Ø      Projects costing upto Rs. 5 crores

Ø      Projects with Term Loan Component exceeding Rs. 5 Crores

Ø      Commercial Bank vis‑a‑vis Granting of Term Loans

Ø      Prudential Exposure Norms for Banks

Ø      Credit Exposure to Industry or Certain Sectors

Ø      Exposure to Unsecured Guarantees and Unsecured Advances

Ø      Prudential Exposure Norms for Financial Institutions

Ø      Proposal for Assistance

Ø      Debt Equity Ratio

Ø      Norms of Debt Equity Ratio

Ø      Promoter's Contribution

Ø      Schedule of Rates of Interest, Fees and Other Charges in relation to Project Finance

Ø      General Conditions Applicable for Assistance

Ø      Convertibility Clause

Ø      Nomination of Director

Ø      Repayment Period of Loans

Ø      Documentation and Disbursement of Rupee Term Loans

Ø      Disbursement and Utilisation of Loan

Ø      Charging of Securities

Ø      Registration of Charge

Ø      Co‑ordination between Banks and all India Financial Institutions: Sanctioning of Term Loans and Working Capital Limits by Banks

Ø      Association of Commercial Banks with the Project Appraisal Undertaken by all India Financial Institution

Ø      Financing of Cost Overrun of Projects

Ø      Sanction of Timely Working Capital Facilities and Release of Funds for Meeting Need‑based Requirements

Ø      Stipulation of Shorter Period for Repayment of Term Loans Extended by Banks Provision of Adequate Margin Money by Financial Institutions while Computing the Project Cost

Ø      Issue of Deferred Payment Guarantees (DPGs) by Banks Exclusively for Financing of Project

Ø      Stipulation of Bank Guarantees Against Term Loan Granted by Financial Institutions

Ø      Co‑ordination between Financial Institutions and Banks in case of Modernisation/ Expansion/Diversification of Existing Units

Ø      Grant of Term Loans for Import of Second Hand Machinery