attorney tosell any immovable property;





(g)     in any other case.



Goa, Daman & Diu


(a)when executed for the solepurpose of procuring the regis­tration of one or more docu­ments in relation to a single transaction or for admitting execution of one or more such documents;


(b)when required in suits or proceedings under the Presidency Small Cause Courts Act, 1882


(c)when authorising one person or more to act in a single transac­tion other than the case men­tioned in clause (a);


(d)when authorising not more than five persons to act jointly and severally in more than one transaction or generally;


(e)when authorising more than five but not more than 10 per­sons to act jointly and severally in more than one transaction or



(f)when given for consideration and authorising the attorney to sell any immovable property;





(g)in any other case.






Central Act



Ten rupees





Ten rupees.



Thirty rupees.



Fifty rupees



The same duty as a Convey­ ance (No. 23) for the amount of consideration.

Ten rupees for each person authorised.


Five rupees.





Fifteen rupees.



One hundred rupees.


five persons to act jointly and


One hundred and seventy‑five rupees


The same duty as a Convey­ance (No. 23) for the market value equal to the amount of the consideration.


Twenty rupees for each person authorised.




Five rupees






Fifteen rupees.




Fifty rupees.




One hundred rupees.







Fifteen rupees for each person authorised.




Ten rupees






Twenty rupees.




Fifty‑four rupees.




One hundred rupees.




The same duty as a Convey­ ance (No. 23 clause (a)) for the amount of consideration.


The same duty as a Convey­ance (No. 23 clause (a)) on the market value of the property forming            subject of such



Ten rupees for each person persons authorised.







Rupees five.






Rupees five.



Rupees six.




Rupees fifty.




Rupees one hundred.





The same duty as a Convey­ ance     (No. 23) for the market value of the property.


The same duty as a conveyance(No. 23) for the market value of the property.


The same duty as a Convey­ance(No. 23) for the market. value of the property.


Rupees six for each person authorised.]






Twenty rupees.






Twenty rupees.



Fifty rupees.




Fifty rupees.




Fifty rupees.





The same duty as a Conveyance (No. 23) as levied by the Act for the amount of consid­



Fifty rupees for each person authorised.




Three rupees.






Three rupees.



Four rupees.




Fifteen rupees.




Twenty‑five rupees.





The same duty as under clause(a) or (b) as the case may be of Article No. 22 for the amount

of consideration.


Three rupees.





































































































































































































































