Ø      Level of Current Assets

Ø      Broad Indicators

Ø      Approach to Lending

Ø      Withdrawal of Instructions relating to MPBF

Ø      Important relaxation permitted in calculation of MPBF/Current Ratio of 1.33:1

-     Treatment of export receivables

-          Treatment of bills negotiated under usance Letters of Credit as receivables

-          Treatment of term loan instalments


Ø                  Style of Credit

-          Financing Inventories in Excess of Stipulated Norms/broad indicators accepted by the banks

-          Treatment to be given to the Excess Borrowings

-          New Structure of Cash Credit Facility


Ø      Financing the Sales Receivables

Ø      New Information System

Ø      Chore Committee

Ø      Continuation of Cash Credit, Loan and Bills Facilities

Ø      Review of Borrowal Accounts

Ø      Bifurcation of Cash Credit Limit

Ø      Application of 2nd Method of Lending

Ø      Working Capital Term Loan

Ø      'Peak Level' and 'Normal Non‑Peak Level' Limits

Ø      Ad hoc or Temporary Limits

Ø      Fixation of Operative Limits

Ø      Cash Credit Limits against Book Debts

Ø      Drawee Bill Scheme

-          Acceptance System

-          Bill Discounting System


Ø      Non Submission of QIS Statements

Ø      Slip Back in Current Ratio

Ø      Diversion of Working Capital Finance

Ø      Kannan Committee Report on Working Capital Finance and withdrawal of Prescription Relating to MPBF

Ø      Present Scenario

Ø      Recommendations of Working Group on Discounting of Bills


Ø      Appendix 16.I      Quarterly Information System‑Form I for Traders and Merchant Exporters

Ø      Appendix 16.II     Quarterly Information System‑Form I for Manufacturers

Ø      Appendix 16.III    Quarterly Information System ‑ Form II for Traders & Merchant Exporters

Ø      Appendix 16.IV    Quarterly Information System ‑ Form II For Manufacturers

Ø      Appendix 16.V     Half‑yearly Operating Statement‑Form III(A) For Traders and Merchant Exporters

Ø      Appendix 16.VI    Half‑yearly Funds Flow Statement Form III(B) For Traders & Merchant Exporters

Ø      Appendix 16.VII   Half‑yearly Operating Statement‑Form III(A) For Manufacturers

Ø      Appendix 16.VIII  Half‑yearly Funds Flow Statement Form III(B) For Manufacturers

Ø      Appendix 16.IX     Draft Cash Budget